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2024届高考英语一轮复习话题复习课件:模块必修1 话题1 人际关系(新人教版必修模块)



  5.find it+ adj. +to do sth.觉得做某事是……的 原句

  Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them. 虽然我努力去跟我的同学交谈, 但我依然觉得跟他们成为好朋友是很困难的。(B1 P7) 说明



  I find it difficult to learn physics well.我觉得学好物理很难。 仿写 我认为学会开车是非常有用的。

  I think ________________________. it useful to learn to drive 原句

  I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都如此狂热。(P2 B1) 分析

  句中if引导一个_____从句,在该从句中it is…that…是强调结构,被强调的是because引导的原因状语从句。顺便说说,用于强调结构中的原因状语从句只能由_________引导,不能用as,since等词引导;to do with nature(与自然有关的)是不定式作________,修饰everything。 后置定语 宾语 because Thank You ! 4. concern


  n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 例句

  This matter concerns all of us.这件事与我们每个人都有关系。

  Your friend comes to school very upset and you tell him that you are concerned about him. 你的朋友来到学校心情很不好,你对他说你很担心他。


  adj. 担心的;忧虑的(=worried)

  prep. 关于;涉及(=about) be concerned about/for/that关心;担心 be concerned with sth.与某事有关(be about) as far as I am concerned对我个人来说 搭配 运用

  根据提示完成句子。 ⑴ _______________________ (就我而言), I’m not against your plan.

  ⑵ Last week,we did a survey among 2,600 students ___________________ (concern) “Who Is Your Idol”. concerning (=about) As far as I am concerned 5.settle vi. 安家;定居;停留

  vt. 使定居;安排;解决 例句

  After years of travel,we decided to settle in Guangzhou.我们旅行多年后,决定在广州安家。


  n. 移民;殖民者 settle down过上安定生活;静下心来 settle (down) to sth. 静下心来做某事 settle/solve the problem解决问题 搭配 运用

  根据提示完成句子。 ⑴ When are you going to ____________

  ___________ (结婚过上安定生活)?

  ⑵ He found it hard __________________ ________ (静下心来工作).

  ⑶ It is said that the first ________(settle) of this country were prisoners. settlers marry and settle down to settle (down) to his work 6.

  suffer vi.感到疼痛/痛苦(feel pain or sadness)

  vt.遭受,经历(experience something bad) 例句

  She suffered from loneliness.她遭受孤独的折磨。(suffer from:be badly affected by)

  派生 __________ n. 患病者,受难者

  __________ n. 疼痛,痛苦,折磨

  suffering sufferer suffer from受……之苦,患(病) suffer from headaches/ shock头痛/ 休克 suffer losses/ defeat遭受损失/失败 搭配 运用

  用suffer或suffer from的适当形式填空,并说出其汉语意思。 ⑴ The patient is still __________.



  ⑵ The football team________ a defeat yesterday. (


  ⑶ He ________________ toothache now. (

  ) 感到疼痛

  suffering 遭受, 经历

  suffered 患(牙痛) is suffering from

  7. recover vi.& vt.痊愈; 恢复; 重新获得 例句

  How can Linda recover from her illness in this room?琳达在这个房间里怎么能够在病后康复呢? recover one’s sight/ senses恢复视力/ 知觉 recover from the operation在手术后康复 搭配 运用

  根据提示完成句子。 ⑴ I must study hard_______________ _________(把失去的时间重新补回来).

  ⑵ He___________________________ (膝伤正在康复).

  to recover the lost time

  is recovering from a knee injury


  get along / on with与……相处;进展


  I am getting along well with a boy in my class. 我跟班上的一个男生相处很好。


  你的英语学习进展如何? How are you getting along with your English? 9.on purpose故意/in order to为了


  I came late on purpose in order not to see him.为了不见到他,我有意回来得晚。


  with/for the purpose of为了……的目的 in order to (do)为了(可位于句首)

  in order that(+从句)为了(可位于句首) so as to (do)为了(不能位于句首)

  so that(+从句)为了,结果(不能位于句首) 比较 ⑴ She spoke in a loud voice

  __________ __________________ (故意为了) make her noticed. 运用

  根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 on purpose in order to /so as to (2) _______________________________ (为了) achieve his goal,

  he started to work very hard.

  In order that he could/In order to be tired from 因……累了/疲劳 be fed up with对……感到厌烦 be bored with对……极其厌倦 10.be/get tired of 对……厌烦 例句

  We are tired of sitting in the classroom all day.我们厌倦了整天坐在教室里。 联想 填空

  Though Jack is often tired ______ his job,he is never tired ____ it. In fact,he enjoys it. of from

  11.join in参加(某项活动)


  Join in our discussion and maybe you will have a better idea.如果你加入我们的讨论,或许你会有更好的主意。 join sb.(in sth. / doing sth.)和某人一起做某事 join the army / the party参军 / 入党 attend the meeting参加会议 比较 (1) All the senior students are welcome

  to ______________________________(参加) the contest. The first five winners will be given prizes. 运用

  根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 join in /take part in /participate in (2) He ______(参加)us in the discussion yesterday. joined 写作句型仿写 1. There was a time when... 曾经有段时间……


  I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.我记得非常清楚, 以前, 湛蓝的天空, 鸟儿的歌唱, 月光和鲜花, 从未令我心迷神往过。(B1 P2) 例句

  There was a time when my son was crazy about computer games.曾经有段时间我儿子痴迷于电脑游戏。 曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习。 _____________________ I

  ____ ____________________. 仿写 There was a time when very tired of study was 2.happen to do…when…当……的时候……碰巧


  I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. 黄昏时刻我碰巧在楼上, 窗户是开着的。(B1 P2)


  I happened to be cooking when the telephone rang.电话铃响时我恰好在做饭。


  表示“碰巧做某事”也可用It happens/ happened that…句型。 仿写


  It happened that his parents were at home/ His parents happened to be at home when I called on him yesterday. 3.not…until…直到……才……


  I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut.直到不得不关窗时, 我才下楼。(B1 P2)


  Peter didn’t go home until the boss allowed him to leave.没有得到老板的允许,Peter一直没有回家。 说明

  1.倒装式:not until放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装;

  2.强调式:It is not until…that… 上述例句可改为: Not until the boss allowed him to leave did Peter go home.

  It was not until the boss allowed him to leave that Peter went home. 仿写


  I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework last night.

  4. It is the first time that...have/has done. 这是某人第一次做某事。


  It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。(B1 P2)


  This is the second time that I have come to Dongguan. 这是我第二次来东莞。 说明 ⑴ 本句型中的it可用this或that替代。 ⑵ first可改为second,third等。 ⑶ 当is改为was时,have/has改为had。 比较

  It is time that sb.did sth.是某人该做某事的时候了。(=It’s time for sb.to do sth.) 仿写

  根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 ⑴ 我告诉导游这是我第一次来台湾旅游。

  ___________________________________ __________________________________.

  I told the guide that it was the first time that I had travelled in Taiwan 话题1

  人际关系 基础知识自测 一、单词拼写

  1. ______

  n.黄昏 2. ______ adj.不安的 vt.使不安 3. ______ v.(使)平静 adj.平静的 4. _________ vi.打雷 n.雷; 雷声 5. ______ n.提示; 技巧 vt.倾斜 dusk upset calm thunder tip 6. ________ vi. 安家; 定居 7. ________ n.项目; 条款 8. ________ n.窗帘; 幕布 9. ________ n.伙伴; 合作者 10.________ adj.松的 settle item

  curtain partner loose 11. ___________ adj.感激的 12. ___________ vt. 担忧; 涉及 13. ___________ n.公路; 大路 14. ___________ n.手提箱; 衣箱 15. ___________ n. 十几岁的青少年

  grateful concern highway suitcase teenager 1. __________ n. 力量; 权力

  __________ adj.强有力的 二、单词拓展

  (A)单词派生 2. _______ n.灰尘

  _______ adj.积满灰尘的 dusty

  power powerful dust 3. ___________ v.恢复, 痊愈

  ___________ n.恢复,复苏

  recover recovery 4. ________ adj.准确的; 精确的

  ________ adv.确切地; 恰恰


  exact 5. _________ vi.同意

  _________ vi.不同意 agree disagree 1. They are discussing how to build up a _________ government. (power) 做定语, 修饰 government, 填形容词形式。

  2.He is on the road to ________. (recover) 作介词的宾语用名词。



  recovery 3. Please clean the ______ windows after class. (dust)

  4. His angry expression suggested he __________with the decision. (agree)

  由angry可知, 他“不同意”这项决定。 dusty disagreed 在名词前作定语, 用形容词。 5. To be more ______, there are 3006 students in their school now. (exact) 作表语用形容词。 exact 1. _____________ 合计 2. _____________ (使)平静; (使)镇定 3. _____________ 遭受; 患病 4. _____________ 经历; 经受 三、短语翻译

  add up calm down suffer from go through 5. ________________ 关心; 挂念 6. _____________对…十分狂热/痴迷 7. ______________ 对……厌烦 8. ______________ 与……相处; 进展 be concerned about be crazy about be/ get tired of get along with 9. __________________________ 与……无关 10. ______________ 故意 11. _________在黄昏时刻 12. _________ 记下; 放下; 登记 set down have nothing to do with on purpose at dusk 四、语篇填空

  Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything 1 _____, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand 2 ______ you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the 3______ (one) kind, so she made her diary her 4 ______(good) friend.





  Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so they had to hide 5 ___ they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hid away 6 ___

  nearly twenty-five months before they

  7 _____________

  (discover). During that time the only true friend was her diary.



  were discovered

  She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary 8 ____ most people do, but I want this diary 9 ________(it) to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after 10 ______(be) in the hiding place since July 1942. as



  1. to

  由tell sth. to sb.搭配可知。 2. what

  引导宾语从句并在从句中作are going through的宾语,表示“所……的事”。 3. first

  由the和后一分句的内容可知,应填其“序数词”,表示“第一种/类”朋友。 4. best

  由前文可知,是可以tell everything的朋友,当然是最好的朋友,用最高级。 5. or

  由前后的语气可知,用表示“否则”的连词or连接两个并列句。 6. for

  表示躲了多长一段时间,故用“for+时间段”。 7. were discovered

  主语they与discover是被动关系,又由上下文可知是一般过去时,故用一般过去时的被动语态。 8. as

  引导方式状语从句,表示“像……那样”。 9. itself

  想把日记“本身”作为自己的朋友。 10. being

  在介词后作宾语,用动名词。 五、语段改错

  I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for very long that I’ve grown so

  crazy about everything to do with the nature…

  For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose at half past eleven in

  order to have a good look the moon by myself.

  so until

  at But as the moon gave far too many light, I didn’t

  dare open a window. Another time five months before, I happen to be upstairs at dusk when the

  window was open. The dark, rain evening, the

  thundering clouds held me entire in their power.

  It was the first time in a year and a half that I have seen the night face to face…

  had much ago happened rainy entirely 1. very→ so

  因为so…that…是固定句型。 2. 去掉nature前的the

  因为nature是不可数名词,习惯上不用冠词。 3. at→ until

  没睡这种状态延续到11点半,表示“直到”,用until。 4. 在look后加at

  因为表示“看一看”某人或某物,要说have a look at。 5. many→ much

  因light表示“光,光亮”是不可数名词,不能用many修饰,而要用much。但light作“电灯,点火物”时是可数名词。 6. before→ ago

  指离作者写此日记时(“现在”)是五个月前,而不是相对过去的某个时间来说五个月前,故用ago而不用before。 7. happen→ happened

  五个月前发生的事,用一般过去时。 8. rain→ rainy

  在名词evening前作定语,意为“下着雨的”,要用形容词,故改为rainy。 9. entire→ entirely

  修饰动词held,作状语用副词,表示“完全地”。 10. have→ had



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