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2024届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:必修1 Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》(含解析)



  Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero


  Part A



  Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice.Gifts are easy—they’re given after all.Choices can be hard.

  I got the idea to start Amazon 16 years ago.I came across the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2,300 percent per year.I’d never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast,and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me.I had just turned 30 years old,and I’d been married for a year.I told my wife MacKenzie that I wanted to quit my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldn’t work since most start-ups don’t,and I wasn’t sure what to expect.MacKenzie told me I should go for it.As a young boy,I’d been a garage inventor.I’d always wanted to be an inventor,and she wanted me to follow my passion.

  I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a bunch of very smart people,and I had a brilliant boss that I much admired.I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet.He took me on a long walk in Central Park,listened carefully to me,and finally said,“That sounds like a really good idea,but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn’t yet have a good job.” That logic made some sense to me,and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours before making a final decision.Seen in that light,it really was a difficult choice,but finally,I decided I had to give it a shot(尝试).I didn’t think I’d regret trying and failing.And I suspected I would always be haunted by a decision not to try at all. 

  After much consideration,I took the less safe path to follow my passion,and I’m proud of that choice.For all of us,in the end,we are our choices.

  1.What inspired the author with the idea of building an online bookstore?

  A.His dream of being an inventor.

  B.The support of his wife.

  C.The greatly increasing usage of the Internet.

  D.Millions of exciting titles.

  2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence?

  A.The idea of not trying would keep coming to his mind and disturb him.

  B.He would be very excited if he tried it out.

  C.He would be always having a doubt if he didn’t try.

  D.The decision not to try the online bookstore would terrify him.

  3.We can know from the passage that. 

  A.the boss thought the idea was suitable for the author

  B.the author wanted someone else to try the idea

  C.the author might not regret if he failed the idea

  D.the author might go back to his boss if he failed

  4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  A.Cleverness and kindness

  B.The starting of Amazon

  C.Following my passion

  D.We are what we choose


  1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三句“I came across the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2,300 percent per year.I’d never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast,and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me.”可知,互联网的迅速发展让“我”萌生了创建一个网络书店的想法。故选C项。

  2.A 细节推断题。根据划线句子前的“but finally,I decided I had to give it a shot”可知,“我”决定辞职尝试建网站。结合“And”一词可知,划线句子与前一句意思一致,主要是说“我”不害怕尝试和失败,但会因为想法没有付诸实践而愧疚。故选A项。

  3.C 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句“I didn’t think I’d regret trying and failing.”可知,“我”不会为尝试和失败感到后悔。故选C项。

  4.D 标题归纳题。根据最后一段“After much consideration,I took the less safe path to follow my passion,and I’m proud of that choice.For all of us,in the end,we are our choices.”可知,“我”把自己的热情付诸实践,并且获得了成功。因而是我们的选择成就了我们每一个人。D项概括了文章主旨。


  Watson entered Mr Smith’s office.The boss was a hard man.He fired people who didn’t do well without giving them a second chance.

  “Watson,” said Mr Smith,“this past year your department hasn’t earned money.We’re going to drop that department.It’s finished.I’m sorry,but you’ll have to go.” “But,sir—if I just had a little more time.For the moment I need the job to keep my son at Riverside School.”

  “What’s that!” said the boss.“Riverside!I didn’t know you had a boy there.That’s an expensive school for a man with your salary.”

  “I know,sir.But he likes there so much!He’s a star athlete and the best boxer in the school.The boys call him Champ(冠军)there.”

  The boss sat perfectly still for a long time—a faraway (恍惚的) look in his eyes.Then,suddenly,he said,“We’ve got to close your department,Watson.But you’ll take over a new job in another department.It means longer hours—maybe more pay.Now get out.You’re here for life.”

  Watson got out,with surprise on his face.Then the boss took a letter from the top drawer of his desk.It was Herbie’s last letter from Riverside School—written a few days before he died.He had read it over and over again with sick pain.The letter read:

  I can’t say the boys here are any nicer to me than the others were.I guess it’s the same everywhere when you’re a cripple (跛脚的人).But don’t worry about me,Dad.They’ve got a good chemistry department here.And there’s one boy here who is really great.He’s a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry.The boys call him Champ.He made them stop throwing my books around.And he knocked a boy down who hit me.He is the best friend I ever had.Dad,when I grow up,I want to do something for Champ.Something big—that he won’t even know about.

  Your son,



  1.Mr Smith wanted to fire Watson because . 

  A.Watson would take over a new job in another department

  B.Watson had his son study in Riverside School

  C.Watson’s son knocked a boy down who hit Herbie

  D.Watson’s department didn’t earn money that year

  2.We can learn from the passage that . 

  A.Mr Smith didn’t know that Champ was Watson’s son at first

  B.Mr Smith was told not to fire Watson by Herbie

  C.Mr Smith decided to give Watson another chance in no time

  D.Mr Smith wanted to realize Champ’s dream

  3.According to the passage,which words can best describe Mr Smith?

  A.Sympathetic and grateful.

  B.Selfish and greedy.

  C.Hardworking and strict.

  D.Easy-going and optimistic.

  4.The author wrote the passage in order to. 

  A.make our children enjoy life

  B.share a moving story with us

  C.provide us with tips on work

  D.help us to deal with our boss


  1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“‘Watson,’ said Mr Smith...but you’ll have to go.”可知Smith先生要开除Watson的原因是Watson负责的部门当年没有盈利。

  2.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“I didn’t know you had a boy there.”可知Smith先生起初并不知道Champ是Watson的儿子。

  3.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“But you’ll take over a new job in another department.It means longer hours—maybe more pay... You’re here for life.”可知,Smith先生是一个有同情心且懂得感恩的人。

  4.B 目的意图题。通过阅读文章可知,作者写这篇文章是为了分享一个让我们懂得感恩的感人故事。



  It was raining lightly when I 1.(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn’t care.A few hours 2.,I’d been at home in Hong Kong,with 3.(it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain. 

  I’d skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 4. are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 5.(painting).Instead,I’d headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it’s only an hour away 6. car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. 

  Yangshuo 7.(be) really beautiful.A study of travelers 8.(conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it 9.(regular) arranges quick getaways here for people 10.(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 


  1.arrived。根据“It was raining lightly”可知这里讲述的是过去发生的事情,因此用一般过去时。

  2.before/earlier。联系空后的“I’d been at home in Hong Kong”可知,作者在讲述几个小时以前发生的事情。

  3.its。结合空后的“choking smog”可知,此处指的是香港的令人窒息的雾霾,应用形容词性物主代词。


  5.paintings。空前有so many修饰,因此这里的名词应该用复数形式。

  6.by。联系空前的“it’s only an hour away”可知,这里指坐车只有一个小时的路程。





  Part B


  Speaking up

  I never looked up when my friends were talking and joking about the retarded(智障的) boy a few tables away.It didn’t even cross my mind that he might feel  1  when people whispered about him.So I just let them talk. 

  Then came the day when I learned my little brother Martin’s testing for autism(自闭症) came out positive(阳性).I had never thought about him like that.I broke  2 ,crying.Everything had just changed.He was no longer a(n)  3  little boy. 

  Over time,I was able to accept his  4  a little more.We had to  5  because Martin needed treatment.So Martin and I both started at a new school.One day,I was standing in the bus line waiting when a “short” bus(for the retarded) came and  6  up some kids.The children in the other line started making  7  about the “retarded” on that bus and I felt a  8  feeling in my heart.I said quietly that those comments weren’t very nice, 9  no one listened. 

  My family moved again.In the new school I got a  10  to speak up pretty soon.That day,in a band class,my teacher  11  our playing to make some comments,“...Guys,we’re playing like the kids on the short bus!Come on!” The entire room was laughing loudly.I felt very  12 .Then,I raised my hand.I wasn’t sure what I was going to say but I wanted to be heard. 

  The whole class  13  down.My mouth opened and this came out:“I don’t think we should make fun of the short bus,because there are people on that bus who have a lot in common with us and have the same feelings as we do.” I could feel my  14  getting louder.“So I would  15  it if you didn’t make fun of them.” 

  The room was very quiet and everyone stared at me.My teacher  16  for his words and then started the song again.At the end of the class,everyone was giving me strange looks.But I didn’t  17 ,because I knew three things:I had spoken the  18 .I had taught everyone something,and while everyone in the classroom was being a follower,I had  19  to take a different path since I wanted to become a  20  and a role model. 


  1.A.amazed B.hurt

  C.uncertain D.cold

  2.A.off B.in

  C.down D.away

  3.A.normal B.noisy

  C.outstanding D.impressive

  4.A.pain B.interest

  C.opinion D.illness

  5.A.change B.move

  C.quit D.study

  6.A.set B.took

  C.brought D.picked

  7.A.jokes B.complaints

  C.choices D.discoveries

  8.A.violent B.strange

  C.confusing D.clear

  9.A.because B.if

  C.but D.so

  10.A.chance B.position

  C.topic D.point

  11.A.encouraged B.bothered

  C.enjoyed D.stopped

  12.A.bad B.embarrassed

  C.tense D.guilty

  13.A.sat B.slowed

  C.quieted D.looked

  14.A.pace B.voice

  C.pulse D.breath

  15.A.excuse B.appreciate

  C.stand D.permit

  16.A.apologized B.fought

  C.allowed D.argued

  17.A.understand B.notice

  C.return D.care

  18.A.wisdom B.importance

  C.matter D.truth

  19.A.helped B.decided

  C.agreed D.hoped

  20.A.reporter B.thinker

  C.leader D.trainer


  1.B 当人们在悄悄议论的时候,“我”根本就没有想到过他会受到伤害。拿智障者开玩笑自然会使其受到伤害,B项符合语境。amazed“吃惊的”;hurt“受伤害的”;uncertain“不确定的”。

  2.C “我”从未想到会是这种情况,不禁失声痛哭起来。由crying可知,应选择C项。break down意为“感情失控,精神崩溃”。break off“突然结束,中断(谈话)”;break in“闯入,插嘴”;break away“逃脱,挣脱”。

  3.A 一切都发生了变化,他不再是一位正常的小男孩了。A项与前句含义吻合。normal“正常的”;noisy“嘈杂的,喧闹的”;outstanding“杰出的,显著的”;impressive“感人的,给人印象深刻的”。

  4.D 随着时间的推移,“我”逐渐接受了他的病情。D项符合语境。

  5.B 由下文“So Martin and I both started at a new school.”和第四段第一句“My family moved again.”可知,此处表示“因马丁需要治疗,我们必须要搬家”,故选择B项。

  6.D set up“建立,竖起”;take up“拿起,开始从事,占据(时间、地方)”;bring up“养育,教育,呕吐”;pick up“搭载,让人乘车”。D项符合语境。

  7.A 另一队里的孩子们开始取笑那辆班车上的“智障者”。make jokes about sb“取笑某人”,A项符合文意。complaint“抱怨”;choice“选择”;discovery“发现”。

  8.B “我”心中萌生了一种异样的感受,B项符合语境。violent“暴力的”;strange“奇怪的”;confusing“令人困惑的,混乱的”;clear“清楚的,清澈的”。

  9.C “我”平静地说这样评论人不好,但没有人听“我”的。此处前后句为转折关系,应选C项。

  10.A 在这所新学校里,“我”很快就得到了一次为智障者辩护的机会。A项顺承下文文意。speak up“大胆地说出来,进行辩护”。

  11.D 由下文“...Guys,we’re playing like the kids on the short bus!Come on!”可以推知老师认为我们的演奏很糟糕,让我们停止演奏,所以选D项。stop在此意为“制止,阻止”。



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