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Seoul has accused Pyongyang of duplicity bystrengthening its military posture this weekendeven as negotiators from the two Koreas try to reverse a rise in tensions.


Senior officials on Sunday afternoon resumed bilateral talks that ran late into Saturday nightwithout agreement, and which were prompted by a rare exchange of artillery fire this week.


But as Sunday’s meeting got under way, South Korea’s defence ministry accused Pyongyangof showing “two faces by deploying additional military assets over the weekend. It said NorthKorea had raised its frontline artillery assets to double the normal level and that 70 per cent itssubmarines were away from their bases.


Senior officials from both sides met on Saturday evening at the truce village of Panmunjeom,which straddles the inter-Korean border, to discuss measures to repair relations. At 4.15amthe negotiators agreed to adjourn the talks and resume on Sunday afternoon.


The Pyongyang contingent was led by Hwang Pyong So, the North Korean army’s top politicalofficer, who has become one of the closest aides to Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader, afterrising through the Korean Workers’ party.

朝方由朝鲜人民军总政治局局长黄炳誓(Hwang Pyong-so)带队。黄炳誓在朝鲜劳动党(Korean Workers'Party)内逐步晋升之后,成为最高领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)最为亲密的助手之一。

South Korea’s negotiators were headed by Kim Kwan-jin, head of national security office and atop adviser to President Park Geun-hye, who came to power in 2023 vowing to build trust withPyongyang.

韩方由青瓦台国家安保室室长、韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)高级顾问金宽镇(Kim Kwan-jin)领队。朴槿惠在2023年上台之际曾承诺要建立韩朝信任关系。

Prospects of improving relations have been undermined by a series of diplomatic and militaryconfrontations. The latest came two weeks ago when Seoul accused Pyongyang of laying minesthat maimed two South Korean soldiers on the southern edge of the demilitarised zone thatdivides the peninsula.


On Thursday North Korea fired three shells over the border and South Korea responded byfiring about three dozen. There were no reports of any casualties. Pyongyang then threatenedfurther military action if loudspeakers blaring propaganda across the border from the southwere not silenced by Saturday afternoon.


Despite the joint effort to bring calm over the weekend, the military posturing continued. OnSaturday eight US and South Korean combat jets flew over the peninsula in a show of force.Seoul’s defence ministry said on Sunday its forces remained on high alert, and that thepropaganda broadcasts were continuing.


Meanwhile, the “semi-war footing North Korea assumed on Friday remains in force, with statemedia on Saturday carrying warnings of the country’s readiness for conflict.


“We servicepersons are eagerly waiting for an order of attack on the provokers, Hong Chul, anarmy officer, was quoted as saying. “The time of ultimate destruction on the part of theSouth Korean group of traitors is near at hand.

媒体援引朝鲜军官Hong Chul的话称:“我们军人急切地等待着打击挑衅者的命令。最终打垮南朝鲜逆贼集团的时机近在咫尺。

Experts this week noted that North Korea routinely threatens war to put pressure on Seouland Washington, but warned that the exchange of fire was unusual and raised the risks ofdangerous accidents.


“Pyongyang instigates crises approximately twice per year, ratcheting up tensions, grabbingheadlines and then fading away until the next bizarre or bellicose incident, ChristianWhiton, a former US envoy for North Korean human rights, wrote on Saturday for CNN. “Unfortunately, North Korea is getting better at creative aggression.

美国前朝鲜人权问题特使克里斯蒂安惠顿(Christian Whiton)上周六为美国有线电视资讯网(CNN)撰稿时指出:“平壤方面几乎每年都会有两次挑起危机,加剧紧张局势,抢占资讯头条,随后偃旗息鼓,直至下一起古怪或挑衅的事件发生。遗憾的是,朝鲜对创造性挑衅越来越得心应手。


Seoul has accused Pyongyang of duplicity bystrengthening its military posture this weekendeven as negotiators from the two Koreas try to reverse a rise in tensions.


Senior officials on Sunday afternoon resumed bilateral talks that ran late into Saturday nightwithout agreement, and which were prompted by a rare exchange of artillery fire this week.


But as Sunday’s meeting got under way, South Korea’s defence ministry accused Pyongyangof showing “two faces by deploying additional military assets over the weekend. It said NorthKorea had raised its frontline artillery assets to double the normal level and that 70 per cent itssubmarines were away from their bases.


Senior officials from both sides met on Saturday evening at the truce village of Panmunjeom,which straddles the inter-Korean border, to discuss measures to repair relations. At 4.15amthe negotiators agreed to adjourn the talks and resume on Sunday afternoon.


The Pyongyang contingent was led by Hwang Pyong So, the North Korean army’s top politicalofficer, who has become one of the closest aides to Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader, afterrising through the Korean Workers’ party.

朝方由朝鲜人民军总政治局局长黄炳誓(Hwang Pyong-so)带队。黄炳誓在朝鲜劳动党(Korean Workers'Party)内逐步晋升之后,成为最高领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)最为亲密的助手之一。

South Korea’s negotiators were headed by Kim Kwan-jin, head of national security office and atop adviser to President Park Geun-hye, who came to power in 2023 vowing to build trust withPyongyang.

韩方由青瓦台国家安保室室长、韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)高级顾问金宽镇(Kim Kwan-jin)领队。朴槿惠在2023年上台之际曾承诺要建立韩朝信任关系。

Prospects of improving relations have been undermined by a series of diplomatic and militaryconfrontations. The latest came two weeks ago when Seoul accused Pyongyang of laying minesthat maimed two South Korean soldiers on the southern edge of the demilitarised zone thatdivides the peninsula.


On Thursday North Korea fired three shells over the border and South Korea responded byfiring about three dozen. There were no reports of any casualties. Pyongyang then threatenedfurther military action if loudspeakers blaring propaganda across the border from the southwere not silenced by Saturday afternoon.


Despite the joint effort to bring calm over the weekend, the military posturing continued. OnSaturday eight US and South Korean combat jets flew over the peninsula in a show of force.Seoul’s defence ministry said on Sunday its forces remained on high alert, and that thepropaganda broadcasts were continuing.


Meanwhile, the “semi-war footing North Korea assumed on Friday remains in force, with statemedia on Saturday carrying warnings of the country’s readiness for conflict.


“We servicepersons are eagerly waiting for an order of attack on the provokers, Hong Chul, anarmy officer, was quoted as saying. “The time of ultimate destruction on the part of theSouth Korean group of traitors is near at hand.

媒体援引朝鲜军官Hong Chul的话称:“我们军人急切地等待着打击挑衅者的命令。最终打垮南朝鲜逆贼集团的时机近在咫尺。

Experts this week noted that North Korea routinely threatens war to put pressure on Seouland Washington, but warned that the exchange of fire was unusual and raised the risks ofdangerous accidents.


“Pyongyang instigates crises approximately twice per year, ratcheting up tensions, grabbingheadlines and then fading away until the next bizarre or bellicose incident, ChristianWhiton, a former US envoy for North Korean human rights, wrote on Saturday for CNN. “Unfortunately, North Korea is getting better at creative aggression.

美国前朝鲜人权问题特使克里斯蒂安惠顿(Christian Whiton)上周六为美国有线电视资讯网(CNN)撰稿时指出:“平壤方面几乎每年都会有两次挑起危机,加剧紧张局势,抢占资讯头条,随后偃旗息鼓,直至下一起古怪或挑衅的事件发生。遗憾的是,朝鲜对创造性挑衅越来越得心应手。



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