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雅思阅读:题型归纳Summary (Part 4)




  我们已经对标准型的Summary进行了说明,那么Summary的变体是什么呢?我们来看看雅思题型中的Notes Completion。

  所谓变体,即在符合Summary基本特征的同时具备某些特殊性。Notes Completion是 这样的么?让我们先回答几个问题:

  Question One:Notes在这里指什么?


  Question Two:我们一般什么时候记笔记?

  Answer:上课,听讲座等时候都是taking notes的经典场合。

  Question Three:怎么记笔记呢什么信息都可以放在笔记里面吗?



  另外,从纯粹的外观和完成答案的方式来看,Notes Completion也和Summary一样是填空题的一种,所以在内在的语法制约层面也是相似的。我们来看一些剑桥雅思系列中出现的Notes Completion的实例。

  1. 整句型Notes Completion

  Questions 8-13

  Complete the notes below.

  Choose ONE OR TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

  In the first strategy, words with the lowest absenteeism in different periods would win prizes denoted by

  In the second strategy, staff were given more control over their

  In the third strategy, nurses who appeared to be taking ... sick leave or were identified and counseled.

  Initially, there was a per cent decrease in absenteeism.

  The first strategy was considered ineffective and stopped. The second and third strategies generally resulted in better among staff.



  我们已经对标准型的Summary进行了说明,那么Summary的变体是什么呢?我们来看看雅思题型中的Notes Completion。

  所谓变体,即在符合Summary基本特征的同时具备某些特殊性。Notes Completion是 这样的么?让我们先回答几个问题:

  Question One:Notes在这里指什么?


  Question Two:我们一般什么时候记笔记?

  Answer:上课,听讲座等时候都是taking notes的经典场合。

  Question Three:怎么记笔记呢什么信息都可以放在笔记里面吗?



  另外,从纯粹的外观和完成答案的方式来看,Notes Completion也和Summary一样是填空题的一种,所以在内在的语法制约层面也是相似的。我们来看一些剑桥雅思系列中出现的Notes Completion的实例。

  1. 整句型Notes Completion

  Questions 8-13

  Complete the notes below.

  Choose ONE OR TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

  In the first strategy, words with the lowest absenteeism in different periods would win prizes denoted by

  In the second strategy, staff were given more control over their

  In the third strategy, nurses who appeared to be taking ... sick leave or were identified and counseled.

  Initially, there was a per cent decrease in absenteeism.

  The first strategy was considered ineffective and stopped. The second and third strategies generally resulted in better among staff.




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