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一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。







1. 中华文明探源

trace the origins of Chinese civilization


The project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization released its archaeological research results on Monday. According to its findings, Chinese civilization can be traced back more than 5,000 years based on the large-scale archaeological research in many domestic ruins.


"中华文明探源工程成果发布会"28日在国务院资讯办公室举行。中国国家文物局副局长关强介绍,探源工程是以考古研究(archaeological research)为获取相关资料的主要手段,以现代科学技术为支撑,采取多学科交叉研究(multidisciplinary scientific research)的方式,揭示中华民族5000年文明起源与早期发展的重大科研项目。该工程由中国社科院考古研究所、北京大学考古文博学院牵头,联合近70家科研院所、高等院校和地方考古研究机构共同参与。

多年来,探源工程专家聚焦良渚、陶寺、石峁、二里头等都邑性遗址(capital city-level sites),以田野考古(field archaeology)工作为中心,为实证5000年中华文明提供重要证据。

经过多年研究,专家们对中华文明起源和早期发展的过程进行了梗概式描述。距今5800年前后,黄河、长江中下游以及西辽河等区域出现了文明起源迹象(signs of civilization emerged);距今5300年以来,长江、黄河以及辽河西岸部分地区陆续进入了文明阶段(stepped into the age of civilization);距今3800年前后,中原地区形成了更为成熟的文明形态(a more mature civilization took shape in central China),并向四方辐射文化影响力(spread cultural influence around),成为中华文明总进程的核心与引领者(the focus and leader in formation of the Chinese civilization)。


遗址挖掘 excavations in the ruins

内城 inner city

外城 outer city

中华文明探源工程 the project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization

2. 僵尸政策

zombie policies


Over the years, central and local governments have issued a variety of policies aimed at social and economic development that have failed to be properly implemented. These well-intentioned but "dormant" policies are known as zombie policies.


这些政策未能得到有效实施(failed to be effectively implemented)有很多的原因。一些政策制定者(policymakers)只是拟定了政策的粗略框架(only draw up the rough framework),而并没有详细说明应该如何实施,从而使政策执行难。各项政策之间的关系也没有理顺(the relationships among various policies are not straightened out),一些新政策与其他现行政策相悖(some new policies are in contradiction with other existing policies)。除此之外,部分政策缺少可行性(lack feasibility),只是地方决策者的冲动决定(impulsive decision)。

这些"僵尸政策(zombie policies)"不仅对企业和公众无益(can hardly benefit the enterprises and the public),反而破坏了政府的权威和信誉(undermine the government's authority and credibility)。此外,它们还破坏了当地营商环境(local business environments),拖累社会和经济发展。

为了公众和企业的利益,所有"僵尸政策"都应尽快被清理,实施或改进(all the zombie policies should be cleaned up, implemented or improved)。与此同时,还需建立监督机制(supervision mechanism),确保未来政策的有效实施。


僵尸企业 zombie enterprise

僵尸粉 zombie/phantom follower

僵尸电脑 zombie computer

僵尸肉 zombie meat, long-expired frozen meat products

3. 绿色物流

green logistics


China's e-commerce giant Alibaba initiated its 2024 Green Logistics project on all of its platforms, vowing to ensure all its bags are biodegradable and all cartons can be recycled by 2024.


据称其它电商和物流公司(logistics companies)也将效仿阿里巴巴推出类似的绿色物流(green logistics)计划。监测数据显示,各大快递企业(express enterprises)去年共处理400.6亿件快递(handled a total of 40.06 billion deliveries),同比增长28%,共消耗了192亿个箱子(cartons)、58亿个编织袋(woven bags)、150亿个塑料袋(plastic bags)和300多亿米的包装胶带(packaging tape)。

2024年8月,国家邮政局出台了《快递业发展绿色包装方案》(a plan on advancing green packaging in the express delivery industry),2024年11月,国家邮政局、国家发改委、科技部、环保部等十个部级单位(ministerial-level departments)又联合发布了《关于协同推进快递业绿色包装工作的指导意见》。

业内专家称,政府仍需制定绿色物流国家标准(draw up a national standard for green logistics),这有助于实现不同企业间物流技术、产品和服务的兼容互通,促使企业加强在新技术、新模式研究和开发方面的合作,从而使其服务更具环境友好性(to boost the environmental friendliness of their services)。


绿色包装 green packaging

散装物料消耗 bulk material consumption

绿色循环箱 green circulation box

环保袋 environment-friendly bag

美好愿景 good vision

4. 煎饼馃子

jianbing guozi, or deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake


Tianjin's catering industry association has approved a cooking standard of the city's renowned snack known as jianbing guozi, or deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake.



1) 天津煎饼馃子的原料(ingredients)是绿豆面(green bean flour)、小米面(millet flour)、鸡蛋、面粉等;

2) 辅料(dressings)包括面酱、葱末(chopped scallions)、辣酱(chili sauce)、腐乳(酱豆腐)、芝麻;

3) 馃子又称油条(deep-fried dough sticks);馃箅儿是油炸面制食品,薄、脆,形状方形;

4) 刷子摊成的薄饼直径应在38-45cm;

5) 成品建议两小时内食用(to be consumed within 2 hours)。

此举引发了大量讨论,网友质疑是否有必要为煎饼馃子制定统一的制作标准(unify the cooking standards)。煎饼馃子分会秘书长宋冠鸣在接受中国日报采访时表示,煎饼馃子作为中国知名小吃(renowned Chinese snack)在天津已有600年的历史,而且已经成为世界各地都喜爱的一种美食(become a favorite gourmet flavor worldwide)。"但我们的目的并不是把煎饼馃子做成肯德基这样的标准化快餐。我们只是希望更好地规范这一历史悠久的天津名吃的加工过程、制作工艺和食品卫生(better regulate the cooking process, techniques and health safety for the time-honored Tianjin snack)。"


咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg

馒头 steamed buns

豆浆 soybean milk

卤肉饭 braised pork rice

阳春面 plain noodles

馄饨面 wonton and noodles

烧仙草 grass jelly

重庆小面 Chongqing spicy noodles

牛肉拉面 hand-pulled noodles with beef

炒米粉 fried rice noodles

刀削面 sliced noodles

凉面 cold noodles

凉皮 cold rice noodles

凉糕 cold rice cake

花枝羹 squid thick soup

蛤蜊汤 clam chowder

爱玉 vegetarian gelatin

双皮奶 milk custard

牡蛎煎 oyster omelet

椰子冻 coconut jelly

臭豆腐 stinky tofu (smelly tofu)

卤煮 stewed assorted giblets with wheaten cake

锅巴 crispy rice

烤串 kebab

蛋卷 egg rolls

春卷 spring rolls

肉夹馍 meat burger

5. 马甲线

firm abs


This year, "majia xian" or firm abs become the goal of Chinese women's pre-summer workouts, CNN reported.


报道称,除了那些在公园跳广场舞的大妈(aunties square-dancing in the park)和一些在旁边练太极的人(tai chi practitioners),锻炼并非中国文化的一部分。但如今,这种状况正在改变,"马甲线(flat and firm abs, abdominal muscles)"已成为社交媒体热搜话题,是许多中国女性今夏的目标。由于健美的腹部肌肉轮廓(the outline of well-toned abdominal muscles)看起来像一件马甲,中国人把腹肌叫做马甲线。

长期以来,中国女性一直把美丽与骨感联系在一起(women in China have long associated being beautiful with being skinny)。近年来社交媒体上流行的"A4腰挑战"(A4 waist challenge featuring women posting pictures of themselves covering their waists with an A4 sheet of paper)等可证实这种迷恋。

但如今对一些中国女性来说,去健身房的初衷已发生改变(going to the gym has changed their goals),因为她们发现,体形能通过增肌而非减重来改变(body shape can be changed somewhat by gaining muscle without losing weight)。

许多痴迷健身的女性(workout-obsessed women)愈发意识到,无论如何努力自己都不会成为超模(no matter how hard they try, they won't be supermodels),个人形体取决于多重因素(physiques can vary due to a number of factors)。这是她们在接受自我的路上(on their path to self-acceptance)踏出的关键一步。对许多人而言,减肥的目的已转变为做"最好版本的自己"(to be the best version of themselves)。


六块腹肌 six-pack abs

苗条的身材 willowy physique

健壮的体格 muscular physique

高强度间歇性训练 high-intensity interval training

有氧运动 aerobics exercise


Text "CD" to 10658000.

Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.






一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。







1. 中华文明探源

trace the origins of Chinese civilization


The project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization released its archaeological research results on Monday. According to its findings, Chinese civilization can be traced back more than 5,000 years based on the large-scale archaeological research in many domestic ruins.


"中华文明探源工程成果发布会"28日在国务院资讯办公室举行。中国国家文物局副局长关强介绍,探源工程是以考古研究(archaeological research)为获取相关资料的主要手段,以现代科学技术为支撑,采取多学科交叉研究(multidisciplinary scientific research)的方式,揭示中华民族5000年文明起源与早期发展的重大科研项目。该工程由中国社科院考古研究所、北京大学考古文博学院牵头,联合近70家科研院所、高等院校和地方考古研究机构共同参与。

多年来,探源工程专家聚焦良渚、陶寺、石峁、二里头等都邑性遗址(capital city-level sites),以田野考古(field archaeology)工作为中心,为实证5000年中华文明提供重要证据。

经过多年研究,专家们对中华文明起源和早期发展的过程进行了梗概式描述。距今5800年前后,黄河、长江中下游以及西辽河等区域出现了文明起源迹象(signs of civilization emerged);距今5300年以来,长江、黄河以及辽河西岸部分地区陆续进入了文明阶段(stepped into the age of civilization);距今3800年前后,中原地区形成了更为成熟的文明形态(a more mature civilization took shape in central China),并向四方辐射文化影响力(spread cultural influence around),成为中华文明总进程的核心与引领者(the focus and leader in formation of the Chinese civilization)。


遗址挖掘 excavations in the ruins

内城 inner city

外城 outer city

中华文明探源工程 the project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization

2. 僵尸政策

zombie policies


Over the years, central and local governments have issued a variety of policies aimed at social and economic development that have failed to be properly implemented. These well-intentioned but "dormant" policies are known as zombie policies.


这些政策未能得到有效实施(failed to be effectively implemented)有很多的原因。一些政策制定者(policymakers)只是拟定了政策的粗略框架(only draw up the rough framework),而并没有详细说明应该如何实施,从而使政策执行难。各项政策之间的关系也没有理顺(the relationships among various policies are not straightened out),一些新政策与其他现行政策相悖(some new policies are in contradiction with other existing policies)。除此之外,部分政策缺少可行性(lack feasibility),只是地方决策者的冲动决定(impulsive decision)。

这些"僵尸政策(zombie policies)"不仅对企业和公众无益(can hardly benefit the enterprises and the public),反而破坏了政府的权威和信誉(undermine the government's authority and credibility)。此外,它们还破坏了当地营商环境(local business environments),拖累社会和经济发展。

为了公众和企业的利益,所有"僵尸政策"都应尽快被清理,实施或改进(all the zombie policies should be cleaned up, implemented or improved)。与此同时,还需建立监督机制(supervision mechanism),确保未来政策的有效实施。


僵尸企业 zombie enterprise

僵尸粉 zombie/phantom follower

僵尸电脑 zombie computer

僵尸肉 zombie meat, long-expired frozen meat products

3. 绿色物流

green logistics


China's e-commerce giant Alibaba initiated its 2024 Green Logistics project on all of its platforms, vowing to ensure all its bags are biodegradable and all cartons can be recycled by 2024.


据称其它电商和物流公司(logistics companies)也将效仿阿里巴巴推出类似的绿色物流(green logistics)计划。监测数据显示,各大快递企业(express enterprises)去年共处理400.6亿件快递(handled a total of 40.06 billion deliveries),同比增长28%,共消耗了192亿个箱子(cartons)、58亿个编织袋(woven bags)、150亿个塑料袋(plastic bags)和300多亿米的包装胶带(packaging tape)。

2024年8月,国家邮政局出台了《快递业发展绿色包装方案》(a plan on advancing green packaging in the express delivery industry),2024年11月,国家邮政局、国家发改委、科技部、环保部等十个部级单位(ministerial-level departments)又联合发布了《关于协同推进快递业绿色包装工作的指导意见》。

业内专家称,政府仍需制定绿色物流国家标准(draw up a national standard for green logistics),这有助于实现不同企业间物流技术、产品和服务的兼容互通,促使企业加强在新技术、新模式研究和开发方面的合作,从而使其服务更具环境友好性(to boost the environmental friendliness of their services)。


绿色包装 green packaging

散装物料消耗 bulk material consumption

绿色循环箱 green circulation box

环保袋 environment-friendly bag

美好愿景 good vision

4. 煎饼馃子

jianbing guozi, or deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake


Tianjin's catering industry association has approved a cooking standard of the city's renowned snack known as jianbing guozi, or deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake.



1) 天津煎饼馃子的原料(ingredients)是绿豆面(green bean flour)、小米面(millet flour)、鸡蛋、面粉等;

2) 辅料(dressings)包括面酱、葱末(chopped scallions)、辣酱(chili sauce)、腐乳(酱豆腐)、芝麻;

3) 馃子又称油条(deep-fried dough sticks);馃箅儿是油炸面制食品,薄、脆,形状方形;

4) 刷子摊成的薄饼直径应在38-45cm;

5) 成品建议两小时内食用(to be consumed within 2 hours)。

此举引发了大量讨论,网友质疑是否有必要为煎饼馃子制定统一的制作标准(unify the cooking standards)。煎饼馃子分会秘书长宋冠鸣在接受中国日报采访时表示,煎饼馃子作为中国知名小吃(renowned Chinese snack)在天津已有600年的历史,而且已经成为世界各地都喜爱的一种美食(become a favorite gourmet flavor worldwide)。"但我们的目的并不是把煎饼馃子做成肯德基这样的标准化快餐。我们只是希望更好地规范这一历史悠久的天津名吃的加工过程、制作工艺和食品卫生(better regulate the cooking process, techniques and health safety for the time-honored Tianjin snack)。"


咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg

馒头 steamed buns

豆浆 soybean milk

卤肉饭 braised pork rice

阳春面 plain noodles

馄饨面 wonton and noodles

烧仙草 grass jelly

重庆小面 Chongqing spicy noodles

牛肉拉面 hand-pulled noodles with beef

炒米粉 fried rice noodles

刀削面 sliced noodles

凉面 cold noodles

凉皮 cold rice noodles

凉糕 cold rice cake

花枝羹 squid thick soup

蛤蜊汤 clam chowder

爱玉 vegetarian gelatin

双皮奶 milk custard

牡蛎煎 oyster omelet

椰子冻 coconut jelly

臭豆腐 stinky tofu (smelly tofu)

卤煮 stewed assorted giblets with wheaten cake

锅巴 crispy rice

烤串 kebab

蛋卷 egg rolls

春卷 spring rolls

肉夹馍 meat burger

5. 马甲线

firm abs


This year, "majia xian" or firm abs become the goal of Chinese women's pre-summer workouts, CNN reported.


报道称,除了那些在公园跳广场舞的大妈(aunties square-dancing in the park)和一些在旁边练太极的人(tai chi practitioners),锻炼并非中国文化的一部分。但如今,这种状况正在改变,"马甲线(flat and firm abs, abdominal muscles)"已成为社交媒体热搜话题,是许多中国女性今夏的目标。由于健美的腹部肌肉轮廓(the outline of well-toned abdominal muscles)看起来像一件马甲,中国人把腹肌叫做马甲线。

长期以来,中国女性一直把美丽与骨感联系在一起(women in China have long associated being beautiful with being skinny)。近年来社交媒体上流行的"A4腰挑战"(A4 waist challenge featuring women posting pictures of themselves covering their waists with an A4 sheet of paper)等可证实这种迷恋。

但如今对一些中国女性来说,去健身房的初衷已发生改变(going to the gym has changed their goals),因为她们发现,体形能通过增肌而非减重来改变(body shape can be changed somewhat by gaining muscle without losing weight)。

许多痴迷健身的女性(workout-obsessed women)愈发意识到,无论如何努力自己都不会成为超模(no matter how hard they try, they won't be supermodels),个人形体取决于多重因素(physiques can vary due to a number of factors)。这是她们在接受自我的路上(on their path to self-acceptance)踏出的关键一步。对许多人而言,减肥的目的已转变为做"最好版本的自己"(to be the best version of themselves)。


六块腹肌 six-pack abs

苗条的身材 willowy physique

健壮的体格 muscular physique

高强度间歇性训练 high-intensity interval training

有氧运动 aerobics exercise


Text "CD" to 10658000.

Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.








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