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  Two robbers have been put into prison(监狱) in Italy. One of them is called Daniel Pure. He is twenty years old. The other one is Doran, and he is twenty-one. Its new in the world to catch robbers with the help of mobile phones. This is a new kind of mobile phones. It can take a photo and send it to other mobile phones.

  These two persons moved slowly outside a clothes shop for a long time, and they seemed to have nothing to do. The owner of the shop felt they were unusual. So he used his mobile phone to take their picture. After that he sent a message with the picture to the police. The picture surprised the police. Because the persons in the picture had done something wrong, and the police were trying to catch them! A police car was immediately sent to the shop. The pair was caught there.

  The two robbers were put into prison for six months. A police told a newspaper, We think it is the first time in the world that a picture message has been used to help catch criminals.

  1.. The shop in the story sells_________.

  A. mobile phones B. pictures C. newspapers D. clothes

  2. The shopkeeper felt something was wrong with the two persons because they_________.

  A. looked quite unusual B. had no mobile phones

  C. sent messages to him D. wore strange clothes

  3. The new kind of mobile phones can_________.

  A. catch robbers B. take pictures

  C. read newspapers D. move slowly

  4. The word criminals refers to (指) those who _________.

  A. like taking photos B. like shopping clothes

  C. have done something wrong

  D. have nothing to do

  5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

  A. The two robbers are both young men.

  B. The police must have the new mobile phones, too.

  C. The two robbers robbed nothing this time.

  D. Its the first time the two robbers did something wrong.

  D 此题为细节题。These two persons moved slowly outside a clothes shop for a long time这两个人在一家服装店外晃悠了很长一段时间。

  A 此题为细节题。The owner of the shop felt they were unusual. 店主感觉这两个人不同寻常。

  B 此题为细节题。This is a new kind of mobile phones. It can take a photo and send it to other mobile phones. 这是一种新型手机。它能拍照,并发送给其他手机。

  C 此题为推断题。The two robbers were put into prison for six months. 这两个强盗被判入狱六个月。

  D 此题为细节题。 Two robbers have been put into prison(监狱) in Italy 在意大利,两个强盗被判入狱。后来他们又抢劫了。


  Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world. An Arab traveler in the year 900 wrote that it was played long long ago. Chess was probably invented in India, and it has been played everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400. The name chess is interesting. When one player is attacking the others king, he says, in English, check. When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says check mate (将死). These words come from Persian (波斯人). It means the king is dead. That is when the game is over, and one player has won.

  Such an old game changes very slowly. The rules have not always been the same as they are now. For example, at one time the queen could only move one square(方块) at a time. Now she is the strongest piece on the board. It would be interesting to know why this has happened! Chess takes time and thought, but it is a game for all kinds of people. You dont have to be winner in order to enjoy it. It is not always played by two people sitting at the same table. The first time the Americans beat the Russians was in a match played by radio. Some people are able to play many people at the same time. One man played 400 games! It is said that some people play chess by post. This must make chess the slowest game in the world.



  A. is an old Indian game for travel

  B. is the oldest game in the world

  C. was played in India long before 900

  D. was played in Japan and Europe before 1400

  2. At one time the queen could only move one square at a time.

  Now the queen is the strongest piece on the board. This example is used to show_________.

  A. chess is an interesting game

  B. chess changes very slowly

  C. how this rule has happened

  D. there have been some changes of rules in chess

  3. You dont have to be a winner in order to enjoy it means_________.

  A. only a winner can enjoy chess

  B. you can enjoy chess only lose a game

  C. you can enjoy chess even if you are not a winner

  D. you can enjoy chess when you play with a winner

  4. The writer tries to tell us__________.

  A. some interesting facts about chess

  B. how the rules of chess have changed

  C. how to play chess

  D. how people enjoy chess

  5. The first time the Americans beat the Russians was in a match played by radio. For the first time the Americans_________the match.

  A. beat B. got C. had D. won

  C 此题为细节题。An Arab traveler in the year 900 wrote that it was played long long ago.十世纪的一个阿拉伯旅者写到,人们很久很久前就开始下棋了。

  D 此题为细节题。The rules have not always been the same as they are now 现在下棋的规则和以前不太一样。

  C 此题为推断题。即使你下棋输了,你也可以享受下棋的乐趣。

  A 此题为推断题。文章讲了国际象棋的一些事实。

  D 此题为细节题。 The first time the Americans beat the Russians 第一次美国人打败俄罗斯人。



  Two robbers have been put into prison(监狱) in Italy. One of them is called Daniel Pure. He is twenty years old. The other one is Doran, and he is twenty-one. Its new in the world to catch robbers with the help of mobile phones. This is a new kind of mobile phones. It can take a photo and send it to other mobile phones.

  These two persons moved slowly outside a clothes shop for a long time, and they seemed to have nothing to do. The owner of the shop felt they were unusual. So he used his mobile phone to take their picture. After that he sent a message with the picture to the police. The picture surprised the police. Because the persons in the picture had done something wrong, and the police were trying to catch them! A police car was immediately sent to the shop. The pair was caught there.

  The two robbers were put into prison for six months. A police told a newspaper, We think it is the first time in the world that a picture message has been used to help catch criminals.

  1.. The shop in the story sells_________.

  A. mobile phones B. pictures C. newspapers D. clothes

  2. The shopkeeper felt something was wrong with the two persons because they_________.

  A. looked quite unusual B. had no mobile phones

  C. sent messages to him D. wore strange clothes

  3. The new kind of mobile phones can_________.

  A. catch robbers B. take pictures

  C. read newspapers D. move slowly

  4. The word criminals refers to (指) those who _________.

  A. like taking photos B. like shopping clothes

  C. have done something wrong

  D. have nothing to do

  5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

  A. The two robbers are both young men.

  B. The police must have the new mobile phones, too.

  C. The two robbers robbed nothing this time.

  D. Its the first time the two robbers did something wrong.

  D 此题为细节题。These two persons moved slowly outside a clothes shop for a long time这两个人在一家服装店外晃悠了很长一段时间。

  A 此题为细节题。The owner of the shop felt they were unusual. 店主感觉这两个人不同寻常。

  B 此题为细节题。This is a new kind of mobile phones. It can take a photo and send it to other mobile phones. 这是一种新型手机。它能拍照,并发送给其他手机。

  C 此题为推断题。The two robbers were put into prison for six months. 这两个强盗被判入狱六个月。

  D 此题为细节题。 Two robbers have been put into prison(监狱) in Italy 在意大利,两个强盗被判入狱。后来他们又抢劫了。


  Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world. An Arab traveler in the year 900 wrote that it was played long long ago. Chess was probably invented in India, and it has been played everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400. The name chess is interesting. When one player is attacking the others king, he says, in English, check. When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says check mate (将死). These words come from Persian (波斯人). It means the king is dead. That is when the game is over, and one player has won.

  Such an old game changes very slowly. The rules have not always been the same as they are now. For example, at one time the queen could only move one square(方块) at a time. Now she is the strongest piece on the board. It would be interesting to know why this has happened! Chess takes time and thought, but it is a game for all kinds of people. You dont have to be winner in order to enjoy it. It is not always played by two people sitting at the same table. The first time the Americans beat the Russians was in a match played by radio. Some people are able to play many people at the same time. One man played 400 games! It is said that some people play chess by post. This must make chess the slowest game in the world.



  A. is an old Indian game for travel

  B. is the oldest game in the world

  C. was played in India long before 900

  D. was played in Japan and Europe before 1400

  2. At one time the queen could only move one square at a time.

  Now the queen is the strongest piece on the board. This example is used to show_________.

  A. chess is an interesting game

  B. chess changes very slowly

  C. how this rule has happened

  D. there have been some changes of rules in chess

  3. You dont have to be a winner in order to enjoy it means_________.

  A. only a winner can enjoy chess

  B. you can enjoy chess only lose a game

  C. you can enjoy chess even if you are not a winner

  D. you can enjoy chess when you play with a winner

  4. The writer tries to tell us__________.

  A. some interesting facts about chess

  B. how the rules of chess have changed

  C. how to play chess

  D. how people enjoy chess

  5. The first time the Americans beat the Russians was in a match played by radio. For the first time the Americans_________the match.

  A. beat B. got C. had D. won

  C 此题为细节题。An Arab traveler in the year 900 wrote that it was played long long ago.十世纪的一个阿拉伯旅者写到,人们很久很久前就开始下棋了。

  D 此题为细节题。The rules have not always been the same as they are now 现在下棋的规则和以前不太一样。

  C 此题为推断题。即使你下棋输了,你也可以享受下棋的乐趣。

  A 此题为推断题。文章讲了国际象棋的一些事实。

  D 此题为细节题。 The first time the Americans beat the Russians 第一次美国人打败俄罗斯人。



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