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just because用法说明



  just because 用法说明   

  just because 的意思是只因为,就因为,虽然但。如:

  Stop gloating just because you won the game! 别因为赢了就扬扬得意!

  Why get upset just because you got a bad mark? 何必因为得的分数差就想不开?

  Just because I dont complain, people think Im satisfied. 只是我没有发牢骚,人们就认为我心满意足了。

  Just because they make more money than I do they think theyre superior. 就因为他们挣钱比我多,他们就认为他们在高人一等。

  注意 :有时可引出一个名词性从句。如:

  Just because Im married doesnt mean that I dont want to see my old friends anymore. 虽然我结婚了,但这并不意味着我就不再想见老朋友了。




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