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09届高考英语语法典型习题 动词的分类:行为/实义动词、及物与不及物动词、瞬时与持续动词、状态与动作动词、 助动词、情态动词与连系动词



09届高考英语语法典型习题 动词的分类:行为/实义动词、及物与不及物动词、瞬时与持续动词、状态与动作动词、 助动词、情态动词与连系动词

2009-06-05 10:23 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 [打印] [评论]

1. There is someone knocking at/on the door. Who ________ it be?

A) may B) will C) can D) must

2. ________ you be happy!

A) Wish B) Can C) Hope D) May

3. How much shall I pay for the phone (call)?

You ________. This is free of charge.

A) shant B) cant C) dont have to D) mustnt E) dont need F) shouldt

4. If you win/get a full mark in the English final exam, you ________ get a prize/new bike.

A) shall B) will C) may D) can

5. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ________ be so rude to a lady.

A) might B) should C) need D) would

6. The young man made so much noise that he ________ have been allowed to attend the concert.

A) couldnt B) mustnt C) wouldnt D) shouldnt

7. I ________ Latin at school. It has never been my use to me.

A) didnt need to have learnt B) need not to have learnt

C) hadnt needed to learn D) neednt have learnt



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