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  36. for a moment, for the moment

  for a moment 片刻,一会儿,例:Thinking for a moment, he agreed.

  for the moment 暂时,一时。

  37. next year, the next year

  next year 将来时间状语;

  the next year 过去将来时间状语,例:He said he would go abroad the next year.

  38. more than a year, more than one year

  more than a year 一年多;

  more than one year 超过一年(两年或三年等)。

  39. take advice, take the(ones) advice

  take advice 征求意见;

  take the advice 接受忠告 例:He refused to take the advice and failed again.

  40. take air, take the air

  take air 传播,走漏;

  take the air 到户外去,散步 例:We take the air every day.



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