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  Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. My name is Neil.

  Helen: (Sigh) 大家好,我是 Helen.

  Neil: Oh Helen, that was a heavy sigh.

  Helen: 很重的叹气? By heavy, you mean a big sigh! Well, I suppose it was. Its just Ive been trying to lose some weight but my diet is not working.

  Neil: So how heavy are you exactly?

  Helen: Im not going to tell you my weight!

  Neil: OK but my advice is to cut down on the biscuits, eat more fruit and stick to the diet!

  Helen: Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  Neil: Sorry, am I getting too heavy?

  Helen: Heavy 沉重? 难道 Neil 长胖了?Are you putting on weight too, Neil?

  Neil: No no! Heavy can have another meaning. Used informally, it can mean serious or intense.

  Helen: Ah! 单词 heavy 在非正式表达中,带有严肃或者强烈的意思。

  Neil: Have a listen to this:

  Our relationships getting a bit heavy. I think we need to go out more and have a bit more fun.

  Neil: And another informal use of the word can mean difficult:

  That was a heavy lecture! I had trouble understanding it all.

  Helen: A heavy lecture 那么 heavy 的另一个非正式含义是难度高的意思 。Ive been to a few of them!

  Neil: Me too. But Helen, the word heavy is also used in more a formal way to mean intense. Listen to these examples:

  There was such a heavy fog I couldnt see where I was going.

  The flooding was caused by days of heavy rain.

  Heavy fighting broke out after the governments announcement.

  Helen: 刚才我们听到的 heavy 是比较正式的用法,意思是很强烈,很激烈。And what about a heavy drinker or a heavy smoker? What does that mean?

  Neil: Heavy here means to indulge to a great extent.

  Helen: Heavy 在这里的意思是太多了,过度了。一个人老是喝很多酒,那么就成了酒鬼了。Well, thats not me but there is one kind of heavy I do like to indulge in.

  Neil: Whats that?

  Helen: 重金属音乐!

  (Turns on heavy metal music)

  Neil: (shouting) Heavy metal! Thats a little heavy for my ears!




  Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. My name is Neil.

  Helen: (Sigh) 大家好,我是 Helen.

  Neil: Oh Helen, that was a heavy sigh.

  Helen: 很重的叹气? By heavy, you mean a big sigh! Well, I suppose it was. Its just Ive been trying to lose some weight but my diet is not working.

  Neil: So how heavy are you exactly?

  Helen: Im not going to tell you my weight!

  Neil: OK but my advice is to cut down on the biscuits, eat more fruit and stick to the diet!

  Helen: Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  Neil: Sorry, am I getting too heavy?

  Helen: Heavy 沉重? 难道 Neil 长胖了?Are you putting on weight too, Neil?

  Neil: No no! Heavy can have another meaning. Used informally, it can mean serious or intense.

  Helen: Ah! 单词 heavy 在非正式表达中,带有严肃或者强烈的意思。

  Neil: Have a listen to this:

  Our relationships getting a bit heavy. I think we need to go out more and have a bit more fun.

  Neil: And another informal use of the word can mean difficult:

  That was a heavy lecture! I had trouble understanding it all.

  Helen: A heavy lecture 那么 heavy 的另一个非正式含义是难度高的意思 。Ive been to a few of them!

  Neil: Me too. But Helen, the word heavy is also used in more a formal way to mean intense. Listen to these examples:

  There was such a heavy fog I couldnt see where I was going.

  The flooding was caused by days of heavy rain.

  Heavy fighting broke out after the governments announcement.

  Helen: 刚才我们听到的 heavy 是比较正式的用法,意思是很强烈,很激烈。And what about a heavy drinker or a heavy smoker? What does that mean?

  Neil: Heavy here means to indulge to a great extent.

  Helen: Heavy 在这里的意思是太多了,过度了。一个人老是喝很多酒,那么就成了酒鬼了。Well, thats not me but there is one kind of heavy I do like to indulge in.

  Neil: Whats that?

  Helen: 重金属音乐!

  (Turns on heavy metal music)

  Neil: (shouting) Heavy metal! Thats a little heavy for my ears!




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