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  Unpopular Subjects?

  Is there a place in todays society for the study of useless subjects in our universities? Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter______ Nature that Universities must be allowed to study useless subjects-______ they dont,who will? He went 0n to use the ______ of Maxwells electrodynamics_as one case where a useless subject has been transformed to a useful subject. Nowadays this argument is again very much______ in many universities.Indeed one suspects that it is one of those arguments that must be______ anewby each generation.But now there is an added twist ~)--subjects must not only be useful,they must also be______ enough that students will flockto d0 them,and even flock to pay to do them.

  As universities become commercial operations,the pressure to______ subjects or departments that are less popular will become stronger and stronger, Perhaps this is most strongly______ at the moment by physics.There has been much______ in the press of universities that are closing down physics departments and incorporate them with mathematics or engineering departments.

  Many scientists think otherwise.They see physics as a______ science,which must be kept alive if only to______ a base for other sciences and engineering.It is of their great personal concern that physics teaching and research is under______ in many universities.How Can it be preserved in the rush towards commercial competition? A major turnaroundin student popularity may have to______ until the industrial world discovers that it needs physicists and starts paying them well.

  Physics is now not only unpopular;it is also hard.We can do more about the latter by ______ teaching in our schools and universities.We can also______ cooperative arrangements to ensure that physicists keep their research and teaching up to date

  1 A about B of C to D on

  2 A if B as C because D since

  3 A question B example C design D device

  4 A powerful B terrible C difficult D active

  5 A fought B weighted C respected D selected

  6 A clear B popular C indefinite D available

  7 A choose B strengthen C eliminate D identify

  8 A recommended B opposed C suspected D felt

  9 A discussion B fancy C evidence D influence

  10 A precise B noble C new D fundamental

  11 A install B provide C reach D cover

  12 A agreement B construction C threat D consideration

  13 A wait B move C progress D increase

  14 A running B improving C learning D dropping

  15 A fix B modify C review D develop








  7.答案为C。eliminate的意思是:to completely get rid of something$that.is unnecessary orunwanted,此词放入原句中意思讲得通。



  10.答案为D。fundamental:基础的。fundamental science:基础科学。

  11.答案为B。provide a base for other science:为其他科学打基础。其他几个选项不能和base搭配,意思上也讲不通。

  12.答案为C。under threat:面临危险。选项A一般不可与under搭配使用。选项B和D虽然可以和under搭配使用,但根据上下文在这里意思讲不通。

  13.答案为A。该旬的意思是:只有等到工业界的人们发现,他们需要物理学家,而且开始高薪聘用他们时,更多的学生才会对物理学感爱好。wait until:等到^时候。其他几个选项意思讲不通。


  15.答案为D。此题亦需从上下文的意思上来考虑,fix,modify,review虽然可以和arrangement搭配,但这里只有develop arrangement符合原文的意思,所以选D。


  Unpopular Subjects?

  Is there a place in todays society for the study of useless subjects in our universities? Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter______ Nature that Universities must be allowed to study useless subjects-______ they dont,who will? He went 0n to use the ______ of Maxwells electrodynamics_as one case where a useless subject has been transformed to a useful subject. Nowadays this argument is again very much______ in many universities.Indeed one suspects that it is one of those arguments that must be______ anewby each generation.But now there is an added twist ~)--subjects must not only be useful,they must also be______ enough that students will flockto d0 them,and even flock to pay to do them.

  As universities become commercial operations,the pressure to______ subjects or departments that are less popular will become stronger and stronger, Perhaps this is most strongly______ at the moment by physics.There has been much______ in the press of universities that are closing down physics departments and incorporate them with mathematics or engineering departments.

  Many scientists think otherwise.They see physics as a______ science,which must be kept alive if only to______ a base for other sciences and engineering.It is of their great personal concern that physics teaching and research is under______ in many universities.How Can it be preserved in the rush towards commercial competition? A major turnaroundin student popularity may have to______ until the industrial world discovers that it needs physicists and starts paying them well.

  Physics is now not only unpopular;it is also hard.We can do more about the latter by ______ teaching in our schools and universities.We can also______ cooperative arrangements to ensure that physicists keep their research and teaching up to date

  1 A about B of C to D on

  2 A if B as C because D since

  3 A question B example C design D device

  4 A powerful B terrible C difficult D active

  5 A fought B weighted C respected D selected

  6 A clear B popular C indefinite D available

  7 A choose B strengthen C eliminate D identify

  8 A recommended B opposed C suspected D felt

  9 A discussion B fancy C evidence D influence

  10 A precise B noble C new D fundamental

  11 A install B provide C reach D cover

  12 A agreement B construction C threat D consideration

  13 A wait B move C progress D increase

  14 A running B improving C learning D dropping

  15 A fix B modify C review D develop








  7.答案为C。eliminate的意思是:to completely get rid of something$that.is unnecessary orunwanted,此词放入原句中意思讲得通。



  10.答案为D。fundamental:基础的。fundamental science:基础科学。

  11.答案为B。provide a base for other science:为其他科学打基础。其他几个选项不能和base搭配,意思上也讲不通。

  12.答案为C。under threat:面临危险。选项A一般不可与under搭配使用。选项B和D虽然可以和under搭配使用,但根据上下文在这里意思讲不通。

  13.答案为A。该旬的意思是:只有等到工业界的人们发现,他们需要物理学家,而且开始高薪聘用他们时,更多的学生才会对物理学感爱好。wait until:等到^时候。其他几个选项意思讲不通。


  15.答案为D。此题亦需从上下文的意思上来考虑,fix,modify,review虽然可以和arrangement搭配,但这里只有develop arrangement符合原文的意思,所以选D。




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