Finally, the argument fails to consider . Perhaps by, or by , In short, without weighing the suggestion against alternatives, it is unconvincing that .
Finally, even if the families support to build the new seafood restaurant, the restaurant would not necessarily be profitable as a result. Profitability is a function of both revenue and expense. Thus, it is quite possible that the restaurants costs of obtaining high-quality and healthy seafood or of new promoting restaurant might render it unprofitable despite its popularity. Without weighing revenue against expenses the arguments conclusion is premature at best.
The memo also makes two hasty assumptions about . One such assumption is that . It is entirely possible that . Another assumption is that Common sense informs me that
Furthermore, the difference in the two firms overall placement time last year does not necessarily indicate that Delany would be the better choice to serve XYZs laid-off employees. These employees might have particular skills or needs that are not representative of the two firms clients in general. Besides, one years placement statistics hardly sufficient to draw any firm conclusions.