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  编辑点评: GRE写作需要大家积累一定的写作素材、锻炼自己的逻辑思维、多多积累一些有用的句子和词汇,有了这些基础以后,就需要大家根据真题来进行练习写作了。

  A recent study reported that pet owners have longer, healthier lives on average than do people who own no pets. Specifically, dog owners tend to have a lower incidence of heart disease. In light of these findings, Sherwood Hospital should form a partnership with Sherwood Animal Shelter to institute an adopt-a-dog program. The program would encourage dog ownership for patients recovering from heart disease, which should reduce these patients chance of experiencing continuing heart problems and also reduce their need for ongoing treatment. As a further benefit, the publicity about the program would encourage more people to adopt pets from the shelter. And that will reduce the incidence of heart disease in the general population.

  Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.


  一项最近的研究报告说养宠物的人平均而言比不养宠物的人活得更长更健康。特别是,养狗的人心脏病发病率更低。根据这些发现,Sherwood医院应该和Sherwood动物收养所合作建立一个 收养狗 的计划。这一计划将会鼓励正在治疗心脏病的患者养狗,这将通过减少这些患者接受治疗的次数而减少医疗费用。而且,对于这一计划的宣传将鼓励更多的人从收养所领养宠物,这将减少整体人群患心脏病的危险。




  编辑点评: GRE写作需要大家积累一定的写作素材、锻炼自己的逻辑思维、多多积累一些有用的句子和词汇,有了这些基础以后,就需要大家根据真题来进行练习写作了。

  A recent study reported that pet owners have longer, healthier lives on average than do people who own no pets. Specifically, dog owners tend to have a lower incidence of heart disease. In light of these findings, Sherwood Hospital should form a partnership with Sherwood Animal Shelter to institute an adopt-a-dog program. The program would encourage dog ownership for patients recovering from heart disease, which should reduce these patients chance of experiencing continuing heart problems and also reduce their need for ongoing treatment. As a further benefit, the publicity about the program would encourage more people to adopt pets from the shelter. And that will reduce the incidence of heart disease in the general population.

  Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.


  一项最近的研究报告说养宠物的人平均而言比不养宠物的人活得更长更健康。特别是,养狗的人心脏病发病率更低。根据这些发现,Sherwood医院应该和Sherwood动物收养所合作建立一个 收养狗 的计划。这一计划将会鼓励正在治疗心脏病的患者养狗,这将通过减少这些患者接受治疗的次数而减少医疗费用。而且,对于这一计划的宣传将鼓励更多的人从收养所领养宠物,这将减少整体人群患心脏病的危险。






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