1. In the early 1950s,historians who studied preindustrial Europe began, for the first time in large numbers,to investigate more of the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite:the kings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops,and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books. 难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语
2. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups and have revealed how the authorities administered justice. 难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语
3. It can be inferred from the passage that a historian who wished to compare crime rates per thousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century would probably be most aided by better information about which of the following?
难句类型:复杂修饰 译文:从文章中可以推断出来,一个希望比较十五世纪以前一个十年的某个欧洲城市中的每千人的犯罪率与另外一个十年中的犯罪率的历史学家将会被以下那种信息的提高所最好的帮助?
4. My point is that its central consciousnessits profound understanding of class and gender as shaping influences on peoples livesowes much to that earlier literary heritage,a heritage that,in general,has not been sufficiently valued by most contemporary literary critics. 难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语
5. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants.
1. In the early 1950s,historians who studied preindustrial Europe began, for the first time in large numbers,to investigate more of the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite:the kings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops,and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books. 难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语
2. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups and have revealed how the authorities administered justice. 难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语
3. It can be inferred from the passage that a historian who wished to compare crime rates per thousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century would probably be most aided by better information about which of the following?
难句类型:复杂修饰 译文:从文章中可以推断出来,一个希望比较十五世纪以前一个十年的某个欧洲城市中的每千人的犯罪率与另外一个十年中的犯罪率的历史学家将会被以下那种信息的提高所最好的帮助?
4. My point is that its central consciousnessits profound understanding of class and gender as shaping influences on peoples livesowes much to that earlier literary heritage,a heritage that,in general,has not been sufficiently valued by most contemporary literary critics. 难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语
5. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants.