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1、介绍奥运会奥运会英语作文的英语作文带翻译如下quotThe Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijingquot“2008年第29届奥运会授予北京市”The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as。

2、篇一奥运会英语作文 中国所举办的是一届流光四溢的盛事奥运会英语作文,是全人类的盛大pitty 风在吹奥运会英语作文,吹来了中国人民百年的企盼早在百年前,中国就充满了对奥运精神的向往中国人也希望将全人类都渴望的精神遍布亚洲,遍布中国在近代的中国因为。

3、gold medal winner 金牌获得者 for 110m hurdles 110米栏 at the Athens Olympic Games 雅典奥运会, and Yang Yang, a skater 滑冰运动员, prepare for the torch relay 火炬接力 of the Torino Winter Olympic Ga。

4、篇一奥运英语作文 The night is the time to the whole of China one hundred dreams, is the most wonderful one night in 2008 in China At eight o the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, how。

5、奥运是和平的象征,它是中国人民的共同目标,人民渴望得到和平,希望世界可以得到统一So people attach great importance to the Olympics所以人民都非常重视奥运Today, the Olympic Games finally opened in Beijing, and。

6、Dear Peter,Nice to hear from you You are welcome to be a volunteer of 2008 Olympic Games of Beijing As a volunteer, you first act as a guide for the officials and athletes from all over the world。

7、关于奥运会英语作文1 My father likes to watch all kinds of sports, so when I spend the time with him, we watch the match together The Summer Olympic Games is coming soon, I feel so excited, my fat。

8、篇五北京奥运会的英语作文 Time flies, the twinkling of an eye has until 2008 One day, Beijing gymnasium thronged, packed Today, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will be held here Eight yea。

9、篇一奥运会 With the clap and laughter flying around,London is the winner in the 30th Internatinal Olympic Gamesldquolsquo competitionIn consideration of Londonldquolsquos success,there are three。

10、面对东京奥运,我们要争金夺银,但需要做的,又远不止争金夺银以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读 1东京奥运会英语作文范文 In other years, the Olympic Games are accompanied a strong youth makes the world。

11、奥运会是世界上规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会奥运会The Olympic GamesBeijing Olympic Games is the 29th Olympic GamesIt will last16 days, since August 8, 2008, carry。


13、关于奥运会的一篇英语作文,在线等,急! 我是初一的,在学新概念2,老师明天让写150词的作文,大家帮帮我啊给我点和奥运有关的词也行 我是初一的,在学新概念2,老师明天让写150词的作文,大家帮帮我啊给我点和奥运有关。



16、New Beijing, Great Olympics quotThe Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of BeijingquotThe International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as the 2008 host in Friday’s vote。

17、中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神促进世界和平增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。



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