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英语日记作文 篇1

The new term which lasted more than one month is very different. I have to face more and more challenges. Everything is new for me,new acclimation ,new subjects and new classmates.though some subjects is canceled including history,politics,geography and so on,it was sense of exhausted that made me wanted to have a good rest all the time.Twenty days later I will face middle examination. I am busy with it every day.I don t know ability of my competitors and myself.But i will spare no efforts to conquer the grade.I want to ambitions sonner or later.

英语日记作文 篇2

Today is my nine-year-old birthday. I am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to Guangzhou . After dinner , my family celebrate my birthday . I make a wish and blow out the candles . Do you want to know my wish ? Let me tell you , I wish I can study harder and harder ,then get the NO.1 in our class. Then I cut the cake and my family share the cake with me . How nice today!!!


今天是我的.九岁生日。我很高兴,因为我父亲给我买了大蛋糕,我姐姐刚来广州。晚饭后,我的家人庆祝我的生日。我许个愿,吹灭蜡烛。你想知道我的愿望吗?让我告诉你,我希望我可以学习越来越困难,那么得到的。1在我们的类。然后我切蛋糕,我的家人与我分享蛋糕。今天多好啊! ! !

小学六年级英语作文:My birthday party

英语日记作文 篇3

The Spring Festival is the oldest festival in China. It has a history of over two thousand years. This is also my favorite holiday. Nothing can make me feel happier than it is.

This year's new year's Eve, people are finally busy, some fish, some chickens, some sheep. High streets and back lanes have already put on the red festive costumes, red lanterns hung on trees, Chinese node; the door, on the wall, signage pasted greatly ", the antithetical couplet, window, the house dressed like a pretty girl, all over the country, again immersed in the festive.

My family is no exception, early in the morning, the day dawn, grandma started busy cleaning the house, listen to my grandma said, "in addition to the new year's Eve", is intended to remove, and everyone should be in today's cleaning, put all the poortransportation bad luck were all swept out of the house. I hurriedly grabbed the rag in my grandmother's hand, and shred all the furniture and doors and windows in the house. Like the new ones, I was swept clean and prayed for good luck next year.

Eating lunch to prepare for the evening meal, my hometown is Nantong, the evening meal must eat reunion, meaning a round and round. Grandpa happy stuffing, Dad, mom, I rubbed Rice noodles, grandma rubbing together. My mother said, the three of us to a reunion game to see who rub, rub the reunion and fast, the best craft grandma, Mariko and I do all in fine fig, reunion, like the ball, flat, I had to show the white feather, the mother said: "the reunion bag jujube son, who eat this year is the most fortunate people," and she has a date to the reunion, I thought that want to eat a person is me.

英语日记作文 篇4

October 18th Monday


On hearing the good news that the famous singer Zhou Huajian would come to my hometown to give a performance, I telephoned toplace an order for 5 tickets withtout delay,because I like his songs very much. In fact, I like all of his songs. Every day I was looking forward tohis performance. Finally the day came. We went there by car with excite-ment because we would hear him singing face to face for the first time.We reached the gym early so that we could have very good seats. At 19:30 the concert began. All song lovers present got excited at the moment he appeared. Suddenly all the people present began to sing with him to the music. In the course of the concert,he occasionally joked,full of hu-mour.

We all got mad when he sang his latest songs. At last we sang his old songs together. The concert was wonderful and gained a great suc-cess.

After we came back home,we kept talking about the concert and found it hard to get to sleep.



10月18日 星期一 晴

一听说著名歌星周华健将来我的家乡演出的消息,我立刻打电话订购了5张票,因为他的歌儿我都喜欢。我对他的音乐会真是朝思暮想,这一天终于盼到了。我们乘车前往,每个人都十分激动,因为这是我们首次亲临现场观看他的表演。为了找个好座位,我们早早到了体育馆。19: 30音乐会正式开始。他一出场,歌迷们便兴奋起来了。突然大家都不约而同地跟着音乐唱起来。在演出过程中,他不时地和大家开玩笑,真有意思!



英语日记作文 篇5

Yesterday, I briefly introduced my small fish, today, I will write my small fish completely.

One day, when I finished my homework, I had nothing to do. I thought about what I could do, and finally I thought of my little fish. I grabbed two small fish and put them in the bathtub to swim. As soon as the fish was thrown into the water, the two small fish swam quickly. The "little black" posture is like a piece of wood, moving steadily forward, while "little old man" is like a submarine, with a heavy head on the "S" step. Because of this, "small black" the first game station wins "little old man".

One day, I saw two little fish swimming listlessly. I looked, thought, ah! No, I haven't fed them for five days. So, hurriedly ran past, took the fish to eat into the tank to throw, two small rain to you, I a bite, to grab the fish food. "Little black" a carp jump dragon gate, eat a lot of fish food; The "little old man" was not willing to show weakness, a dive took a lot of fish food. And every time I feed the little brown rock, it doesn't look at it, it's like nothing happens, it's not knowing when, it's stealing the fish.

I really like my little fish, and I hope they live happily in my aquarium.

英语日记作文 篇6

Today, the weather was awful. And I don’t like the weather. It could make me feel unhappy. It’s fidgety to do anything. However, this day was the first day in National Day vacation. Everybody will have a good rest. And someone is relaxing at home, someone is traveling, others are going shopping. In short, everyone is going to enjoy themselves.

But this day, I spent time in doing homework. Although I didn’t do much homework, I felt tired. I thought I really needed to relax. But at night, I played computer with my brother. We saw an interesting movie. That talked about love and courage. That is a really very nice movie. And I really like that protagonist. She told me about friends and friendship. What a busy day I had!

英语日记作文 篇7

Wednesday, November8th,I felt terrible yesterday morning. My mother took me to the hospital.

“What’s your trouble, little boy?” the doctor asked.

“I can’t stop sneezing and I have a headache. ”

“When did it start?”“This morning. ”

“Open your mouth and say ‘Ah’. ”

My mother was worried and asked the doctor, “What’s the matter with him?”

“He has a bad cold, but it’s nothing serious. ” the doctor said.

Then the doctor let me take some medicine. He asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest.

I feel better after taking the medicine.



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