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spring festival英语作文「附翻译」



spring festival英语作文「附翻译」

  导语:春节就是农历新年,是华人最重要的传统节日。 春节降临,万象更新,象征着一年的开始;标志着人生的另一个起点。下面是YJBYS作文网小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。



  The Spring Festival is our Chinese lunar New Year, so is very important for our Chinese New Year! Therefore, the preparation before the Spring Festival is also indispensable.

  The New Year! The New Year! Every family is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, shaved hair, do dinner... Too many things to do, and have too many "rules". Some custom also very strange, in desperation, I ask mom is to stick couplets on the Spring Festival.

  I saw mother stick to "f" word backwards, I do know why to stick, stick backwards' f 'word is a kind of custom,' f '(show' f 'down (to)! But I still asked, "what's the Chinese New Year customs and manners?" Mother stop working, patiently to talk to me.

  Originally, before New Year's day there is a custom of setting off firecrackers, comes from the story of "the year beast". Once upon a time there was a "nian", deep sea floor, long stay in the New Year's eve is splendour as evil everywhere. One year an old man with shooting, in red, put red couplets on the Spring Festival's approach is driven "nian", which was able to calm, then this method will spread. But now guangzhou ban fireworks, so we won't have this activity.

  New Year's eve this day is very important to our country. On this night, our whole family to prepare used orientation, special dinner.

  To eat dinner, is the most lively happy Spring Festival every family. Eve. A splendid wasn't filled with a table, the whole family reunion, sitting at the table, the reunion dinner. People is both enjoy a full table delicacies, and enjoy the joy of the atmosphere, there are chickens, geese, burning meat on the table, etc., generally without two things, one is the hot pot, is a fish. Steaming hot pot, thriving; "Fish" and "yu" homophonic, meaning "more than" year after year. Finally a sweetmeat, blessing in the future day sweet.

  Today is too big, I know a lot of the knowledge of the Chinese New Year customs, but I feel a little superstitious, but it was a pleasure, as long as happy, why not superstitions? What's more, this is a traditional custom, would rather believe its have not trusted their!






  吃年夜饭,是春节家家户户最热闹愉快的时候。大年夜.丰盛的年菜摆满一桌 ,全家团聚,围坐桌旁,共吃团圆饭。人们既是享受满桌的佳肴,也是享受那份快乐的气氛,桌上有鸡、鹅、烧肉等等,一般少不了两样东西,一是火锅,一是鱼。火锅热气腾腾,说明红红火火;“鱼”和“余”谐音,喻意“年年有余”。最后一道甜食,祝福往后的日子甜甜蜜蜜。



  The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of our country. Every Spring Festival, people always want to post everyone, Spring Festival couplets, firecrackers. You see, every family is decorated, beaming images.

  Our family is no exception. I picked up a pair of Spring Festival couplets, sticky glue neatly affixed to the door. Dad and will "fu" character (on the door. Sister is busy in the house, she first picked up a few red lanterns, hanging in the room; Stick a bunch of little lights on the wall again. Small lights flashing, like seed of the little stars are blinking.

  After eating dinner, I went out with fireworks, sister and brother. Brother opened the lighters, lit the fuse. Listen to "pa", and a fire dragon into the sky, a beautiful "chrysanthemum" open. They are colorful, red, yellow, A green, green; A blue, and purple. Multicolored fireworks dancing like measures, such as golden light scattered, a split, such as the peacock... Is really beautiful. At this time, the elder sister took up a big fireworks, flat on the ground, lit with lighter. "Bang", it is to fly to the blue sky. It from time to time is like a delicate and charming red peony, such as a beautiful big huang ju, sometimes like a lovely violet.

  "For a New Year's eve firecrackers," the New Year. I love fireworks, Amy good Spring Festival.







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