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Mothers Day



Second Sunday in May (USA)


世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。 (高尔基)

All the world of glory and pride from his mother. (Golgi)

母爱是一种巨大的火焰。 (罗曼·罗兰)   

Motherly love is a huge flame. (Romain Rolland)


The world there is a most beautiful voice, and that is the call of the mother. (Dante)  


Mother is the charity arm of the composition, the children could not sleep in it sweet? (Hugo)   


Persons lips can be issued by the sweet words, that is, mother, best call is the "mother." (Kahlil Gibran)   


Maternal love is the greatest force in the world. (Mir)


When successful, who are friends. But only his mother --- she was a partner at the time of failure. (Zheng Zhenduo)


Motherly love is how strong, selfish and feverishly occupied mind the feelings of the whole. (Duncan)



或许你不知道,母亲节的倡议起源于美国西弗吉尼亚州嘉芙顿城的一家主日学校.1876年,美国还在悲悼南北战争的死者.安娜·查维斯夫人(Anna Jarvis)在礼拜堂讲授美国国殇纪念日的课程,讲到战役中捐躯的英雄故事后,她进行祈祷时说:“但愿在某处、某时,会有人创立一个母亲节,纪念和赞扬美国与全世界的母亲.”   

查维斯夫人为她的礼拜堂服务超过25年,当她在72岁逝世时,41岁的女儿安娜,立志创立一个母亲节,来实现母亲多年前祈求的心愿.安娜先后写信给许多有名望的人物,要求他们支持设立母亲节,以发扬孝道,初时反应冷淡,但她不气馁,继续向各界呼吁. 1907年5月12日,安德烈卫理教堂应安娜之邀为母亲们举行一个礼拜仪式.隔年,此仪式在费城举行,反应热烈,终于获得维州州长支持,并于1910年宣布在该州设立母亲节.接着,美国多个州和加拿大、墨西哥等先后对母亲节给予认可,举行庆祝仪式.到了1914年,美国总统威尔逊提请国会通过决议案,将母亲节定为全美国的节日,并促请人们“公开表示我们对母亲的敬爱”.世界各地相继仿效,遂成为“国际母亲节”.安娜原建议以她母亲的逝世日5月10日作为母亲节的日期,但后为方便人们共叙天伦,便选定在五月份的第二个星期日为母亲节。

The origin of mothers Day

May second Sunday is the Mothers Day,world each place all holds celebration,praises the maternal love great.

Perhaps you did not know that,the Mothers Day proposal origins west US a Virginia state fine city head of household date http://school.In 1876,US also was mourning the Civil War the dead.Anna Jarvis Madame (Anna Jarvis) teaches the American country war casualty commemoration day in the church the curriculum,after talks about heroic story which in the campaign lays down ones life,she carries on when the pray said:"Hopes when somewhere,some,can some people establish for a Mothers Day,commemorates and praises American and the world mother."

Jarvis madame serves for hers church surpasses for 25 years,when she passed away when 72 years old,41 Year-old daughter Anna,resolves to establish for a Mothers Day,realizes the wish which mother many years ago implores.Anna successively writes a letter for the character which many has the fame,requests them to support the establishment Mothers Day,carries forward the filial piety,initially when responds desolately,but she is not discouraged,continues to the from all walks of life appeal.On May 12,1907,the Andre health principle church held a week ceremony inviting of on the Anna for the mother.Separates the year,this ceremony is held in Philadelphia,responds warmly,finally obtains Uygur state governor to support,and announced in 1910 in this state establishment Mothers Day.After that,American many states and Canada,Mexico and so on successively give the approval to the Mothers Day,holds the celebration ceremony.To in 1914,American President Wilson has proposed Congress through the draft resolution,Mothers Day will decide as the entire American the holiday,and will urge the people "publicly to express us to mothers respecting and loving".World each place imitates one after another,then becomes "the international Mothers Day".The Anna original suggestion passed away Japan by her mother on May 10 to take the Mothers Day the date,after but for facilitates the people altogether ,then designated in May second Sunday is the Mothers Day.


Son: Mom, happy Mothers Day! Heres my card.


Mom: What a surprise! Thanks. Its beautiful.


Son: Thank you for your love and care over the years. I appreciate it, mom.


Mom: This is the best card Ive ever received.


Son: Mom, what can I do for you today?


Mom: Nothing son. Im already very happy.


Son: How about dinner tonight? My treat.


Mom: Actually, I prefer we eat at home. Well have more time to catch up that way.


Son: Im sorry I havent dropped in that much these past few years. Business has kept me too busy. I apologize.


Mom: Oh, dont mention it. Im proud of you.


Son: Thanks. ma. I love you so much.




Today is mothers day. When I go out in the morning, I dont have any pocket money. I cant afford to buy my mother a gift. I feel very ashamed. The English lesson is about eleven points, the weather is very hot and hot, when the bus goes home, there are few people on the bus, the number of people can count, most of them are old aunts. Do you know if anyone has given them mothers day? What is the old aunts mothers day like? The hot wind carried my leisurely thoughts to my home.

When I got home, I sent a message to my mother, "Happy Mothers day, mom, I love you." The mother seemed to be in a good mood, and the word "1" on her forehead was thin. The kitchen was full of pink figures with her apron.

In the evening, I promised to cook dinner for my mother as a compensation for mothers day. There are bitter gourd in the fridge. I fancy it. I want to make balsam cake by myself. Because of little knowledge of kitchen, I had to ask my mother repeatedly. After a long time, I was able to fry the bitter melon cake. My mother tasted the bitter melon cake I made, and thought it was delicious. She looked at me very appreciative and laughed very happily. I did not think of my first cooking, it was fried, it was really delicious, but some were too bad. I also comforted myself to make more efforts to make more delicious meals for my mother.

Mothers Day is about to be finished in the busy dinner, but this mothers day this year, I will remember that bitter gourd pie to bring my mother a laugh, to give me experience and satisfaction.






Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.

One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When the dishes were served, I forund none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and wanderde on the street for a while,hungry. Then I walked to school.

When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.

Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love is!










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