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My favorite season is summer Spring is often rain Fall is usually wind Winter is too cold So I like summer In summermyfavouriteseason作文, I can go swimming and eat icecream Icecream is my favorite food There。

my favourite seasonmyfavouriteseason作文myfavouriteseason作文我最喜欢的季节myfavouriteseason作文,There are four seasons in a year, Spring, summer, Autumn and winter Each season has its own characteristics,一年一共有四个季节,春夏秋冬,每一个季节都有自己的特色,Of。

Let me tell youMy favourite season is spring Spring is a lovely season, I think There is a garden behind my house In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance芳香 There。

译文春天总是温暖的,夏天是炎热的,冬天是寒冷的My favourite season is autumn, because italways warm in September and October译文我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为九月和十月总是温暖Itoften cold in。

范文My favorite season is summer Spring is often rain Fall is usually wind Winter is too cold So I like summer In summer, I can go swimming and eat icecream Icecream is my favorite。

1 英语作文MyFavouriteseason My favourite season 1 Whatmy favourite seasonmyfavouriteseason作文? Let me tell youMy favourite season is spring Spring is a lovely season, I think There is a garden behind my house。

My favourite season is summer I like summer because ita season of enthusiasm In summer, everything turns energetic We are the most efficient to do things at this period of time Whatmore, we。

篇一小学英语作文myfall is beautiful,winter is white,but spring is my favourite seasonitwarm and sunny!in spring i can see many flowers and treesbirds in sky fish。

My favorite season My favorite season is summer Ithot in summer There is a summer vacation in summer I dongo to school I think many children like this season, because they can eat icecream。

As we all know,every season has its own feature,which just make a year be divided into four seasonsTo enjoy the beautiful sceneries,spring is just my favourite seasonIn the spring,ice melted,birds sing。

There are four seasons Spring, summer, autumn and winter My favorite season is winter Although it is cold in winter, it sometimes snows heavily then I can play with snow I like having a now fight。

harvest time There are lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in this season People like going hiking and flying kites in this seson自己的习作,看对你是否有帮助哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼*^__^*。

下面是六篇,喜欢quot春夏秋冬quot的都有,你可以参照以下,尽量用自己的语言表达,想想在那个季节可以做的喜欢的事情希望对你有帮助一 My favourite season 春天Hello, my dear friends! What’s my favourite season。

My favourite season One year divided into 4 seasons,but i love more autumn than other seasonsautumn is very beautiful and Poetic!it is most poet loves season toothe night is quietthe moon is。

My favorite season is winter Although it is the coldest season of the year, I like it best because there is winter holiday and Spring Festival in winter Besides, I can go skating and skiing in winter。



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