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Certainly, there are times when silence pays rich dividends. In the Bible, Solomon said: “The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin”. Surely the kind of silence here advised, the control of one’s tongue, is “golden” indeed. Silence is certainly “golden” when compared to speaking evil. How wonderfully golden the silence would be if all whispering, backbiting, lying, slander and such like could be forever stopped. Meanwhile, “Silence is golden” also means that one is restrained, listening whole-heartedly firstly, and then carefully making her speech. Too many times we may be guilty of saying too much without taking into account the context.

There are other times, however, when silence is not “golden”. It may be just plain yellow or cowardly in such instance. To remain silent at times when one should speak up is to be guilty of cowardice and results in a failure to do one’s duty. It all depends upon the circumstances. Many times those who should speak out and warn of danger remain silent because they are afraid or fear that they might hurt someone’s feelings. Such silence is far from being golden. Moreover, such a person lends strength to the forces of evil, and by failing to oppose such can be counted with the enemies for all practical purposes.

All in all, in most cases, silence can drive you to a favourable position where you can either go forward and do perfect defense. On top of the position, only silver speech can make you win something.


Silence should be gold, because it can make us more rational and modest. Silence let us have more opportunities to think about some matters. Then the decision will be made more carefully. As a result, we may deal with something more smoothly, and finally achieve the success. So in my opinion, I think silence is a kind of reflection. You know reflection is a symbol of wisdom. In the south of our school's Yifu Library, there is a contemplator statue sitting in the square. He has sited and kept silent there for many years. I think this statue teach us how to consider and reflect. That's to be modest and silent, when thinking. It will be a valuable venture for all researchers and students. So it is necessary to study how to keep silent.

Someone may realize that silence is rather easier than speech. I think it is not exactly true. Speech only needs our courage and confidence. However, silence not only needs our courage, but also need us to have clear mind and generous heart. Sometimes it's not easy to get this. For example, do you remember in the world cup final 2008, Zidan (the captain of French team) head-butt a player of Italy so that he was showed red card and sent off immediately. It is pity for French, because of losing the leader in the football field. Finally, French team lost the opportunity of achieving final success. So silence make person calm, and avoid impulsion.

Sometimes silence means endurance. Though I admit endurance isn't good for our psychology health, sometimes it is necessary. If you want to success, you have to be willing to endure something which may be produced by yourself or others. Then just keep silent to do it. You should believe that action speaks louder than words. So do a man of action(doer).



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