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【第1句】: “周末愉快”用英语怎么说

周末愉快的英文是have a nice weekend。


音标:[həv ə naɪs wiːkˈɛnd]



【第1句】:Have a nice weekend, everybody.


【第2句】:So, have a nice weekend.


【第3句】:Thanks everyone, and have a nice weekend.


【第4句】:Thanks for listening, and have a nice weekend.


【第5句】:Have a nice weekend. See you Monday.


【第6句】:All right. Have a nice weekend.


【第7句】:See you next Monday. Have a nice weekend!


【第8句】:Have a nice weekend! Cheers!


【第2句】: 愉快的周末 英语作文

My happy weekend

OK, let me tell you something about my weekend.

I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites.I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too.Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that's fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.

This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me?





【第3句】: 一个愉快的周末(英语)

I had a great Sunday. In the morning I went shopping

with my mom and bought lots of my favorites, like cookies,

sausages and hair clips etc.

Afterwards, we had steak for lunch. In the afternoon, we went

swimming and played ping pong.

At night, we had BBQ for dinner and watched a nice performance show. I'm very happy.

【第4句】: 英语回信,我语法差,有些词语不会表达,很高兴收到了你的回信.最

专家给你答I am so glad to hear from you. I guess you are quite busy recently. Haven't seen you online that lately. How's going? Oh, almost forgot to ask you, what do you do for living? Are you off work on Saturdays and Sundays?Quote 你的答案:很高兴收到了你的回信.最近很忙吧,怎么没见你上网啊?最近还好吧?对了,我都忘记了问你,你从事什么工作呢?星期六星期天双休吗? it's a pleasure for receiving your letter.recent busy work? why don't surfing net recently? oh,i have forgotten to ask you some quesions.what kind of your business? is both saturday and sunday rested?错误点: 如果要用pleasure,应该跟 to. 如: it is my pleasure to be your guide. 我很荣幸能当你的导游. 在这里,用 im happy/glad to hear from you,比较好. for表示为了,对于,至于,翻译回中文就说不通了. "recent busy work" 没有谓语动词.你想说的是,我想你最近大概很忙吧. 主语有时候在口语中,随意的情况下可以省, 但谓语是不能省的.忙=be busy with. 如果不加名司,就直接be busy. 如果你想说,你最近大概忙工作的事吧, 要说 are you busy with work recently? "why don't surffing net recently?" 表达基本可以. 但你可能是想说,我在网上最近则么都没碰到你,所以说,最近怎么都不上网了.最好说,'I haven't seen you online lately' 因为只是你没看见他上网,不能表示他最近就没上网. 问问题这句可以 问职业这句,同样,没有谓语."what kind of your business"=什么样的你的工作 中文都不顺吧. 按照特殊疑问句语序,what + 动词. 这里比较地道的用法是 what do you du for living 你靠什么谋生?你是吃哪碗饭的? (比较中文的理解) what's your job 双休日问题 如果是both就不能有be的单数. 要用,也要是 are.不能用rest. rest 是以人为施动者. 如果要用,应说, Do you rest on weekends? 因为rest是实意动词,要用 助动词引导问句. 一般比较地道的说法是 I am off (work) on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) 换成疑问句,Am I off on weekends? 换成第二人称, are you off on weekends? 不应用 are you free ,因为free 是指有空闲,即使周末工作,也可能有空闲呀.所以不妥. 应用on weekends, 表示每个周末的意思.比at the weekend有更普遍,更经常.以上的答案就 曹丽画 的比较接近.但她翻得不准,他翻的意思是---我很高兴听到你的来信,最近怎么样?(what is up to you 是错误的,你想说的是 what's up (with you) 就像 what's wrong with you 的用法一样,如果用 to you, 就成了,用短语搭配, be up to=从事与, it is up to you=你自己决定.) 我没看你上 (do not 后面不能出现动词过去时了,要用就只能用 see, 把 don't 改成 did, 但这里要用一般完成式比较好.) 哦,顺便问一下,你的工作是什么? 你周末有空么?最后一句文的意思和你想表达的意思出入很大吧.。

【第5句】: 《英语周末》单词,句子

Module 1 School Life 一、短语【第1句】:春节_______________ 【第12句】:去上学 ________________【第2句】:我的第一天_________ 【第13句】:乘火车 _______________【第3句】:一些问题___________ 【第14句】:我最喜欢的学科___________【第4句】:当然______________ 【第15句】:每天 __________________ 【第5句】:多少______________ 【第16句】:休息 __________________【第6句】:多长时间__________ 【第17句】:几点 ____________________【第7句】:45分钟____________ 【第18句】:8:40 __________________【第8句】:与……相同的______ 【第19句】:来见某人 ________________【第9句】:放学后____________ 【第20句】:半小时 _______________【第10句】:一个半小时________ 【第21句】:两个半小时 ______________【第11句】:和……一起玩______ 【第22句】:放学后 ______________ 二、句子【第1句】:Can I ask you some questions about our school ? Yes ,of course.【第2句】:How many students are there in the class ? There are forty-five students in the class.【第3句】:How long are the lessons? The lessons are forty-five minutes long.【第4句】:How do you go to school ? I go to school on foot.【第5句】:How long does the journey take ? The journey takes fifteen minutes.【第6句】:What's you favourite subjec ? My favourite subject is History.【第7句】:I'd like you to meet some of my friends.【第8句】:How many lessons do you have each day ? We ususlly have eight lessons each day.【第9句】:Do we have a break in the morning? Yes,we do .【第10句】:What does Mr Lv teach ? He teaches Chinese.【第11句】:What class are you in? I'm in Class One, Grade Seven.【第12句】:After school ,I sometimes play basketball with my friends.Module 2 On the Telephone 一、短语【第1句】:和……通话 【第11句】:忙于做某事2……害怕…… 【第12句】:别挂断【第3句】:……害怕去做…… 【第13句】:稍后【第4句】:捎口信 【第14句】:现在,目前【第5句】:留口信 【第15句】:英语作业【第6句】:帮助某人做某事 【第16句】:喂鸟【第7句】:在……的帮助下 【第17句】:唱首歌【第8句】:禁不住做某事 【第18句】:与……保持联系 【第9句】:要求某人做某事 【第19句】:寻找【第10句】:告诉某人做某事 【第20句】:随便吃……【第21句】:准备get ready 【第22句】:为……准备好be ready for 【第23句】:get ready for 为……准备 【第24句】:be/get ready to do sth准备做某事【第25句】:喂养某物 feed sth 26 把某物喂给某物feed ……to…… 二、句子【第1句】:Can I speak to Gu Ming ,Please ? I'm afraid he's not here.【第2句】:Can I take a message ? No,that's Ok. I'll call again ,later.【第3句】:Wei Gang is visiting his grandparents.【第4句】:What's your telephone number ? My telephone number is 76398【第52句】:【第5句】:Can you ask Peter to call me?【第6句】:She is calling about the Maths homework.【第7句】:Are you busy now? No, not really.【第8句】:I'm flying a kite in the park with some friends.【第9句】:Why don't you join us?【第10句】:Let me see if he's here.【第11句】:My grandpa is walking the dog.【第12句】:I'm talking to you , of course.【第13句】:Tell me what's happening outside .【第14句】:Wei Ming is eating an apple .【第15句】:Liu Hong is running after her cat.【第16句】:My brother is climbing a tree.【第17句】:The boy is eating an ice cream.18 、The two girls are skipping in the garden.。

【第6句】: “周末快乐”用英语怎么说


Happy weekend



英 [ˌwi:kˈend]

美 [ˈwi:kend]


周末; 星期六和星期日(或略长一点的)休息时间;





[例句]She had agreed to have dinner

with him in town the following weekend




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