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7B Unit 5 Reading 教学案



  M 7B Unit 5 Reading (2)案


  1.在五月十日 _________________ 2.独自在家 ____________________

  3.看到许多烟 _________________ 4.跑到外面 ___________________

  5.来自隔壁 _________________ 6.79岁的孙太太 ___________________

  7.在厨房 __________________ 8.伤了她的腿 ___________________

  精彩视点 ?? 重要问题学法指导

  1、On 10th May, Zhang hua was at home alone. 五月十日,张华独自在家。

  alone 单独,独自 alone=by oneself

  eg. I can finish the work _________.(同义句)

  I can finish the work _______ ____________.

  2、Suddenly,h e heard someone shout ing fire! Fire!突然,他听到有人大叫失火了!失 火了!

  hear sb.doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事,

  hear sb.do sth听到某人做某事,表示 动作经常发生或听到动作发生的全过程。


  see/watch/find sb. doing sth.看见/观看/发现某人正在做某事

  see/watch/find sb. do sth. 看见/观看/发现某人做某事, 动作经常发生或看见/观看/发现动作发生的全过程。

  eg.⑴ Can you hear someone _____________(sing) in the classroom?

  ⑵ I saw him ___________(run) into a hospital yesterday.

  ⑶ The mother watched her son __________(play) on the ground.

  (4)I see her ________(wear) a red coat every day.

  3、the 79-year-old Mrs Sun 七十九岁的孙奶奶

  eg. ⑴ Mrs Sun is ______ ________ _ ______.孙奶奶79岁了。

  ⑵ 一颗十米高的树 a ________________ tree

  ⑶ 一个八岁的男孩 an _______________ boy

  4、He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs Sun out.


  5、He was in hospital for two months.他在医院住了两个月。

  in hospital 意为(生病)住院, 其中没有任何冠词;

  in the/a hospital 表示在医院,意为去医院看望某人或在医院工作等。

  ⑴ 他的爸爸在一家医院工作。

  His father works_______ ______ _ ____________.



  1.此刻 __________________ 2.听到有人大叫 ___________________

  3.两个月 ___________________ 4.向泼水 ____________________

  5.用毯子扑灭火________________ 6.住院 ____________________

  7.互相帮助 ___________________ 8.小心火 ____________________


  1 . I _______(can) not ride a bike when I w as ten.

  2. Look! Can you see some smoke_______ ___(come) from Mr Suns flat.

  3.Let him ________ _(do) his homework by ____________(him). Dont teach him.

  4..She likes _________(collect) stamps.

  5.The old man died quickly without _____ ______(say) a word.

  6.Lots of ___________(visit) came to see her. They _________(bring)flowers and cards to her.

  7.I often hear her _________(sing) in the next room.

  8.He rushed into his room and ______(put) out the fire with a blanket.

  9.The traffic here is very__________(danger) for children.

  10.A person can have many ________(ability)


  1.He helped the old lady ____ the fire.

  A.off B.to C.into D.out of

  2.When theres a fire, we can ____ with a wet blanket.

  A.put off it B. put it off C.put out it D. .put it out

  3.He is only a ____boy.

  A.five years old B. five -year -old C five-years old. D. five-years-old

  4.Look!There comes____ smoke from the kitchen.

  A.lot of B.lots C.a lot of D.a lot

  5.______ strong man your friend is!

  A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

  6.Zhang Li was born ____ February 2nd.

  A.in B.on C.at D.to

  7.--_______ did you stay in hospital? ----Two months.


  M 7B Unit 5 Reading (2)案


  1.在五月十日 _________________ 2.独自在家 ____________________

  3.看到许多烟 _________________ 4.跑到外面 ___________________

  5.来自隔壁 _________________ 6.79岁的孙太太 ___________________

  7.在厨房 __________________ 8.伤了她的腿 ___________________

  精彩视点 ?? 重要问题学法指导

  1、On 10th May, Zhang hua was at home alone. 五月十日,张华独自在家。

  alone 单独,独自 alone=by oneself

  eg. I can finish the work _________.(同义句)

  I can finish the work _______ ____________.

  2、Suddenly,h e heard someone shout ing fire! Fire!突然,他听到有人大叫失火了!失 火了!

  hear sb.doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事,

  hear sb.do sth听到某人做某事,表示 动作经常发生或听到动作发生的全过程。


  see/watch/find sb. doing sth.看见/观看/发现某人正在做某事

  see/watch/find sb. do sth. 看见/观看/发现某人做某事, 动作经常发生或看见/观看/发现动作发生的全过程。

  eg.⑴ Can you hear someone _____________(sing) in the classroom?

  ⑵ I saw him ___________(run) into a hospital yesterday.

  ⑶ The mother watched her son __________(play) on the ground.

  (4)I see her ________(wear) a red coat every day.

  3、the 79-year-old Mrs Sun 七十九岁的孙奶奶

  eg. ⑴ Mrs Sun is ______ ________ _ ______.孙奶奶79岁了。

  ⑵ 一颗十米高的树 a ________________ tree

  ⑶ 一个八岁的男孩 an _______________ boy

  4、He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs Sun out.


  5、He was in hospital for two months.他在医院住了两个月。

  in hospital 意为(生病)住院, 其中没有任何冠词;

  in the/a hospital 表示在医院,意为去医院看望某人或在医院工作等。

  ⑴ 他的爸爸在一家医院工作。

  His father works_______ ______ _ ____________.



  1.此刻 __________________ 2.听到有人大叫 ___________________

  3.两个月 ___________________ 4.向泼水 ____________________

  5.用毯子扑灭火________________ 6.住院 ____________________

  7.互相帮助 ___________________ 8.小心火 ____________________


  1 . I _______(can) not ride a bike when I w as ten.

  2. Look! Can you see some smoke_______ ___(come) from Mr Suns flat.

  3.Let him ________ _(do) his homework by ____________(him). Dont teach him.

  4..She likes _________(collect) stamps.

  5.The old man died quickly without _____ ______(say) a word.

  6.Lots of ___________(visit) came to see her. They _________(bring)flowers and cards to her.

  7.I often hear her _________(sing) in the next room.

  8.He rushed into his room and ______(put) out the fire with a blanket.

  9.The traffic here is very__________(danger) for children.

  10.A person can have many ________(ability)


  1.He helped the old lady ____ the fire.

  A.off B.to C.into D.out of

  2.When theres a fire, we can ____ with a wet blanket.

  A.put off it B. put it off C.put out it D. .put it out

  3.He is only a ____boy.

  A.five years old B. five -year -old C five-years old. D. five-years-old

  4.Look!There comes____ smoke from the kitchen.

  A.lot of B.lots C.a lot of D.a lot

  5.______ strong man your friend is!

  A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

  6.Zhang Li was born ____ February 2nd.

  A.in B.on C.at D.to

  7.--_______ did you stay in hospital? ----Two months.




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