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牛津7B Unit 1导学案2



  牛津7B Unit 1导学案2

  This is the first public performance of the play.



  the first part第一部分

  the twenty-third section第二十三章


  the first part第一部分Part One

  the twenty-third section第二十三章Section Twenty-third


  第201号房间:Room 201

  第319面:Page 319

  第一拖拉机厂:the Number I Tractor Works

  第六号车厢:Carriage No.6

  第七路公共汽车:Bus Number Seven


  Period 1

  1. Prepostitions of place

  We use prepositions of place to say where things are. Prepositions of place: above, at, behind, below, beside, between, in, in front of , inside, next to, on , opposite, over, under.

  e.g. Millie sits in front of me.

  Amy sits between Millie and Simon.

  Kitty sits next to Sandy.

  Sandy sits between Kitty and me.

  Simon sits in front of Kitty.

  The window is opposite the door.

  The chalk is on the teachers desk.

  Language points:

  ⑴ above, over, on

  above (反) below表示位置高于某物在其上方,并不表示正上方。over (反)under表示正方,指垂直上方上。on指两个事物表面接触,一个在另一个上面。

  e.g. Theres a bridge over the river.

  The plane flew above us.

  Theres a book on the teachers desk.

  ⑵ between, among


  e.g. I am sitting between my parents.

  I saw him among the students.

  ⑶ in front of , in the front of

  in front of (反)behind 表示在前面in the front of (反) at the back of表示在前部,指某一结构本体的前部。

  e.g. There is a garden in front of the house.

  The desk for the teacher is in the front of the classroom.

  ⑷ beside = next to

  e.g. David sits next to/beside me.

  Finish off the exercise on page 9.

  Period 2

  Cardinal numbers almost every day.

  We use cardinal numbers use them for lots of different things.

  1. 基数词的读法:

  ⑴几十几十位和个位之间用。e.g. 32 thirty-two

  ⑵101999 百位和十位间加and.e.g. 928 nine hundred and twenty-eight

  ⑶1000 以上的数,从后往前每三位一段,倒数第一个数读thousand,倒数第二个数读million,依次类推。e.g. 8,542,601 eight million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, six hundred and one

  2. 基数词的运用:

  hundred, thousand, million, billion等一般用单数,但以下情况用复数:

  ⑴表示不定数目:e.g. hundreds of millions of


  e.g. in his twenties in the thirties


  1one11eleven30thirtyone hundred


  3three13thirteen50fiftyone thousand


  5five15fifteen70seventyten thousand


  7seven17seventeen90ninetyone hundred thousand


  9nine19nineteenone million

  3. Ordinal numbers

  We can use ordinal numbers to to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, results, etc.

  e.g. Uncle Jim will arrive on the seventh of June.

  The restaurant is on the sixth floor.

  Millie came first in the English exam.

  Cardinal numbersCardinal numbersOrdinal numbersOrdinal numbers










  Language points:

  1. 序数词的运用:

  ⑴表示日期:e.g. 6月1日 on the first of June/ on June (the) first

  ⑵表示编号:e.g. lesson 5 the fifth lesson

  ⑶起副词作用,前无the e.g. Simon came first in the English exam.

  ⑷序数词前有限定词修饰时,不加the. e.g. This is my first lesson.

  2. Ill arrive in Beijing on Sunday.

  arrive (vi.) arrive in(大地点)/at (小地点)= get to = reach

  e.g. The train arrived an hour ago.

  He arrives at school on time every day.=He gets to school on time every day.= He reaches school on time every day.

  arrive there/ here/home =get there/ here/ home= reach there/ here/ home

  3. I cant wait to see you.

  cant wait to do sth

  e.g. The boy cant wait to turn on T V when he gets home..

  4. That sounds great.

  sound (taste/ smell/ look/ feel/get/ turn/ become)+ adj.

  5. Where else are we going?=What other places are we going?

  where/what/who+else something/anything/nothing/someone+else

  e.g. Do you want anything else?

  We must find somebody else to do this job.

  Ⅳ. Discussion (task)

  Have a discussion and find out the differences between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.

  Ⅴ. Homework

  1. Review the contents of this lesson.

  2. Do the Exx of the workbook.


  一、 写出下列数词:

  1. 365

  2. 第三十八

  3. 1987

  4. 第二十九

  5. 10,695

  6. 第四十

  7. 6,897,124

  8. 第八十三

  9. 1,400,462,156

  10. 第一百


  1. Millie sits __ __ _______ _____ me.

  2. Amy sits ______ Millie and Simon.

  3. Kitty sits__ __ ______ Sandy.

  4. The window is ___ _ the door.

  5. The chalk is ______ the teachers desk.

  6. The bridge is __ _ the river.

  7. Would you like to share the room ___ __ her brother?

  8. They like chatting ______ each other ___ __lunchtime.

  9. The girl is waiting _______ the bus stop.

  10. Dont look __ __ __ __ the window in class.


  1. 你想要喝杯茶吗?

  __ ___ you ____ __ _______ ________ a cup of tea?

  2. 太阳、月亮、地球哪个最大?

  ________ _______ ________ _________, the sun, the moon or the earth?

  3. 米莉最喜欢的季节是春天。

  _______ ________ _________ is spring.

  4. 谁是这家工厂的主人?

  Who is ______ _______ of the ________?

  5. 你旁边的男孩是凯特的弟弟。

  The ______ _______ _______ _______ is Kates brother.

  Period Five Integrated skills Study skills



  1. 迫不及待做某事 cant wait to do sth.

  2. 叫某人做某事 ask/tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人不要做某事 ask/tell sb. not to do sth.

  3. 其它的地方 where else

  4. 想要做某事 would like to do sth.=want to do sth.

  5. 想要某人做某事 would like sb. to do sth.= want sb. to do sth.

  6. 在A与B之间 between A and B(若A 和 B是代词用宾格)

  7. 雨下得多。 It rains a lot.

  8. 请某人接电话好吗?(电话用语) May I speak to sb.?

  9 听起来很棒 sound great

  10. 住在某人楼上2层 live two floors above sb.

  11. 住在某人楼下2层 live two floors below sb.

  12. 看漫画书 read comics=read comic books


  回顾Period 1-4中涉及到的房屋及家具表达。


  Teaching aims and demands:

  New words: bathroom, mirror , afraid , still, message

  Key points: be different from May I speak to, please?

  Whos calling? Can I take a message?

  Teaching methods: task-based approach

  Teaching task:

  1.To recognize words about homes, to identify items related to homes, to understand the location of rooms and furniture, to identify specific information about furniture items and to show understanding of relevant information by completing an e-mail

  2.To develop grammar learning strategies and to use a recording system to help memorize grammatical structures.

  Teaching aids: tape recorder, tapes, slide projector, slides

  Teaching procedures:

  Step1. Warm-up

  Ask the student on duty to give a free talk.

  Step2. At home in Britain

  Ask the Ss to study the pictures in Part 1 carefully. Encourage them to ask questions about the pictures.

  e.g. Where do Neil and his family watch TV? Where do you think the house is? Listen to the tape, and ask the Ss to order the pictures. Check the answers with the whole class.

  Listen to the recording again. Do the T or F exercises.

  1. Neil and his family dont sit in the kitchen.

  2. There is a garden behind the kitchen.

  3. There is a large table in the dining room.

  4. Neils family watches TV in the dinging room.

  5. The bathroom is new.

  6. There is a lamp and some posters in Neils bedroom.

  Ask students to read the words in the box in Part A2 and use them to label the things in the pictures in Part A1.

  In pair, students check their answers. Ask them to label as many of the other things as they can in the pictures.

  Ask students to read Amys e-mail in PartA3 to obtain general understanding. Check their choice of words. Students take turns to read the completed e-mail to the class.

  Step3. Speak up

  Listen to the tape recording and read after it.

  Ask the Ss to work in pairs to make up new conversation for leaving a message with Neils mother using the conversation in Part B as a model. Ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.

  Step4. Study skills ( Making a grammar pattern book)

  Take students through the two patterns at the top of the page.

  Ask students toe Part A using the two grammar patterns. Encourage them to use a different colour for each part of speech .

  Ask students to write the two patterns on separate pages in a notebook.

  Language points:

  1. Its really different from the flats in Beijing.

  be different from

  e.g. Your pen is different from mine.

  City life is very different from Country life.

  different(adj.) difference(n.)

  the difference betweenand

  e.g. There are many differences between English and Chinese Names.

  2. Whos calling/speaking/that? (打电话用语)请问你是谁?

  我是用This is e.g. This is Jack speaking.

  3. Can I take a message?

  take a message (for sb)

  4. Ill ask him to call you back.

  Step5. Sum-up

  Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson.

  Step6. Homework



  1. Would you like to see a film?

  __________you __________ to see a film7

  2. The capital of Japan is Tokyo.

  __________is the__________ of Japan.

  3. I live in a house. It has ten rooms.

  I live in a __________ __________ ten rooms.

  4. I climb a ladder to get into my house.

  I get into my house __________a __________

  5. It rains a lot in autumn here.

  There is __________ __________ in autumn here.

  6. I share a bedroom with my sister.

  My sister and I __________ in the __________ room.

  7. The air conditioner is above the window.

  The window __________ __________ the air conditioner.

  8. There is a ruler on the pencil-box. There is an English book under the pencil-box.

  The pencil-box __________ __________ a ruler and an English book.

  9. He has a lot of clothes.

  He has __________ __________ clothes.

  10. They will arrive on July 9.

  They will arrive on __________ __________of July.

  二、Jim 打电话给Tom约他明天下午去踢足球,Tom的妹妹Mary接了电话。请根据提示完成一篇对话。

  Jim : __________________________________________________________________________

  Mary : _________________________________________________________________________

  Jim : __________________________________________________________________________

  Mary : _________________________________________________________________________

  Jim : __________________________________________________________________________

  Mary : _________________________________________________________________________

  Jim : __________________________________________________________________________

  Mary : _________________________________________________________________________

  Jim : __________________________________________________________________________

  Mary : _________________________________________________________________________

  Jim : __________________________________________________________________________

  Mary : _________________________________________________________________________

  Period Six Main task Check out





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