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  主备人: 审核人:

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello ! 总时5第 1 时

  题Welcome to the unit 型New

  目标1 . To master 14 letters : A a B b Cc D d E e F f G g H h

  I i J j k L l m N n

  2. To learn to use some everyday English .

  重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点 Some everyday English .


  Step 1.Introductory

  1.Why do we learn English : the importance of learning English.

  2.The way of learning English.

  Step2 Presentation

  Greet the students Hi, boys and girls. Write the sentence on the blackboard. Tell the students that they can greet the teacher with Hi, r/rs__, write it on the blackboard.

  Step3 Practice

  1.Greet the students one by one. Encourage them to answer Hi, r/rs___.

  2.Let students practise in pairs.

  Step 4 Presentation

  Learn the letters A----N and their phonetic symbols (Form A to N)

  Step 5 Practice

  Learn some words beginning with these letters and learn their phonetic symbols.

  apple; ball; cat; dog; egg; fish; girl; hat; ice-cream; juice; kite; like; mouse; nose;

  Listen and read .

  Learn how to write

  the letters.


  Step 6 Teach everyday English

  Explain and teach some everyday English

  1)------ Good morning / afternoon , class .

  ------ Good morning /afternoon, r/ rs ..

  2) ----- Hello ! ------- Hi !

  3) ------ Goodbye , class .

  ------ Goodbye , r. / iss .. ( see you.)

  Step 7 Consolidation

  Read through the contents learned .

  Step 8 Assignment

  1)Read and copy the letters Aa ---- Nn three


  2)Learn to use the everyday English .

  Read and learn .

  Go over the content on the Bb.

  Finish the homework .

  教学反 思

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello !总时5第 2时

  题 Listening 型New

  教学目标1 . To master 12 letters :

  2. To learn to use some everyday English .

  教学重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点Some everyday English .


  Step 1 Revision

  1)Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to

  review everyday English .

  2)Dictate the letters ( A a ---- N n )

  Step 2 Teach letters

  1 Teach the letters

  1) Teach the Ss how to read O o P p Q q R r Ss T t Uu Vv X x Y y Z z

  Then play the tape for the Ss to listen and read the letters twice and get the Ss

  to practise them in groups .

  2) Show the Ss how to write these twice .

  3) Tell the Ss some letter groups meanings.

  H (香港)CD(光盘) ID (身份证)

  NBA(全美篮球协会) a.m. kg

  FC(肯得基) DJ(电台节目主持人)

  Act out a dialogue .

  Have a dictation .

  Listen read and learn .

  Learn to write the letters .

  Listen read and learn.


  Step 3 Teach everyday English

  Explain and teach some everyday English

  1)------- How are you ? ------- Fine, thank

  you . And you ?

  ------- Im fine ,too.

  2)Stand up, please . Sit down , please .

  Step 4Consolidation

  Read through the contents learned .

  Step 5 Assignment

  1)Read and copy the letters Oo ----- Zz three times.

  2) Learn to use everyday English .

  Learn to say some everyday English .

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello !总时5第 3 时

  题 Speaking 型New

  教学目标1 aster daily English Whats your name ? Im ..

  Youre Nick , right ? Yes , Im . / No, Im not .

  2. Review the letters and everyday Englihs learned.

  教学重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点aster daily expressions and use them in daily life .


  Step 1 Revision

  1)Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to review daily English .

  2)Show some letter cards to the Ss and ask them to read aloud .

  3)Dictate the letters A a ------ Z z

  Step 2 Teach the Ss some letter groups



  IQ PC IOC RB IT p.m.

  Step 3 Teach everyday English

  Explain and teach some everyday

  English :

  1)------ Whats your name ?

  ------ y name is .

  Practise oral English .

  Have a dictation .

  Listen read and say.


  2)------ Hello ! Youre Nick, right ?

  ------ Yes , I am . / No , Im not .Im


  Step 4 Consolidation

  Read through the contents learned .

  Step 5 Assignment

  1)Learn to use everyday English .

  2)Review the letters and daily English


  Listen read and say.

  Finish the homework .

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello !总时5第4时

  题 Reading 型New

  教学目标1 . Review the letters and daily expressions.

  2. Learn some everyday English

  教学重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点 aster everyday English and use them in real life .


  Step 1 Revision

  1) Show some letter cards to have the Ss read them together .

  2) Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to

  review everyday English .

  3)Dictate the letters Aa ----- Zz .

  Step 2 Teach some abbreviations and their

  meanings .

  eg . TV UN PRC IQ RB


  Step 3 Presentation

  1 Prepare some pictures with people of

  different ages and sexes. Show the Ss three pictures with their family names below, they are : a Chinese man , a young Chinese girl and an old lady . Ask several students to greet them by saying

  Hello , r, iss or rs ---- so that

   r, iss and rs are introduced.

  Read the letters aloud.

  Practise daily English .

  Say Hello , r,

  iss or rs -----


  2 ore pictures with their full names below can be presented . Let the Ss learn to greet them . For example , this mans name is Rober White . You can greet him by saying Hello , r White .

  Step 4 Read

  1 Let the students read the dialogues

  by themselves . And we can ask the Ss to judge when the dialogues happen.

  2 Ask the Ss to read the dialogues once again . Then show the pictures of the people in Reading and ask the Ss to ask questions according to them like Whats her/his name? ( rs Wang / rs Li /illie)

  3 Group the Ss into three and ask them to read the dialogues and act them out .

  Step 5 Assignment

  1Read and copy the letters .

  2Review everyday English .

  3Finish some written exercises .

  Practise the greetings .

  Read the dialogues .

  Ask peoples names .

  Act out the dialogues .

  总 题Unit 1 Hello !总时5第 5时

  题Task 型Revision

  教学目标1 . Review the letters and some abbreviations .

  2. Go over the daily English learned .

  3. Some other greetings can be introduced.

  教学重点 The letters and some expressions .

  教学难点 The same as above .


  Step 1 Revision

  1 Get the Ss to recite the alphabet together .

  Play the tape for the Ss to learn the ABC

  song then tell them to sing this song .

  2 Read the abbreviations learned and recall

  their meanings .

  3Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to review everyday English .

  Step 2 Play a guessing game .

  Ask one student to come to the front .

  Have one students eyes covered with cloth , then ask some other students to come to the front and let him guess who they are using Youre Lily ,right ? Yes, I am ./ No, Im not . Then encourage them to greet each other using the expressions learned like How are you ? Fine ,thank you .

  Recite the alphabet

  Learn the ABC song .

  Have a talk .

  Play a guessing game .


  In this step , students are encouraged to greet

  their classmates by using some other expressions like Nice to meet you . How do you do ? etc.

  Step 3 Assignment

  1 Review the letters and everyday English .

  2 Have a test .

  3 Prepare for Unit 2 .

  Play the game .



  主备人: 审核人:

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello ! 总时5第 1 时

  题Welcome to the unit 型New

  目标1 . To master 14 letters : A a B b Cc D d E e F f G g H h

  I i J j k L l m N n

  2. To learn to use some everyday English .

  重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点 Some everyday English .


  Step 1.Introductory

  1.Why do we learn English : the importance of learning English.

  2.The way of learning English.

  Step2 Presentation

  Greet the students Hi, boys and girls. Write the sentence on the blackboard. Tell the students that they can greet the teacher with Hi, r/rs__, write it on the blackboard.

  Step3 Practice

  1.Greet the students one by one. Encourage them to answer Hi, r/rs___.

  2.Let students practise in pairs.

  Step 4 Presentation

  Learn the letters A----N and their phonetic symbols (Form A to N)

  Step 5 Practice

  Learn some words beginning with these letters and learn their phonetic symbols.

  apple; ball; cat; dog; egg; fish; girl; hat; ice-cream; juice; kite; like; mouse; nose;

  Listen and read .

  Learn how to write

  the letters.


  Step 6 Teach everyday English

  Explain and teach some everyday English

  1)------ Good morning / afternoon , class .

  ------ Good morning /afternoon, r/ rs ..

  2) ----- Hello ! ------- Hi !

  3) ------ Goodbye , class .

  ------ Goodbye , r. / iss .. ( see you.)

  Step 7 Consolidation

  Read through the contents learned .

  Step 8 Assignment

  1)Read and copy the letters Aa ---- Nn three


  2)Learn to use the everyday English .

  Read and learn .

  Go over the content on the Bb.

  Finish the homework .

  教学反 思

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello !总时5第 2时

  题 Listening 型New

  教学目标1 . To master 12 letters :

  2. To learn to use some everyday English .

  教学重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点Some everyday English .


  Step 1 Revision

  1)Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to

  review everyday English .

  2)Dictate the letters ( A a ---- N n )

  Step 2 Teach letters

  1 Teach the letters

  1) Teach the Ss how to read O o P p Q q R r Ss T t Uu Vv X x Y y Z z

  Then play the tape for the Ss to listen and read the letters twice and get the Ss

  to practise them in groups .

  2) Show the Ss how to write these twice .

  3) Tell the Ss some letter groups meanings.

  H (香港)CD(光盘) ID (身份证)

  NBA(全美篮球协会) a.m. kg

  FC(肯得基) DJ(电台节目主持人)

  Act out a dialogue .

  Have a dictation .

  Listen read and learn .

  Learn to write the letters .

  Listen read and learn.


  Step 3 Teach everyday English

  Explain and teach some everyday English

  1)------- How are you ? ------- Fine, thank

  you . And you ?

  ------- Im fine ,too.

  2)Stand up, please . Sit down , please .

  Step 4Consolidation

  Read through the contents learned .

  Step 5 Assignment

  1)Read and copy the letters Oo ----- Zz three times.

  2) Learn to use everyday English .

  Learn to say some everyday English .

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello !总时5第 3 时

  题 Speaking 型New

  教学目标1 aster daily English Whats your name ? Im ..

  Youre Nick , right ? Yes , Im . / No, Im not .

  2. Review the letters and everyday Englihs learned.

  教学重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点aster daily expressions and use them in daily life .


  Step 1 Revision

  1)Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to review daily English .

  2)Show some letter cards to the Ss and ask them to read aloud .

  3)Dictate the letters A a ------ Z z

  Step 2 Teach the Ss some letter groups



  IQ PC IOC RB IT p.m.

  Step 3 Teach everyday English

  Explain and teach some everyday

  English :

  1)------ Whats your name ?

  ------ y name is .

  Practise oral English .

  Have a dictation .

  Listen read and say.


  2)------ Hello ! Youre Nick, right ?

  ------ Yes , I am . / No , Im not .Im


  Step 4 Consolidation

  Read through the contents learned .

  Step 5 Assignment

  1)Learn to use everyday English .

  2)Review the letters and daily English


  Listen read and say.

  Finish the homework .

  总 题 Unit 1 Hello !总时5第4时

  题 Reading 型New

  教学目标1 . Review the letters and daily expressions.

  2. Learn some everyday English

  教学重点 Aims 1 , 2.

  教学难点 aster everyday English and use them in real life .


  Step 1 Revision

  1) Show some letter cards to have the Ss read them together .

  2) Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to

  review everyday English .

  3)Dictate the letters Aa ----- Zz .

  Step 2 Teach some abbreviations and their

  meanings .

  eg . TV UN PRC IQ RB


  Step 3 Presentation

  1 Prepare some pictures with people of

  different ages and sexes. Show the Ss three pictures with their family names below, they are : a Chinese man , a young Chinese girl and an old lady . Ask several students to greet them by saying

  Hello , r, iss or rs ---- so that

   r, iss and rs are introduced.

  Read the letters aloud.

  Practise daily English .

  Say Hello , r,

  iss or rs -----


  2 ore pictures with their full names below can be presented . Let the Ss learn to greet them . For example , this mans name is Rober White . You can greet him by saying Hello , r White .

  Step 4 Read

  1 Let the students read the dialogues

  by themselves . And we can ask the Ss to judge when the dialogues happen.

  2 Ask the Ss to read the dialogues once again . Then show the pictures of the people in Reading and ask the Ss to ask questions according to them like Whats her/his name? ( rs Wang / rs Li /illie)

  3 Group the Ss into three and ask them to read the dialogues and act them out .

  Step 5 Assignment

  1Read and copy the letters .

  2Review everyday English .

  3Finish some written exercises .

  Practise the greetings .

  Read the dialogues .

  Ask peoples names .

  Act out the dialogues .

  总 题Unit 1 Hello !总时5第 5时

  题Task 型Revision

  教学目标1 . Review the letters and some abbreviations .

  2. Go over the daily English learned .

  3. Some other greetings can be introduced.

  教学重点 The letters and some expressions .

  教学难点 The same as above .


  Step 1 Revision

  1 Get the Ss to recite the alphabet together .

  Play the tape for the Ss to learn the ABC

  song then tell them to sing this song .

  2 Read the abbreviations learned and recall

  their meanings .

  3Have a simple dialogue with the Ss to review everyday English .

  Step 2 Play a guessing game .

  Ask one student to come to the front .

  Have one students eyes covered with cloth , then ask some other students to come to the front and let him guess who they are using Youre Lily ,right ? Yes, I am ./ No, Im not . Then encourage them to greet each other using the expressions learned like How are you ? Fine ,thank you .

  Recite the alphabet

  Learn the ABC song .

  Have a talk .

  Play a guessing game .


  In this step , students are encouraged to greet

  their classmates by using some other expressions like Nice to meet you . How do you do ? etc.

  Step 3 Assignment

  1 Review the letters and everyday English .

  2 Have a test .

  3 Prepare for Unit 2 .

  Play the game .




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