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  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked I A 1, ~ B ], ~ C 1 and I D !, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  11. They have two children already.

  Lisa wishes to have children, but her husband doesnt.

  They will start a family as soon as they get married.

  They dont want children for the time being.

  12. Gas station.

  Police station.

  Lost and Found department.


  13. Because she was sick.

  Because probably someone had been hurt.

  Because her husband was sick.

  Because her husband needed an ambulance.

  14. In a library.

  In a hospital.

  In a court.

  In a restaurant kitchen.

  15. Sebdng High School.

  Clark High School.

  Melrose Community College.

  Community College.

  16. Shes got heart trouble.

  Shes got a lung disease.

  Shes got high blood pressure.

  Shes got headaches.

  17. In a restaurant.

  In a department store.

  In a private home.

  In an art supply shop.

  18. 15.




  Section A


  12.A信息明示题。男士说:就在这儿停吧,当我加油的时候你去问路并给我买瓶软饮料。解答本题的关键是理解男士说的filling the tank,由此可知,他们在加油站寻求帮助。




  begin,start和cease后既可跟不定式也可跟动名词,跟不定式多表示情况发生变化,跟动名词则表示有意识地开始或停止,如:Suddenly it started to rain.天突然下起雨来。/The factory has ceased making bicycles.该厂已停止生产自行车。

  15.C信息明示题。女士在最后指出,he enrolled in Melrose Community College where he is presently studying,由此可知,所以C正确。解答本题的关键是听清女士说的presently studyin9。



  18.C信息明示题。女士说:我们从原始名单中的150个名字中删去了15个。由此可以推断,参加聚会的人数可能有135人,所以C正确。解答本题的关键是cross off以及数字fifteen和one hundred and fifty。

  Section A

  11. W: Have Todd and Lisa started a family yet? Theyve been married for two years now.

  M: Todd indicated to me that theyd postpone having children until he gets his law degree.

  Q: How do Todd and Lisa feel about children?

  12. W: This doesnt look at all familiar. We must be lost, wed better get some directions.

  M: Lets pull in here. While Im filling the tank, you ask about the directions and get me a soft drink.

  Q: Where will the man and the woman go for assistance?

  13. W: Excuse me sir, but I have to use your phone. Theres been an accident and I have to call an ambulance.

  M: Well, I suppose thatll be all right. This phone is usually for office use only, but since its an emergency.

  Q: Why did the woman sound urgent?

  14. M: Now you can begin taking the plates to the customers. Well, dont carry too many plates. You may drop them.

  W: Oh, I wont drop them. Ive never dropped a plate in my life.

  Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?

  15. M: I thought that you said that Bob went to Searing High School.

  W: No, he used to attend Clark High School, but after graduation last year, he enrolled in Melrose Community College where he is presently studying.

  Q: Where does Bob go to school now?

  16. M: Your blood pressure is quite normal and there was nothing wrong with your heart or lung.

  W: But what about these headaches I am always getting? Im still worrying about them.

  Q: Whats wrong with the woman?

  17. M: I bought this sweater as a gift last week but have just discovered that it is the wrong size. So I want to return it.

  W: If you have your receipt, I can give you credit for the purchase. But I cant repay you.

  Q: Where did the conversation probably take place?

  18. M: How many people will be coming to the party on Saturday?

  W: We had to cross off fifteen names from our original list of one hundred and fifty.

  Q: How many people do they expect to attend the party?


  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked I A 1, ~ B ], ~ C 1 and I D !, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  11. They have two children already.

  Lisa wishes to have children, but her husband doesnt.

  They will start a family as soon as they get married.

  They dont want children for the time being.

  12. Gas station.

  Police station.

  Lost and Found department.


  13. Because she was sick.

  Because probably someone had been hurt.

  Because her husband was sick.

  Because her husband needed an ambulance.

  14. In a library.

  In a hospital.

  In a court.

  In a restaurant kitchen.

  15. Sebdng High School.

  Clark High School.

  Melrose Community College.

  Community College.

  16. Shes got heart trouble.

  Shes got a lung disease.

  Shes got high blood pressure.

  Shes got headaches.

  17. In a restaurant.

  In a department store.

  In a private home.

  In an art supply shop.

  18. 15.




  Section A


  12.A信息明示题。男士说:就在这儿停吧,当我加油的时候你去问路并给我买瓶软饮料。解答本题的关键是理解男士说的filling the tank,由此可知,他们在加油站寻求帮助。




  begin,start和cease后既可跟不定式也可跟动名词,跟不定式多表示情况发生变化,跟动名词则表示有意识地开始或停止,如:Suddenly it started to rain.天突然下起雨来。/The factory has ceased making bicycles.该厂已停止生产自行车。

  15.C信息明示题。女士在最后指出,he enrolled in Melrose Community College where he is presently studying,由此可知,所以C正确。解答本题的关键是听清女士说的presently studyin9。



  18.C信息明示题。女士说:我们从原始名单中的150个名字中删去了15个。由此可以推断,参加聚会的人数可能有135人,所以C正确。解答本题的关键是cross off以及数字fifteen和one hundred and fifty。

  Section A

  11. W: Have Todd and Lisa started a family yet? Theyve been married for two years now.

  M: Todd indicated to me that theyd postpone having children until he gets his law degree.

  Q: How do Todd and Lisa feel about children?

  12. W: This doesnt look at all familiar. We must be lost, wed better get some directions.

  M: Lets pull in here. While Im filling the tank, you ask about the directions and get me a soft drink.

  Q: Where will the man and the woman go for assistance?

  13. W: Excuse me sir, but I have to use your phone. Theres been an accident and I have to call an ambulance.

  M: Well, I suppose thatll be all right. This phone is usually for office use only, but since its an emergency.

  Q: Why did the woman sound urgent?

  14. M: Now you can begin taking the plates to the customers. Well, dont carry too many plates. You may drop them.

  W: Oh, I wont drop them. Ive never dropped a plate in my life.

  Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?

  15. M: I thought that you said that Bob went to Searing High School.

  W: No, he used to attend Clark High School, but after graduation last year, he enrolled in Melrose Community College where he is presently studying.

  Q: Where does Bob go to school now?

  16. M: Your blood pressure is quite normal and there was nothing wrong with your heart or lung.

  W: But what about these headaches I am always getting? Im still worrying about them.

  Q: Whats wrong with the woman?

  17. M: I bought this sweater as a gift last week but have just discovered that it is the wrong size. So I want to return it.

  W: If you have your receipt, I can give you credit for the purchase. But I cant repay you.

  Q: Where did the conversation probably take place?

  18. M: How many people will be coming to the party on Saturday?

  W: We had to cross off fifteen names from our original list of one hundred and fifty.

  Q: How many people do they expect to attend the party?




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