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  Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of theirpeople depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralizedcontrol and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.在现代条件下,这需要不同程度的中央控制措施,从而就需要获得诸如经济学和运筹学等领域专家的协助。

  本题属于简单句。句子框架是this requires various measures of centralized control and...the help of specialized scientists such as...。

  本句比较简单。需要注意的是:require有两个宾语。第2个宾语是the help。在翻译时需要加上获得二字。measure在这里是程度,幅度,限度的意思。varying measures可译成程度不同。

  72) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country`s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and ind ustry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors insgroupsto step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, they may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere insgroupsto reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.再者,显而易见的是一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率密切相关,而效率的提高则有赖于各种科技人员的努力。

  本题属于复合句。句子框架是it is obvious that...and that...


  be bound up with意思是与有关系。in turn的意思是转而,反过来。rest upon依靠,仰赖。this指的是前面提到的efficiency,翻译时要重复一下,即效率的提高。

  73) Owing to the remarkable development in mass communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for thereasons given above. At the same time. the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place at a vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example,[参考译文]大众通信的迅猛发展使得各地的人们正在感觉到有新的需求,接触新的习惯和新的想法。由于上述原因,政府常常得推出更多的革新。

  本题属于复合结构。句子框架是people...are feeling new wants and arebeing exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are forced to introduce still further innovations for...。

  owing to由于;mass communications大众通信;be exposed to接触;while然而。翻译时可将owing to引导的原因状语去掉,将其后的宾语the remarkable development in mass communication译成汉语的主语,在其后加上使得二字。while一词表示转折可省略不译。

  74) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned.


  本题属于复合结构。句子框架是the process of industrialization...was spread over nearly a century, whereas...a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so。with all the far reaching changes in social patterns that followed在这里是附加that followed作all the far reaching changes in social patterns的定语。

  far reaching深远的、深刻的;spread over延续、持续;undergo经历;whereas然而,却。with的意思是跟一起,伴随,这里译成以及。例如:His money, with his wife`s comes to a million dollars.他的钱连同他太太的合计达100万美金。

  75) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting themsintoseffect.


  本题属于简单句。句子框架是Additional social stresses may also occur because of...or problem arising from...

  arising from由引起,在句中作定语修饰problem。Additional social stresses不必逐字翻译,可转译成对社会造成新的压力。themselves指mass migration movement。因此括号里译成使这种流动相对容易。



  Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of theirpeople depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community.71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralizedcontrol and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.在现代条件下,这需要不同程度的中央控制措施,从而就需要获得诸如经济学和运筹学等领域专家的协助。

  本题属于简单句。句子框架是this requires various measures of centralized control and...the help of specialized scientists such as...。

  本句比较简单。需要注意的是:require有两个宾语。第2个宾语是the help。在翻译时需要加上获得二字。measure在这里是程度,幅度,限度的意思。varying measures可译成程度不同。

  72) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country`s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and ind ustry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors insgroupsto step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, they may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere insgroupsto reduce the wastage of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited; or they may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science, economics and industry. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.再者,显而易见的是一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率密切相关,而效率的提高则有赖于各种科技人员的努力。

  本题属于复合句。句子框架是it is obvious that...and that...


  be bound up with意思是与有关系。in turn的意思是转而,反过来。rest upon依靠,仰赖。this指的是前面提到的efficiency,翻译时要重复一下,即效率的提高。

  73) Owing to the remarkable development in mass communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for thereasons given above. At the same time. the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place at a vastly accelerated speed compared with the past. For example,[参考译文]大众通信的迅猛发展使得各地的人们正在感觉到有新的需求,接触新的习惯和新的想法。由于上述原因,政府常常得推出更多的革新。

  本题属于复合结构。句子框架是people...are feeling new wants and arebeing exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are forced to introduce still further innovations for...。

  owing to由于;mass communications大众通信;be exposed to接触;while然而。翻译时可将owing to引导的原因状语去掉,将其后的宾语the remarkable development in mass communication译成汉语的主语,在其后加上使得二字。while一词表示转折可省略不译。

  74) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned.


  本题属于复合结构。句子框架是the process of industrialization...was spread over nearly a century, whereas...a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so。with all the far reaching changes in social patterns that followed在这里是附加that followed作all the far reaching changes in social patterns的定语。

  far reaching深远的、深刻的;spread over延续、持续;undergo经历;whereas然而,却。with的意思是跟一起,伴随,这里译成以及。例如:His money, with his wife`s comes to a million dollars.他的钱连同他太太的合计达100万美金。

  75) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. As a result of all these factors, governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting themsintoseffect.


  本题属于简单句。句子框架是Additional social stresses may also occur because of...or problem arising from...

  arising from由引起,在句中作定语修饰problem。Additional social stresses不必逐字翻译,可转译成对社会造成新的压力。themselves指mass migration movement。因此括号里译成使这种流动相对容易。




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