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  Three articles look at Chinas influence in South-EastAsia: first;resentment in Myanmar;second,Cambodian rivalries; third, Banyan on the strategicimplications


  WAIST-DEEP in the muddy water, hundreds ofpeople swirl their pans, scouring the blacksediment for the sparkle of golddust. They have come from all over Myanmar to Kachin state,where the NMai andMali rivers merge to form the mighty Irrawaddy, knowing that a good daymayyield $1,000-worth of goldand that time for gold-panning is running out.


  Across the river, the corrugated-iron roofsof a prefabricated barracks glint in the midday sun.They house hundreds ofChinese labourers working on the Myitsone hydropower project. This,accordingto Myanmarsgovernment, will be the sixth highest dam in the world, and generate6,000MW ofelectricity a year. On completion in 2023, the dam will flood thegold-prospectingarea and displace more than 10,000 people. All the electricitywill be exported to China.All therevenue will go to Myanmarsgovernment. If an environmental and social impact study wasconducted at all,it did not involve consulting the affected villagers.

  在江对面,预制棚屋的波形铁皮屋顶在正午阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。在那些屋子里寓居着数百名修建密松水电站的中国劳工。缅甸政府表示,该水电站的大坝高程位列世界第六,每年能够发电6000兆瓦。2023年工程竣工后,大坝周边的金矿勘探地区将被淹没,并且还要转移 1000人到其他地区。所有的电能将被输送到中国,而所有的收入将统统流入缅甸政府的钱袋。即使他们真地做了环境和社会影响研究的话,但那也并未涉及征询受影响村民意见的环节。

  A local Catholic priest who led prayersagainst the dam says his parishioners were moved to amodel village, intotiny houses on plots too small for cultivation. The letters of concern hesentto Myanmarsleaders went unanswered. He says he will stay in his historic church tillthewaters rise over the doorstep.


  Those displaced are not the only onesworryingabout the project. The project abuts territorycontrolled by theKachin Independence Organisation, one of a plethora of ethnicinsurgencies thathave battled the central government for decades.Last yearseveral bombs exploded at the dam siteand in May the KIO warned that if thedam were notstopped it would lead to civil war. The KIOs armedwing recentlyengaged in skirmishes with governmentforces, despite a notional ceasefire.


  The KIO was banned from last yearselection in Myanmarbecause it refused to let its fightersjoin the governments border securityforce. Its threat came as Myanmarsnewly installedcivilian president, Thein Sein, a former general, embarked ona state visit to China.


  China has a big stake in Myanmar.It is the countrys leading foreign investor. Myitsone is oneof manyhydropower, mining and infrastructure projects there. Chinas mostambitiousundertaking is a new deep-sea port for oil tankers. Due forcompletion in 2023, it will take gasfrom Myanmarsoffshore Shwe field and will have the capacity to satisfy 10% of Chinasoil-import needs.


  These close ties are not entirelycomfortable for either side. Between 1mand 2m Chinese citizenshave movedinto northern Myanmar.They dominate the jade-and-gem trade, push up landprices and flaunt theirwealth in Mandalayand Myitkyina, where all the posh cars have Chinesenumber plates. Localresentment is growing. Church leaders in Myitkyina say Chinese peoplemake upmore than half the population. Many Burmese say their northern states are likeaChinese province.


  China,for its part, worries about the security of its investments and people. In thepast it hasleaned on Myanmarsleaders to prevent fighting between the army and the ethnic insurgencies.Whenconflict broke out in 2009 with the Kokang, an ethnic-Han-Chinese minority,37,000people fled to China,provoking sharp criticism of the Burmese junta.


  As its economic interests have grown, China has pressed for more access to Myanmarsharbours and territorial waters, to monitor the security of the new port andpipelines, and to keep an eye out for pirates. But this is a neuralgic issuefor a country with a deep-seated suspicion of its powerful northern neighbour.


  Myanmars xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against Indiaand the West. But India hasbeen slow in trying to gain a toehold, while Americaand the European Union have recently extended sanctions on Myanmar. Theseinclude Americasembargo on backing loans from the World Bank, which would impose higherenvironmental and other standards on big infrastructure projects such asMyitsone.


  So the regime is being drawn into Chinasorbit as much from necessity as choice. That does not make China any morepopular. In the words of an old Burmese monk: We are Chinaskitchen. They take what they like and leave us with the rubbish.



  Three articles look at Chinas influence in South-EastAsia: first;resentment in Myanmar;second,Cambodian rivalries; third, Banyan on the strategicimplications


  WAIST-DEEP in the muddy water, hundreds ofpeople swirl their pans, scouring the blacksediment for the sparkle of golddust. They have come from all over Myanmar to Kachin state,where the NMai andMali rivers merge to form the mighty Irrawaddy, knowing that a good daymayyield $1,000-worth of goldand that time for gold-panning is running out.


  Across the river, the corrugated-iron roofsof a prefabricated barracks glint in the midday sun.They house hundreds ofChinese labourers working on the Myitsone hydropower project. This,accordingto Myanmarsgovernment, will be the sixth highest dam in the world, and generate6,000MW ofelectricity a year. On completion in 2023, the dam will flood thegold-prospectingarea and displace more than 10,000 people. All the electricitywill be exported to China.All therevenue will go to Myanmarsgovernment. If an environmental and social impact study wasconducted at all,it did not involve consulting the affected villagers.

  在江对面,预制棚屋的波形铁皮屋顶在正午阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。在那些屋子里寓居着数百名修建密松水电站的中国劳工。缅甸政府表示,该水电站的大坝高程位列世界第六,每年能够发电6000兆瓦。2023年工程竣工后,大坝周边的金矿勘探地区将被淹没,并且还要转移 1000人到其他地区。所有的电能将被输送到中国,而所有的收入将统统流入缅甸政府的钱袋。即使他们真地做了环境和社会影响研究的话,但那也并未涉及征询受影响村民意见的环节。

  A local Catholic priest who led prayersagainst the dam says his parishioners were moved to amodel village, intotiny houses on plots too small for cultivation. The letters of concern hesentto Myanmarsleaders went unanswered. He says he will stay in his historic church tillthewaters rise over the doorstep.


  Those displaced are not the only onesworryingabout the project. The project abuts territorycontrolled by theKachin Independence Organisation, one of a plethora of ethnicinsurgencies thathave battled the central government for decades.Last yearseveral bombs exploded at the dam siteand in May the KIO warned that if thedam were notstopped it would lead to civil war. The KIOs armedwing recentlyengaged in skirmishes with governmentforces, despite a notional ceasefire.


  The KIO was banned from last yearselection in Myanmarbecause it refused to let its fightersjoin the governments border securityforce. Its threat came as Myanmarsnewly installedcivilian president, Thein Sein, a former general, embarked ona state visit to China.


  China has a big stake in Myanmar.It is the countrys leading foreign investor. Myitsone is oneof manyhydropower, mining and infrastructure projects there. Chinas mostambitiousundertaking is a new deep-sea port for oil tankers. Due forcompletion in 2023, it will take gasfrom Myanmarsoffshore Shwe field and will have the capacity to satisfy 10% of Chinasoil-import needs.


  These close ties are not entirelycomfortable for either side. Between 1mand 2m Chinese citizenshave movedinto northern Myanmar.They dominate the jade-and-gem trade, push up landprices and flaunt theirwealth in Mandalayand Myitkyina, where all the posh cars have Chinesenumber plates. Localresentment is growing. Church leaders in Myitkyina say Chinese peoplemake upmore than half the population. Many Burmese say their northern states are likeaChinese province.


  China,for its part, worries about the security of its investments and people. In thepast it hasleaned on Myanmarsleaders to prevent fighting between the army and the ethnic insurgencies.Whenconflict broke out in 2009 with the Kokang, an ethnic-Han-Chinese minority,37,000people fled to China,provoking sharp criticism of the Burmese junta.


  As its economic interests have grown, China has pressed for more access to Myanmarsharbours and territorial waters, to monitor the security of the new port andpipelines, and to keep an eye out for pirates. But this is a neuralgic issuefor a country with a deep-seated suspicion of its powerful northern neighbour.


  Myanmars xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against Indiaand the West. But India hasbeen slow in trying to gain a toehold, while Americaand the European Union have recently extended sanctions on Myanmar. Theseinclude Americasembargo on backing loans from the World Bank, which would impose higherenvironmental and other standards on big infrastructure projects such asMyitsone.


  So the regime is being drawn into Chinasorbit as much from necessity as choice. That does not make China any morepopular. In the words of an old Burmese monk: We are Chinaskitchen. They take what they like and leave us with the rubbish.





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