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  (偶然)遇见或发现come across

  共同,共有in common

  参加比赛compete in a contest

  举办音乐会give a concert

  条件是on condition that

  祝贺某人congratulate sb. on sth.

  相反地on the contrary

  失控out of control

  与谈话;交谈have a conversation with sb.

  被覆盖be covered with

  对残忍be cruel to sb.

  对感到好奇be curious about sth.

  对造成巨大损害do great damage to

  处境危险in danger

  过时out of date

  在不久前,前几天the other day

  对充耳不闻be deaf to sth.

  对付,应付deal with

  还清债务out of debt

  做出决定make a decision

  做好事do good deeds

  沉思deep in thought




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