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  英语四级经典必背500句:听力口语关键句41   41. I had a hard time getting through the novel.   四级词汇讲解:   have a hard time 是固定表达,意为 做 不容易 。   英语四级考点归纳:   get through在本句中意为 通读 ,但与介词搭配时,也有其他含义。如:   ge through to   1) 与 联系 。如:   I cant get through to London; the lines are always busy.我无法接通伦敦的电话,因为总是占线。   2) 让人听懂,被了。如:   Few teachers can get through to students who dont want to learn.几乎没有教师能让不想学的学生听懂自己讲的东西。   3) 传到 。如:   The news finally got through to us.这消息终于传到了我们这里。   get through with意为 完成 。如:   1 ) When will you get through with painting the house?你什么时候能把房子粉刷完?   2 ) I got through with the examination, but did not get through.我考完试了,但是没有及格。   3 ) When you get through with your work, lets go out.你完成工作后,我们出去吧。




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