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  anxiety  n. 焦虑,担心;渴望,担忧  eagerness  anxiety to see hime  anyhow  adv. 无论如何,不管怎样  Anyhow I must finish this work today. 我今天必须完成这项工作。  adv. 不论用何种方法  anyway  adv. 无论如何,不管怎样  anyhow  apart  adv. 分开,分离  The pages are stuck together and I can t pull them apart.  这几页粘在一起。  adv. 相隔,相距  They are a thousand miles apart. 他们相隔1000英里。  adv. 除去,撇开(与from连用)  Wood and coal have been man s primary sources of energy apart from direct solar heat.  除去直接的太阳热以外,木材和煤一直是人类的主要能源。  apartment  n. 房间;一套公寓房间flat  apologize  vt. 道歉,认错  apologize to sb. for sth. 为 向某人道歉  apology  n. 道歉,认错  make / offer apology to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉  express one s apology 表示歉意  present one s apology 致以歉意  apparatus  n. 器械,器具,设备  equipment , appliance , tackle  apparent  adj. 表面上的,  seeming actual  adj. 显然的,明明白白的  evident , obvious  appeal  vi. 呼吁,恳求  The prisoner appealed to the judge for mercy.  囚犯恳求法官开恩。  plead  vi. 申诉  appeal against a decision 不服判决而上诉  vi. (to)诉诸,求助  resort  vi. 吸引  Do these paintings appeal to you ? 你对这些画感兴趣吗?  attract  n. 呼吁,要求plea  n. 申诉;吸引力attraction  appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁  appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事  appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力  make an appeal for 恳求  appearance  n. 出现,露面  make one s first appearance 初次登台  n. 外观,外貌  keep up appearance 顾全面子,撑场面  in appearance 外表上看起来  appetite  n. 食欲,胃口;欲望desire  have an appetite for 对 有欲望  appliance  n. 器具,器械,装置  applicable  adj. 适当的,合适的,可应用的  appropriate , suitable  be applicable to sth./doing sth. 适合于 ,适应于  application  n. 申请,申请表;应用,实施  (make an)application to sb. for sth. 向某人提出 申请  application of sth. to sth. 至 的应用  apply  v. 申请,请求  apply to the Consul for a visa 向领事申请签证  v. 应用,运用,适用  We can apply his findings in new developments. 我们可将他的调查结果应用于新开发中。  apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请  apply sth to sth. 将 应用于  apply oneself to sth. 全神贯注与  appoint  vt. 约会,指定;任命,委托  They appointed him director of the office. 他们委任他为办公室主任。  appoint sb. + 职务  appointment  n. 约会,预定  keep (break)an appointment 践(违)约  n. 职位;任命,选派  appreciate  vt. 感激,感谢  I deeply appreciate your kindness . 我深深地感谢你的好意。  vt. 正确评价  appreciate sth. by a high standard 以高标准鉴赏某物  vt. 欣赏  appreciate (one s)doing  approach  n. 途径,方法  all the approach to the top of the hill 通往山顶的所有通道  n. 接近 by easy of approach 容易接近  vt. 靠近,接近  I saw a figure approaching me. 我看见一个人影朝我走来。  vt. 探讨  vt. 向 靠近;与 打交道  approach sb. on sth. 为某事与某人打交道  appropriate for / to sth. 对 适当的;适合于 的  approval  n. 赞同,同意  Do not lightly or disapproval 别轻易表示赞同或反对  n. 批准,审定,通过  He gave his approval to the plan. 他批准了这项计划。  approve  v. 批准,通过  approve a project 批准方案  agree officially  v. 赞同,同意  They approved of my decision. 他们赞成我的决定。  approve sth. 批准  approve of sth. 赞同,同意  approve of sb. doing  approximate  adj. 近似的,大约的  vi. (to)近似,接近  His description of the event approximated to the truth.  他对于这件事的描述很接近于事实。  be approximate to sth. 接近于 的  approximate to sth. 近似,接近  arbitrary  adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,专断的  architecture  n. 建筑学,建筑术;建筑式样,建筑风格


  anxiety  n. 焦虑,担心;渴望,担忧  eagerness  anxiety to see hime  anyhow  adv. 无论如何,不管怎样  Anyhow I must finish this work today. 我今天必须完成这项工作。  adv. 不论用何种方法  anyway  adv. 无论如何,不管怎样  anyhow  apart  adv. 分开,分离  The pages are stuck together and I can t pull them apart.  这几页粘在一起。  adv. 相隔,相距  They are a thousand miles apart. 他们相隔1000英里。  adv. 除去,撇开(与from连用)  Wood and coal have been man s primary sources of energy apart from direct solar heat.  除去直接的太阳热以外,木材和煤一直是人类的主要能源。  apartment  n. 房间;一套公寓房间flat  apologize  vt. 道歉,认错  apologize to sb. for sth. 为 向某人道歉  apology  n. 道歉,认错  make / offer apology to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉  express one s apology 表示歉意  present one s apology 致以歉意  apparatus  n. 器械,器具,设备  equipment , appliance , tackle  apparent  adj. 表面上的,  seeming actual  adj. 显然的,明明白白的  evident , obvious  appeal  vi. 呼吁,恳求  The prisoner appealed to the judge for mercy.  囚犯恳求法官开恩。  plead  vi. 申诉  appeal against a decision 不服判决而上诉  vi. (to)诉诸,求助  resort  vi. 吸引  Do these paintings appeal to you ? 你对这些画感兴趣吗?  attract  n. 呼吁,要求plea  n. 申诉;吸引力attraction  appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁  appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事  appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力  make an appeal for 恳求  appearance  n. 出现,露面  make one s first appearance 初次登台  n. 外观,外貌  keep up appearance 顾全面子,撑场面  in appearance 外表上看起来  appetite  n. 食欲,胃口;欲望desire  have an appetite for 对 有欲望  appliance  n. 器具,器械,装置  applicable  adj. 适当的,合适的,可应用的  appropriate , suitable  be applicable to sth./doing sth. 适合于 ,适应于  application  n. 申请,申请表;应用,实施  (make an)application to sb. for sth. 向某人提出 申请  application of sth. to sth. 至 的应用  apply  v. 申请,请求  apply to the Consul for a visa 向领事申请签证  v. 应用,运用,适用  We can apply his findings in new developments. 我们可将他的调查结果应用于新开发中。  apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请  apply sth to sth. 将 应用于  apply oneself to sth. 全神贯注与  appoint  vt. 约会,指定;任命,委托  They appointed him director of the office. 他们委任他为办公室主任。  appoint sb. + 职务  appointment  n. 约会,预定  keep (break)an appointment 践(违)约  n. 职位;任命,选派  appreciate  vt. 感激,感谢  I deeply appreciate your kindness . 我深深地感谢你的好意。  vt. 正确评价  appreciate sth. by a high standard 以高标准鉴赏某物  vt. 欣赏  appreciate (one s)doing  approach  n. 途径,方法  all the approach to the top of the hill 通往山顶的所有通道  n. 接近 by easy of approach 容易接近  vt. 靠近,接近  I saw a figure approaching me. 我看见一个人影朝我走来。  vt. 探讨  vt. 向 靠近;与 打交道  approach sb. on sth. 为某事与某人打交道  appropriate for / to sth. 对 适当的;适合于 的  approval  n. 赞同,同意  Do not lightly or disapproval 别轻易表示赞同或反对  n. 批准,审定,通过  He gave his approval to the plan. 他批准了这项计划。  approve  v. 批准,通过  approve a project 批准方案  agree officially  v. 赞同,同意  They approved of my decision. 他们赞成我的决定。  approve sth. 批准  approve of sth. 赞同,同意  approve of sb. doing  approximate  adj. 近似的,大约的  vi. (to)近似,接近  His description of the event approximated to the truth.  他对于这件事的描述很接近于事实。  be approximate to sth. 接近于 的  approximate to sth. 近似,接近  arbitrary  adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,专断的  architecture  n. 建筑学,建筑术;建筑式样,建筑风格




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