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  The old car bounced along the bad roads. 这辆旧车在坏路上颠簸而行.  n. 弹,反弹  spring  bound  adj. 一定的,必然的  It s bound to rain soon. 不久一定会下雨.  adj. 受约束的,有义务的  We are bound to carry out this plan. 我们有义务完成这项计划.  adj. 准备到 去,开往 的  The ship is bound for Finland. 此船开往芬兰.  make for , head for  be bound to do sth. 一定会干 ,应当干  be bound for = make for =head for 前往 , 开往  boundary  n. 分界线,边界  bow  v. 鞠躬,点头  bow one s thanks 鞠躬表示谢意  .n. 弓,弓形物;蝴蝶结  brake  vt. 制动,刹车  n. 制动器,刹车  The driver put on the brake suddenly. 司机将车紧急刹住.  brand  n. 商标,牌子;标记,烙印  vt. 使铭记  These frightful experiences are branded on his memory. 这些可怕的经历使他铭记不忘.  brass  n. 黄铜,黄铜器  breadth  n. 宽度,幅度  breast  n. 胸脯,乳房  breed  vt. 繁殖,饲养;教养,抚养  He was bred for the church. 他被培养做牧师.  vi. 繁殖  Rabbits breed quickly. 兔子繁殖很快.  breeze  n. 微风,和风  brick  n. 砖,砖状物  bride  n. 新娘  brief  adj.简短的,概要的,简洁的,短暂的  to be brief 简单地说  vt. 简短介绍,简要汇报  n. 概要,摘要  in brief 简单地说  brighten  v. 发光,发亮  These flowers brighten the classroom. 这些花朵使教师生辉.  illuminate  v. 使快活,使活跃  brilliant  adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的  The lights were far too brilliant. 灯光太耀眼了.  adj. 卓越的,有才华  broad  adj. 宽的,广阔的;广大的,广泛的;宽容的,豁达的  broadcast  v. 广播,播音  The B.B.C broadcasts the news at 9 p.m.  n. 广播,广播节目  broken  adj. 易碎的,被破坏的;支离破碎的,不连贯的  broken English 蹩脚的英语  brow  n. 眉,眉毛  knit one s brow 皱眉头  n. 额  bubble  n. 泡,水泡,气泡  vi. 冒泡,沸腾  The tea bubbled in the pot. 壶里的茶水开了.  bucket  n. 水桶,提桶,吊桶  bulb  n. 灯泡,球状物  bulk  n. 容积,体积  Great bulk does not always mean great weight. 体积不大一定总是重量大.  n. 大批,大量,大块  The oceans from the bulk of the earth s surface.  地球的表面大部分是海洋.  Bullet  n. 子弹,子弹状物  fire a bullet at the enemy 向敌人开枪  bundle  n. 捆,包,束  We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given them.  我们收集了一大包旧衣服准备送给他们.  burden  n. 担子;重量,负担  There is no doubt that all this puts a considerable burden on the teachers.  毫无疑问,这一切都大大增加了教师的负担.


  The old car bounced along the bad roads. 这辆旧车在坏路上颠簸而行.  n. 弹,反弹  spring  bound  adj. 一定的,必然的  It s bound to rain soon. 不久一定会下雨.  adj. 受约束的,有义务的  We are bound to carry out this plan. 我们有义务完成这项计划.  adj. 准备到 去,开往 的  The ship is bound for Finland. 此船开往芬兰.  make for , head for  be bound to do sth. 一定会干 ,应当干  be bound for = make for =head for 前往 , 开往  boundary  n. 分界线,边界  bow  v. 鞠躬,点头  bow one s thanks 鞠躬表示谢意  .n. 弓,弓形物;蝴蝶结  brake  vt. 制动,刹车  n. 制动器,刹车  The driver put on the brake suddenly. 司机将车紧急刹住.  brand  n. 商标,牌子;标记,烙印  vt. 使铭记  These frightful experiences are branded on his memory. 这些可怕的经历使他铭记不忘.  brass  n. 黄铜,黄铜器  breadth  n. 宽度,幅度  breast  n. 胸脯,乳房  breed  vt. 繁殖,饲养;教养,抚养  He was bred for the church. 他被培养做牧师.  vi. 繁殖  Rabbits breed quickly. 兔子繁殖很快.  breeze  n. 微风,和风  brick  n. 砖,砖状物  bride  n. 新娘  brief  adj.简短的,概要的,简洁的,短暂的  to be brief 简单地说  vt. 简短介绍,简要汇报  n. 概要,摘要  in brief 简单地说  brighten  v. 发光,发亮  These flowers brighten the classroom. 这些花朵使教师生辉.  illuminate  v. 使快活,使活跃  brilliant  adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的  The lights were far too brilliant. 灯光太耀眼了.  adj. 卓越的,有才华  broad  adj. 宽的,广阔的;广大的,广泛的;宽容的,豁达的  broadcast  v. 广播,播音  The B.B.C broadcasts the news at 9 p.m.  n. 广播,广播节目  broken  adj. 易碎的,被破坏的;支离破碎的,不连贯的  broken English 蹩脚的英语  brow  n. 眉,眉毛  knit one s brow 皱眉头  n. 额  bubble  n. 泡,水泡,气泡  vi. 冒泡,沸腾  The tea bubbled in the pot. 壶里的茶水开了.  bucket  n. 水桶,提桶,吊桶  bulb  n. 灯泡,球状物  bulk  n. 容积,体积  Great bulk does not always mean great weight. 体积不大一定总是重量大.  n. 大批,大量,大块  The oceans from the bulk of the earth s surface.  地球的表面大部分是海洋.  Bullet  n. 子弹,子弹状物  fire a bullet at the enemy 向敌人开枪  bundle  n. 捆,包,束  We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given them.  我们收集了一大包旧衣服准备送给他们.  burden  n. 担子;重量,负担  There is no doubt that all this puts a considerable burden on the teachers.  毫无疑问,这一切都大大增加了教师的负担.




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