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  cash n.现金,现款v.兑现,付(或收)现款cashier n.收银员,出纳员cassette n.盒子;盒式磁带cast v.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造n.

  Its a story about a prince. You can look for the books in the library catalog. A prince live in a beautiful castle. His bedroom was a large room with a high ceiling. The floor had been cemented over. From the window, he could watch the cattle grazing. One day, he had a casual meeting with a pretty girl. Some robbers robbed of a cashier and flew away. The number of casualty was 5. The robbers had gone ten miles before the police caught up with them. Soon they were locked in a cell of the cellar. When the prince arrived at the locale, he saw a girl looking after the wounded. In the princes eyes , women could be divided into two categories: kindhearted and evil-minded. So he could not help casting his eyes toward her. He walked up to her and found he was 15 centimeters taller than her. He asked her ,cautious in his choice of words, Would you like to visit my castle? The girl was surprised, Would you mind repeating what you said,I didnt quite catch on. Gradually their talk ceased with long silence followed. From then on, the princes every cell was eager to see her. In the end, they decided to get married after census. its a nice day. Its 20 centigrate that day. The wedding ceremony was held in a Catholic cathedral. The pastor showed the marriage certificate to all of the guests. A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear.

  这是一个关于一位王子的故事。你可以在图书馆的目录里去找它。一位王子住在一个美丽的城堡里。他的卧室是一个有着高高天花板的大房间。地面铺过水泥。从窗户那儿,他可以注视牛群吃草。一天,他同一位漂亮女孩有一次偶然的相遇。一些抢劫犯抢劫了一名出纳并逃走了。伤亡人数是5名。抢劫犯已逃出10英里警察才追上他们。很快他们被锁在地下室的一个小囚房里。当王子到达现场时,他看见一个女孩正在照看伤员。在王子眼里,女人分成两个种类:心地善良的和心地狠毒的。于是他禁不住把目光投向她。他走到她面前,发现自己比她高15厘米。他谨慎用词地问到: 您愿意参观我的城堡吗? 女孩很惊讶: 您再重复一遍好吗?我没听太明白。 渐渐地,他们的谈话停止了,紧接着是长时间的沉默。从此,王子的每一个细胞都在渴望见到她。最终,他们决定在人口普查之后结婚。那是个好日子,温度20摄氏度。结婚典礼在一座天主教的大教堂里举行。牧师向所有来宾展示了他们的结婚证书。一台崭新的盒式磁带录音机记录下他们爱的誓言。


  cash n.现金,现款v.兑现,付(或收)现款cashier n.收银员,出纳员cassette n.盒子;盒式磁带cast v.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造n.

  Its a story about a prince. You can look for the books in the library catalog. A prince live in a beautiful castle. His bedroom was a large room with a high ceiling. The floor had been cemented over. From the window, he could watch the cattle grazing. One day, he had a casual meeting with a pretty girl. Some robbers robbed of a cashier and flew away. The number of casualty was 5. The robbers had gone ten miles before the police caught up with them. Soon they were locked in a cell of the cellar. When the prince arrived at the locale, he saw a girl looking after the wounded. In the princes eyes , women could be divided into two categories: kindhearted and evil-minded. So he could not help casting his eyes toward her. He walked up to her and found he was 15 centimeters taller than her. He asked her ,cautious in his choice of words, Would you like to visit my castle? The girl was surprised, Would you mind repeating what you said,I didnt quite catch on. Gradually their talk ceased with long silence followed. From then on, the princes every cell was eager to see her. In the end, they decided to get married after census. its a nice day. Its 20 centigrate that day. The wedding ceremony was held in a Catholic cathedral. The pastor showed the marriage certificate to all of the guests. A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear.

  这是一个关于一位王子的故事。你可以在图书馆的目录里去找它。一位王子住在一个美丽的城堡里。他的卧室是一个有着高高天花板的大房间。地面铺过水泥。从窗户那儿,他可以注视牛群吃草。一天,他同一位漂亮女孩有一次偶然的相遇。一些抢劫犯抢劫了一名出纳并逃走了。伤亡人数是5名。抢劫犯已逃出10英里警察才追上他们。很快他们被锁在地下室的一个小囚房里。当王子到达现场时,他看见一个女孩正在照看伤员。在王子眼里,女人分成两个种类:心地善良的和心地狠毒的。于是他禁不住把目光投向她。他走到她面前,发现自己比她高15厘米。他谨慎用词地问到: 您愿意参观我的城堡吗? 女孩很惊讶: 您再重复一遍好吗?我没听太明白。 渐渐地,他们的谈话停止了,紧接着是长时间的沉默。从此,王子的每一个细胞都在渴望见到她。最终,他们决定在人口普查之后结婚。那是个好日子,温度20摄氏度。结婚典礼在一座天主教的大教堂里举行。牧师向所有来宾展示了他们的结婚证书。一台崭新的盒式磁带录音机记录下他们爱的誓言。




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