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  82 But for mobile phones, our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient .


  例如:But for the English test,I would have gone home this week. 要不是英语测试,我这个礼拜就回家了。 这里的but for, 如果换成同学们更加熟悉的虚拟条件句,即是 If there wasnt the English test, 这样的虚拟语气,对于考生来说几乎没有难度。

  需要注意的是,除了but for以外,能够表示虚拟条件的词和短语还包括:but that、without、otherwise、or等。

  83 In handling an embarrassing situation, nothing is more helpful than humor/ a sense of humor .

  本题的句法考点为句型 nothing is more/-er than的用法。该句型在06年12月的考试中曾出现在四级新题型汉译英考题中,原题为:

  Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading . 同四级相比,本次六级新题型的题目难度并没有增加,可见汉译英部分的考察仍然集中在四级就应该掌握的核心词汇。

  84 The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, but refused to make further explanation/ to further explain why .

  本题并未特别设计核心词汇和词组用法考点,而是别出心裁地考察了同学们的英语实际应用能力。在实际的语言交流中,英语常常使用省略句,不倾向于重复前文已经出现的实意词。所以,本题的答案完全没有必要出现 but he refused to make further explanation on why he was resigning的啰嗦表达,甚至连why he was doing so也是没有必要的。相信不少考生在处理这一句时多少体会到了遵循语法规则和根据语言习惯灵活处理之间的微妙平衡。

  85 Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depends mainly upon their instinct .

  本题句型考点为while在分句中间做转折连词的用法,词汇考点则为behavior, depend on/upon, instinct等基础词汇的基本用法。本题的语法考点则更为隐诲,即主谓之间的动词单复数一致问题。behavior 一词既可以是复数概念,又可以是表示行为概念的抽象名词,以单数形式出现。这很容易引起困惑,但是,如果考生参照该并列句的前半部分的动词,即可确定,此处的behavior的用法为表示总称的单数抽象概念。

  86 The witness was told that under no circumstances should he lie to the court / is he allowed to lie to the court.


  82 But for mobile phones, our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient .


  例如:But for the English test,I would have gone home this week. 要不是英语测试,我这个礼拜就回家了。 这里的but for, 如果换成同学们更加熟悉的虚拟条件句,即是 If there wasnt the English test, 这样的虚拟语气,对于考生来说几乎没有难度。

  需要注意的是,除了but for以外,能够表示虚拟条件的词和短语还包括:but that、without、otherwise、or等。

  83 In handling an embarrassing situation, nothing is more helpful than humor/ a sense of humor .

  本题的句法考点为句型 nothing is more/-er than的用法。该句型在06年12月的考试中曾出现在四级新题型汉译英考题中,原题为:

  Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading . 同四级相比,本次六级新题型的题目难度并没有增加,可见汉译英部分的考察仍然集中在四级就应该掌握的核心词汇。

  84 The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, but refused to make further explanation/ to further explain why .

  本题并未特别设计核心词汇和词组用法考点,而是别出心裁地考察了同学们的英语实际应用能力。在实际的语言交流中,英语常常使用省略句,不倾向于重复前文已经出现的实意词。所以,本题的答案完全没有必要出现 but he refused to make further explanation on why he was resigning的啰嗦表达,甚至连why he was doing so也是没有必要的。相信不少考生在处理这一句时多少体会到了遵循语法规则和根据语言习惯灵活处理之间的微妙平衡。

  85 Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depends mainly upon their instinct .

  本题句型考点为while在分句中间做转折连词的用法,词汇考点则为behavior, depend on/upon, instinct等基础词汇的基本用法。本题的语法考点则更为隐诲,即主谓之间的动词单复数一致问题。behavior 一词既可以是复数概念,又可以是表示行为概念的抽象名词,以单数形式出现。这很容易引起困惑,但是,如果考生参照该并列句的前半部分的动词,即可确定,此处的behavior的用法为表示总称的单数抽象概念。

  86 The witness was told that under no circumstances should he lie to the court / is he allowed to lie to the court.




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