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  21.We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bears paw or for the sharks fin....我们常常发现自己陷入一个进退维谷的境地:是取鱼翅还是熊掌....

  22.There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for....世界性的对...需要的认识正在不断深入.

  23.Recently the issue/problem of... has been in the limelight/brought into fcus/brought to public attention/concern.最近...的问题引起了人们的注意/成了焦点问题/引起了公众的注意/关注.

  24.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern.最近这个现象引起了广泛关注.

  25.One of the problems/issues we are faced with is that...我们面临的其中一个全球性的/紧迫的/迫在眉睫的问题是....

  26.Recently the problem/issue/conflict has become the focus/concern of the public.最近这个问题/冲突成了公众关注的焦点/中心.

  27.There is a debate/discussion/controversy today/nowadays as to/over/on/concerning the issue/problem of...Those who criticize/oppose/object to...contend/argue that ....They believe that...But people who advocate/favor/are for...,on the other hand, maintain/assert that...当前,人们就某事/现象展开了激烈/广泛的/热烈的讨论/争论.批评/反对的人们辩称....,他们认为.....然而,支持者却认为.....

  28.A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of ...关于...的现象引发了一场公众讨论.

  29.There is a long-running debate as to whether....关于是否....有一场持久论战.

  30.It is undeniable that ... has become the biggest concern of the present-day world.不可否认的是,...已成了当今世界最令人关注的问题.


  21.We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bears paw or for the sharks fin....我们常常发现自己陷入一个进退维谷的境地:是取鱼翅还是熊掌....

  22.There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for....世界性的对...需要的认识正在不断深入.

  23.Recently the issue/problem of... has been in the limelight/brought into fcus/brought to public attention/concern.最近...的问题引起了人们的注意/成了焦点问题/引起了公众的注意/关注.

  24.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern.最近这个现象引起了广泛关注.

  25.One of the problems/issues we are faced with is that...我们面临的其中一个全球性的/紧迫的/迫在眉睫的问题是....

  26.Recently the problem/issue/conflict has become the focus/concern of the public.最近这个问题/冲突成了公众关注的焦点/中心.

  27.There is a debate/discussion/controversy today/nowadays as to/over/on/concerning the issue/problem of...Those who criticize/oppose/object to...contend/argue that ....They believe that...But people who advocate/favor/are for...,on the other hand, maintain/assert that...当前,人们就某事/现象展开了激烈/广泛的/热烈的讨论/争论.批评/反对的人们辩称....,他们认为.....然而,支持者却认为.....

  28.A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of ...关于...的现象引发了一场公众讨论.

  29.There is a long-running debate as to whether....关于是否....有一场持久论战.

  30.It is undeniable that ... has become the biggest concern of the present-day world.不可否认的是,...已成了当今世界最令人关注的问题.




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