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  听力      Section 1 新题 A woman books a restaurant 难度 ★      Section 2 一级预测 Version 06114 Section2 难度 ★★☆      Section 3 一级预测 Version 08112 Section3 难度 ★☆      Section 4 新题 The impact of drama to children 难度 ★★      阅读 (A类)      Passage 1 Pea 难度 ★☆      Passage 2 The impact of environment to children 难度 ★★      Passage 3 Researches on smell 难度 ★★☆      写作      Task 1 table Managers of three different levels of management who are women leaders in British. 难度 ★      Task 2 医疗健康 Government should change the way to healthy lifestyle for people while others believe that they can choose the way they like 难度 ★☆      Task 1 书信 你新搬进租的房子里,发现一些东西有毛病,给房租写封信。 难度 ★      Task 2 社会变化博弈 young children have their mobile phones, some people said its good, others dont think so, say your opinion 难度 ★      口语      口语各地题目不同,请参考回忆帖。




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