文章标题 失落城市Lost of the city
文章大意 讲怎样用技术方法考古的,科学家用先进手段研究他,开始先是拍照,过了N年又有人从热气球上拍照,后来包括地磁效应之类的研究,第四段还有讲导体,说mudybrick 不容易导电什么的
Kerkenes Dag is a fortified settlement located in ancient Anatolia . The site has been identified with Pteria, a capital city of the Median empire mentioned in Herodotus Histories. If this identification is correct, the city represents a foreign imperial foundation imposed on a local, ethnically diverse agricultural society. Founded at around 600 BC, the settlement was subsequently burnt by Croesus of Lydia in 547, most of the site was left unoccupied thereafter. 题目类型 M+段
MC 参考答案 M+段:
1.勘测whole surface的方法, 在C段
2.exsample of an unexpected discovery,在最后段G
4.reason why 考古学家喜欢那个site选A,开头有说传说中失落的古城在那S: