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致单身的你 如何在情人节前找到爱情



Dreary feelings like confusion, frustration, tension, and sadness are some of the feelings we experience when we are out of balance. Love is an essential part of life, especially on Valentines Day. Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit, wrote Khalil Gibran. 当我们失去平衡,感觉生活如此沉闷:混乱、沮丧、紧张、悲伤----种种袭上心头。爱情是生活中不可或缺的部分,尤其是在情人节这天。纪伯伦说:生命中没有爱情,就像树上没有花朵和果实。 Finding the one big love has always been an uphill battle. Think of this: there are approximately three billion men and women on the planet. Eliminating the old, the young and the already committed, this still leaves a substantial potential pool of perfectly precious people. 找到属于你的真爱素来是一场苦战。只需想一下:这个星球上大约有30亿男人和女人,除了老幼和已经作出爱情承诺的,仍然剩有大量优秀完美的潜力股可供选择。 Love is the most beautiful feeling. It thrills the heart including other organs. So, do not bite your nails worrying, with the appropriate behavior, here are some tips on how to find love before Valentines Day. 爱情是最美好的情感,它令人身心振奋。因此,不要再咬手指甲忧虑重重了,拿出正确的行动来,这里告诉你几个如何在情人节前找到爱情的小窍门: Be fresh.

清新可人。 Be clean and neat, inside and out. The feeling of cleanliness makes you comfortable to huddle up or to get close with anyone. 要从内到外干净整洁,这样可以使你与任何人接近时都令人愉悦。 Do not put your image down.

不要降低你的预想。 The first ingredient to dating success is self-confidence. In short, if you cannot convince yourself that you are such a charming, and appealing person, how can you convince others? Get rid of negative subconscious messages inside of you. Forget thoughts like I am fat, I stammer, or I am short in height. However, do not over do it, you might end up conceited or arrogant. Just be kind to yourself. 成功约会的首要因素是自信。简言之,如果你都不认为自己引人注目、富有魅力,你又怎能让别人相信呢?排除掉内心深处那些潜意识里的消极念头,忘记诸如此类的想法:我很胖、我有些口吃或者我长得太矮了。当然,也不要太过,那样你会自负或者傲慢。只需对自己宽容一些。 Be interesting and interested.

保持好奇心。 You may not be very interested in computer games and you may want to hear more tips on cross-stitching, however, if you are open to the potentials in someone elses world, you can find new and interesting surprises. Ask questionsthis is the best cure for the anxiety of wondering what to talk about--or you can prepare a few in advance. Likewise, be a good listener. A great conversation is a good blend of talking and listening. 你可能对电脑游戏不是很有兴趣,你可能想听更多关于十字绣的小窍门,但是,如果你对他人的世界开放内心,保持好奇,你会有很多新奇有趣的收获。如果听不懂在谈论什么,那么提问是最好的处理方式,或者你要事先要做好准备工作。还有,做一个好的倾听者。一场成功的谈话是倾诉与倾听的完美结合。 Make first contact short.

首次接触时间要短。 Lunch date is brilliant. If it ends great, it means both of you want more. If it ends otherwise, the next thing to do is to wave goodbye. Remember, dating is gaining experience. Dating is a gracious activity. 午餐约会最为合适。如果完美收场,意味着你们两个都想进一步接触。否则,下一步就是要说再见了。记住:约会是为了获取经验。约会是高尚之举。 Be yourself.

做你自己。 Most people try to be someone elseusually a smarter, more likeable, more compelling version of themselves. Do not impart your darkest secrets or provide a detailed list of your worst fears. Be yourself means being you, without fretting about your perfection percentage. Things that make a first date truly memorable are the mental more than the physical connections. 很多人想成为另一个人---常常是比自己更聪明、更可爱、更引人注目的一个人。不要告诉别人你内心深处的秘密,或者最令你恐惧的事情。做你自己意味着不必为了身体比例不完美而烦恼。使第一次约会真正难忘的不是身材,而是内心的交流。 Breathe. Relax.

呼吸。放松。 Do feel desperate if your date is not a contender for the Big Time. Appreciate the fact that your date took the time to meet you. If your date is not interesting enough, then it is time to move on. 如果你的约会敌不过BIG TIME表演节目,的确令人绝望。承认这样的事实:约会使你得到满足。如果约会并不十分满意,那么就继续前行。 When will love come? Some find love late. Some find love soon. Some find love with the rose in May and some with the nightingale in June, wrote Pakenham Beatty. 爱情何时降临?有人很快就能找到,有人迟迟无法获得。 Pakenham Beatty说:当爱情来临,有人看到五月的玫瑰,有人听到六月的夜莺。 Dating is the look-see encounter. If the person wins your heart, or vice-versa, then your Valentines Day will be special. If not, look back at the experience with appreciation and respect. For some love sings, for some love sighs, for some loves lips are dumb, added Pakenham Beatty. 约会就是见面会。如果那人赢得你的芳心,或者反之,那么你的情人节将会非常别致了。如果没有,正确总结经验。Pakenham Beatty还说:有的爱歌唱,有的爱叹息,有的爱不语。

Dreary feelings like confusion, frustration, tension, and sadness are some of the feelings we experience when we are out of balance. Love is an essential part of life, especially on Valentines Day. Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit, wrote Khalil Gibran. 当我们失去平衡,感觉生活如此沉闷:混乱、沮丧、紧张、悲伤----种种袭上心头。爱情是生活中不可或缺的部分,尤其是在情人节这天。纪伯伦说:生命中没有爱情,就像树上没有花朵和果实。 Finding the one big love has always been an uphill battle. Think of this: there are approximately three billion men and women on the planet. Eliminating the old, the young and the already committed, this still leaves a substantial potential pool of perfectly precious people. 找到属于你的真爱素来是一场苦战。只需想一下:这个星球上大约有30亿男人和女人,除了老幼和已经作出爱情承诺的,仍然剩有大量优秀完美的潜力股可供选择。 Love is the most beautiful feeling. It thrills the heart including other organs. So, do not bite your nails worrying, with the appropriate behavior, here are some tips on how to find love before Valentines Day. 爱情是最美好的情感,它令人身心振奋。因此,不要再咬手指甲忧虑重重了,拿出正确的行动来,这里告诉你几个如何在情人节前找到爱情的小窍门: Be fresh.

清新可人。 Be clean and neat, inside and out. The feeling of cleanliness makes you comfortable to huddle up or to get close with anyone. 要从内到外干净整洁,这样可以使你与任何人接近时都令人愉悦。 Do not put your image down.

不要降低你的预想。 The first ingredient to dating success is self-confidence. In short, if you cannot convince yourself that you are such a charming, and appealing person, how can you convince others? Get rid of negative subconscious messages inside of you. Forget thoughts like I am fat, I stammer, or I am short in height. However, do not over do it, you might end up conceited or arrogant. Just be kind to yourself. 成功约会的首要因素是自信。简言之,如果你都不认为自己引人注目、富有魅力,你又怎能让别人相信呢?排除掉内心深处那些潜意识里的消极念头,忘记诸如此类的想法:我很胖、我有些口吃或者我长得太矮了。当然,也不要太过,那样你会自负或者傲慢。只需对自己宽容一些。 Be interesting and interested.

保持好奇心。 You may not be very interested in computer games and you may want to hear more tips on cross-stitching, however, if you are open to the potentials in someone elses world, you can find new and interesting surprises. Ask questionsthis is the best cure for the anxiety of wondering what to talk about--or you can prepare a few in advance. Likewise, be a good listener. A great conversation is a good blend of talking and listening. 你可能对电脑游戏不是很有兴趣,你可能想听更多关于十字绣的小窍门,但是,如果你对他人的世界开放内心,保持好奇,你会有很多新奇有趣的收获。如果听不懂在谈论什么,那么提问是最好的处理方式,或者你要事先要做好准备工作。还有,做一个好的倾听者。一场成功的谈话是倾诉与倾听的完美结合。 Make first contact short.

首次接触时间要短。 Lunch date is brilliant. If it ends great, it means both of you want more. If it ends otherwise, the next thing to do is to wave goodbye. Remember, dating is gaining experience. Dating is a gracious activity. 午餐约会最为合适。如果完美收场,意味着你们两个都想进一步接触。否则,下一步就是要说再见了。记住:约会是为了获取经验。约会是高尚之举。 Be yourself.

做你自己。 Most people try to be someone elseusually a smarter, more likeable, more compelling version of themselves. Do not impart your darkest secrets or provide a detailed list of your worst fears. Be yourself means being you, without fretting about your perfection percentage. Things that make a first date truly memorable are the mental more than the physical connections. 很多人想成为另一个人---常常是比自己更聪明、更可爱、更引人注目的一个人。不要告诉别人你内心深处的秘密,或者最令你恐惧的事情。做你自己意味着不必为了身体比例不完美而烦恼。使第一次约会真正难忘的不是身材,而是内心的交流。 Breathe. Relax.

呼吸。放松。 Do feel desperate if your date is not a contender for the Big Time. Appreciate the fact that your date took the time to meet you. If your date is not interesting enough, then it is time to move on. 如果你的约会敌不过BIG TIME表演节目,的确令人绝望。承认这样的事实:约会使你得到满足。如果约会并不十分满意,那么就继续前行。 When will love come? Some find love late. Some find love soon. Some find love with the rose in May and some with the nightingale in June, wrote Pakenham Beatty. 爱情何时降临?有人很快就能找到,有人迟迟无法获得。 Pakenham Beatty说:当爱情来临,有人看到五月的玫瑰,有人听到六月的夜莺。 Dating is the look-see encounter. If the person wins your heart, or vice-versa, then your Valentines Day will be special. If not, look back at the experience with appreciation and respect. For some love sings, for some love sighs, for some loves lips are dumb, added Pakenham Beatty. 约会就是见面会。如果那人赢得你的芳心,或者反之,那么你的情人节将会非常别致了。如果没有,正确总结经验。Pakenham Beatty还说:有的爱歌唱,有的爱叹息,有的爱不语。



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