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Athough 19-year-old Geoge Dennehy is armless, he isn t letting that stop him from pursuing (追求) his dreams and sharing his passion(热情)with the world.

Born _31_ arms, the young boys birth parents left him. Luckily, a warm-hearted couple adopted(收养)him and _32_ him . _33_ , his new parents never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse to be _34_. When Geoge was eight, they asked him to sigh up (报名) for cello (大提琴) lessons. The instrument is _35_ even for people who have the use of both their hands, so it was far more challenging(挑战性的)for Geoge, who had to learn to play it with his feet.

Thanks to his music teacher, the young boy not only interested i n the cello, but also realized that he had a passion and talent for _36_ . During middle school years, he also _37_ the piano and the guitar.

His music talent caught the eye of an American rock band who _38_ him to perform alongside them at a ten-day-long music festival.

The experience has inspired (激励) this once shy boy to pursue a career (事业) in music. He has also become a motivational speaker _39_ encorages both able and disabled people to pursue their dreams, no matter _40_ impossible these dreams may sound.

31. A. in B. with C. without D. of

32. A. looked after B. worried C. gave up D. put on

33. A. As B. Though C. But D. However

34. A. lazy B. busy C. nervous D. serious

35. A. easy B. difficul t C. interesti D. beautiful

36. A. dancing B. singing C. music D. drawing

37. A. taught B. mastered C. discovered D. hated

38. A. warned B. forced C. trained D. invited

39. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

40. A. why B. where C. how D. when





Athough 19-year-old Geoge Dennehy is armless, he isn t letting that stop him from pursuing (追求) his dreams and sharing his passion(热情)with the world.

Born _31_ arms, the young boys birth parents left him. Luckily, a warm-hearted couple adopted(收养)him and _32_ him . _33_ , his new parents never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse to be _34_. When Geoge was eight, they asked him to sigh up (报名) for cello (大提琴) lessons. The instrument is _35_ even for people who have the use of both their hands, so it was far more challenging(挑战性的)for Geoge, who had to learn to play it with his feet.

Thanks to his music teacher, the young boy not only interested i n the cello, but also realized that he had a passion and talent for _36_ . During middle school years, he also _37_ the piano and the guitar.

His music talent caught the eye of an American rock band who _38_ him to perform alongside them at a ten-day-long music festival.

The experience has inspired (激励) this once shy boy to pursue a career (事业) in music. He has also become a motivational speaker _39_ encorages both able and disabled people to pursue their dreams, no matter _40_ impossible these dreams may sound.

31. A. in B. with C. without D. of

32. A. looked after B. worried C. gave up D. put on

33. A. As B. Though C. But D. However

34. A. lazy B. busy C. nervous D. serious

35. A. easy B. difficul t C. interesti D. beautiful

36. A. dancing B. singing C. music D. drawing

37. A. taught B. mastered C. discovered D. hated

38. A. warned B. forced C. trained D. invited

39. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

40. A. why B. where C. how D. when




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