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美国习惯用语-第116讲:to break the ice/iceberg



美国习惯用语-第116讲:to break the ice/iceberg

在盛夏季节,人们经常想要吃一点冰镇的东西,如冰西瓜,冰淇淋,或者喝冰汽水等。其实,美国人不管春夏秋冬,每天都离不了冰。今天我们给大家介绍两个和冰有关的习惯用语。第一个就是to break the ice. To break就是打破的意思,ice 当然就是冰的意思。To break the ice 作为俗语是指:缓和紧张气氛,使在场的人放松一些。例如,一个公司举行会议,参加会议的人都互不相识。那末,会议主席怎么来缓和一下气氛呢?

例句-1: "He started the meeting with a couple of jokes to get people to relax. Then he went around the table and asked everybody to stand up and tell a little about themselves and that broke the ice in a hurry."

这句话的意思是:"他 (这是指会议主席)一开始就讲了两个笑话,让大家放松一些。然后,他围着桌子让每个人站起来简单地自我介绍一。这样很快就使气氛缓和了。"


例句-2: "It\'s hard to break the ice at a party for adults where everybody is a stranger. But you put a bunch of young kids together and the noise tells you they break the ice in five minutes."



例句-3: "My boss is the smartest man I know. But he\'s a real iceberg: he acts like he has no feelings for other people. In fact you can almost feel the chill when he walks into the office."



例句-4: "We thought our neighbor next door was a real iceberg, cold and aloof to us all. But at his daughter\'s wedding he wore a big smile and was so friendly I couldn\'t believe he was the same man."


今天我们学习了两个和冰有关的俗语:to break the ice和iceberg。

To break the ice 是缓和紧张气氛,iceberg 是指那种冷漠无情的人。

「美国习惯用语」第一百一十六课就讲到这里。 再见。

美国习惯用语-第116讲:to break the ice/iceberg

在盛夏季节,人们经常想要吃一点冰镇的东西,如冰西瓜,冰淇淋,或者喝冰汽水等。其实,美国人不管春夏秋冬,每天都离不了冰。今天我们给大家介绍两个和冰有关的习惯用语。第一个就是to break the ice. To break就是打破的意思,ice 当然就是冰的意思。To break the ice 作为俗语是指:缓和紧张气氛,使在场的人放松一些。例如,一个公司举行会议,参加会议的人都互不相识。那末,会议主席怎么来缓和一下气氛呢?

例句-1: "He started the meeting with a couple of jokes to get people to relax. Then he went around the table and asked everybody to stand up and tell a little about themselves and that broke the ice in a hurry."

这句话的意思是:"他 (这是指会议主席)一开始就讲了两个笑话,让大家放松一些。然后,他围着桌子让每个人站起来简单地自我介绍一。这样很快就使气氛缓和了。"


例句-2: "It\'s hard to break the ice at a party for adults where everybody is a stranger. But you put a bunch of young kids together and the noise tells you they break the ice in five minutes."



例句-3: "My boss is the smartest man I know. But he\'s a real iceberg: he acts like he has no feelings for other people. In fact you can almost feel the chill when he walks into the office."



例句-4: "We thought our neighbor next door was a real iceberg, cold and aloof to us all. But at his daughter\'s wedding he wore a big smile and was so friendly I couldn\'t believe he was the same man."


今天我们学习了两个和冰有关的俗语:to break the ice和iceberg。

To break the ice 是缓和紧张气氛,iceberg 是指那种冷漠无情的人。

「美国习惯用语」第一百一十六课就讲到这里。 再见。



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