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The Fox and the Goat

  One day, a fox fell into a deep well and could not get out. A thirsty goat looked down into the well. He saw the fox. How is the water? asked the goat.

  The water is cool and delicious, said the clever fox. Come in and have a drink! The goat was terribly thirsty. He jumped into the well without giving it a second thought. But how will I get out? asked the goat.

  Well help each other, said the fox. Put your front feet on the wall. I will climb up your back. Then I will help you get out.

  The goat agreed. He placed his feet on the wall. The fox quickly climbed out and started to run away. Come back! cried the goat. I cant get out of the well by myself!

  The fox turned back and said, You silly old goat! Jump into the well was a foolish decision. You should always think twice before you act.


  1. deep adj. 深的

  2. well n. 水井,井

  3. thirsty adj. 口渴的

  4. foolish adj. 愚蠢的;不智的

  5. decision n. 决定

  6. act v. 行动;行事


Language Notes


  second thought 字面上指第二个想法,实际上就是指从新考虑重新思考,常用以下的片语:

  Without a second thought 毫不从新考虑;想都不想

  Alan lent him the money without a second thought.


  on second thought 重新考虑以后改做某事

  I want vanilla ice cream. On second thought, Ill have chocolate ice cream, instead.



  讲到对某件事多考虑一下,中文常说三思而后行, 而英文里则是用think twice来表示喔!

  You should think twice before driving in this weather.




The Fox and the Goat

  One day, a fox fell into a deep well and could not get out. A thirsty goat looked down into the well. He saw the fox. How is the water? asked the goat.

  The water is cool and delicious, said the clever fox. Come in and have a drink! The goat was terribly thirsty. He jumped into the well without giving it a second thought. But how will I get out? asked the goat.

  Well help each other, said the fox. Put your front feet on the wall. I will climb up your back. Then I will help you get out.

  The goat agreed. He placed his feet on the wall. The fox quickly climbed out and started to run away. Come back! cried the goat. I cant get out of the well by myself!

  The fox turned back and said, You silly old goat! Jump into the well was a foolish decision. You should always think twice before you act.


  1. deep adj. 深的

  2. well n. 水井,井

  3. thirsty adj. 口渴的

  4. foolish adj. 愚蠢的;不智的

  5. decision n. 决定

  6. act v. 行动;行事


Language Notes


  second thought 字面上指第二个想法,实际上就是指从新考虑重新思考,常用以下的片语:

  Without a second thought 毫不从新考虑;想都不想

  Alan lent him the money without a second thought.


  on second thought 重新考虑以后改做某事

  I want vanilla ice cream. On second thought, Ill have chocolate ice cream, instead.



  讲到对某件事多考虑一下,中文常说三思而后行, 而英文里则是用think twice来表示喔!

  You should think twice before driving in this weather.





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