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Waste products key to boosting UK biofuels 废物残渣是增加英国生物燃料产量的关键



Waste products key to boosting UK biofuels 废物残渣是增加英国生物燃料产量的关键


While electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, the scientists behind this report believe that sustainable liquid fuels will be needed long into the future for aviation, shipping and carrying heavy goods on roads.

Researchers though are worried that making fuel from crops like wheat incur such a big cost and carbon terms the resulting liquids are worse for the environment than petrol or diesel.

This report suggests capping the use of crops and boosting waste. The UK has enough used cooking oil, farm and forestry residue to double current production to 650 million gallons per year.

But even with these changes, the UK won’t meet EU targets of having ten percent of transport fuel coming from sustainable sources by 2024.

词汇表 electric vehicles 电动车辆

sustainable 可持续性的



crops 农作物,庄稼

wheat 小麦

incur 导致、招致

diesel 柴油

capping 对…定限额,封顶

residue 残渣、废材

测验 请听报道并回答下列问题。

1. Which biofuel-producing crop is mentioned in the report?

2. Is it economical to make biofuel from crops?

3. True or false? You can’t make biofuels from forest residue.

4. Which word in the text means ‘something that you aim to achieve’?

答案 1. Which biofuel-producing crop is mentioned in the report?


2. Is it economical and carbon friendly to make biofuel from crops?

Not necessarily, the researchers are worried that the cost and carbon impact of making fuels from crops may be higher than petrol or diesel.

3. True or false? You can’t make biofuels from forestry residue.

False. Forestry residue can be a source of biofuel.

4. Which word in the text means ‘something that you aim to achieve’?


Waste products key to boosting UK biofuels 废物残渣是增加英国生物燃料产量的关键


While electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, the scientists behind this report believe that sustainable liquid fuels will be needed long into the future for aviation, shipping and carrying heavy goods on roads.

Researchers though are worried that making fuel from crops like wheat incur such a big cost and carbon terms the resulting liquids are worse for the environment than petrol or diesel.

This report suggests capping the use of crops and boosting waste. The UK has enough used cooking oil, farm and forestry residue to double current production to 650 million gallons per year.

But even with these changes, the UK won’t meet EU targets of having ten percent of transport fuel coming from sustainable sources by 2024.

词汇表 electric vehicles 电动车辆

sustainable 可持续性的



crops 农作物,庄稼

wheat 小麦

incur 导致、招致

diesel 柴油

capping 对…定限额,封顶

residue 残渣、废材

测验 请听报道并回答下列问题。

1. Which biofuel-producing crop is mentioned in the report?

2. Is it economical to make biofuel from crops?

3. True or false? You can’t make biofuels from forest residue.

4. Which word in the text means ‘something that you aim to achieve’?

答案 1. Which biofuel-producing crop is mentioned in the report?


2. Is it economical and carbon friendly to make biofuel from crops?

Not necessarily, the researchers are worried that the cost and carbon impact of making fuels from crops may be higher than petrol or diesel.

3. True or false? You can’t make biofuels from forestry residue.

False. Forestry residue can be a source of biofuel.

4. Which word in the text means ‘something that you aim to achieve’?




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