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【外研英语,七省专用】2024《走向高考》一轮总复习(2024春出版)第二部分 学生作业手册:必修一1-2




  1.He is highly ________ (尊敬) by everyone for his honesty.

  2.I think my brother will certainly ________ (感激) your kindness.

  3.None of these people will ________ (承认) the responsibility for their actions.

  4.To ________ (避开) the city center, turn right here.

  5.If you want to catch train we'd better set off for the station ________ (立即).

  6.Someone or something that is ________ (有趣的) makes you laugh or smile.

  7.It's difficult to be ________ (耐心的) when you're stuck in a traffic jam.

  8.She only wears this suit for ________ (正式的) dinners.

  9.An ________ (精力充沛的) person is very active and seldom feels tired.

  10.Most of the men who now gathered round him again were ________ (同样地) dressed.

  答案:1.respected 2.appreciate 3.admit 4.avoid 5.immediately 6.amusing 7.patient 8.formal 9.energetic




  He works ________

  hard ________ he ________________ great progress before long.


  He is ________ a good teacher ________ all his pupils like him.


  Liu Bei felt quite safe with Guan Yu __________________________________.


  I ________ ________ impossible to arrive there before dark.


  At last he ____________________________________ a foolish mistake.

  答案:1.so; that; has made 2.such; that 3.standing behind him 4.consider it 5.admitted having made


  1.1.(2024·山东省实验中学高三诊断测试)They got up very early that morning ________ they wouldn't miss the first bus.

  A.in case B.as if

  C.so that

  D.even though

  答案:C so that 引导目的状语从句,从句中常用can ,will等情态动词。句意为:为了不错过早班车,他们那天早上很早就起床了。

  2.The teacher was so pleased with the progress that I had ______ in my study this term that she sent me an English­Chinese dictionary.





  答案:A 考查固定搭配与句子结构的分析。在此句中that I had ________ in my study this term作定语修饰the progress。make progress“取得进步”,是固定搭配,故选A。

  3.—Look at this, what a perfect item! $100 is my last offer.

  —OK. ________.

  A.With pleasure

  B.It's a deal

  C.My pleasure

  D.It's up to you

  答案:B 考查交际用语。With pleasure乐意效劳;It's a deal成交,我同意你的条件;My pleasure不用谢;It's up to you由你决定。根据$100 is my last offer.可知此处是买卖东西的对话,最后两个人达成一致意见,买卖成交。故选B。

  4.—So you made it?

  —Yes. It was so dark that we managed to avoid ________.

  A. seeing B. to see

  C. being seen

  D. to be seen

  答案:C avoid后面应接动名词形式,而且该题应用被动形式表示“避免被看到”。

  5. The boy admitted ________ the window while playing football.

  A. having been brokenB. to break

  C. breaking D. to be breaking

  答案:C admit后面应接动名词形式,表示“承认做过某事”,可排除B、D项;正确答案为C项;A项语态错误。

  6. She is very strict not only ________ all of us,but ________ all her own work.

  A. in; withB. with; with

  C. with; in D. in; in

  答案:C 由strict后的介词搭配可知答案为C项,be strict with sb./in sth.。

  7.________ you call me to say you're not coming,I'll see you at the theatre.

  A. ThoughB. Whether

  C. Until

  D. Unless

  答案:D 考查连词。句意:我将在剧院门口等你,除非你打电话说你不来了。

  8.I appreciate ________ the opportunity to work in your company two years ago.


  B.to give

  C.being given

  D.to be given

  答案:C appreciate后面接v.­ing形式作宾语。另外,此处give与主语之间是逻辑上的被动关系,所以用v.­ing形式的被动式,即being done的形式。

  9.Marie told us that ________ that she was able to set up new branches eleswhere.

  A.so successful her business was

  B.so successful was her business

  C.such successful business she had

  D.so was successful her business

  答案:B 在so/such...that...句型中,so+adj. (+n.)/adv.或such+adj.+n. 部分位于句首时,主句部分要用部分倒装,即系动词或助动词放在主语之前。由此可知选B。

  10.She was over the age limit and ________, her application for the job was refused.

  A.as a result

  B.in conclusion

  C.worse still

  D.what's more

  答案:A 考查固定短语。句意:她超过了年龄限制,因此,她对这项工作的申请遭到了拒绝。as a result结果;in conclusion总之;worse still更糟糕的是;what's more另外。

  11.With the latest technology ________, the productivity in our factory has been greatly increased.

  A.to bring in

  B.brought in

  C.to turn in

  D.turned in

  答案:B 考查with复合结构和动词短语。bring in 引进;turn in上交。“with+宾语+动词不定式”表示with复合结构中的动作发生在将来;“with+宾语+过去分词”表示with复合结构中的动作已发生且与宾语之间是逻辑上的被动关系。根据句子的时态可知, 新技术已经被引进了,故选B。

  12.(2024·宝鸡模拟)He is such an unselfish man. You cannot help but ________ him.


  B.to respect



  答案:A 句意:他是这样一个毫无私心的人,你不能不尊敬他。cannot help but do sth.意为“不可避免做某事”。respect尊敬。

  13.Since it's a(n) ________ dinner, you should wear your suit with a tie and bring some gifts.





  答案:C 考查形容词辨析。句意:既然这是一个正式的宴会,你应该穿你的西服并戴上领带,还要带些礼物。energetic精力充沛的;informal非正式的;formal正式的;ordinary普通的。根据句意可知选C。

  14.They could not ________ being drawn into the argument so they had to join in it.





  答案:A 考查动词辨析。句意:他们无法避开这场争论,不得不加入其中。avoid doing sth.避开做某事。其他三个选项不能直接跟v.­ing形式作宾语。

  15.The local people reported it ________ they found the sea water was polluted.





  答案:B 此处immediately相当于as soon as,表示“一……就……”。


  My Experience in a Free School

  At first I couldn't believe it! There were no

  __1__in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to__2__. Although we all lived “in”,


  made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no “lights out”.

  The__4__thing was that practically all the students went to class,


  very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or

  __6__class. The new ones always went wild

  __7__, but this never lasted long. The freedom took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like


  ;never did we have to play “stand up”, “sit down”, “speak out”. I don't


  one student who didn't try his best.

  The subjects were the same as those in__10__schools,but what a difference in the approach(方式)! For example,in botany(植物学)we had


  classes in the spring or fall, but instead we__12__two gardens,a vegetable garden and a flower garden.

  __13__in winter we each studied a few particular things about what we had grown. In maths the students built three different kinds of storerooms—small ones__14__, but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a


  time too,designing everything, drawing the blueprints, figuring out the angles(角度)and so on. I didn't take__16__. I can't stand it! Besides,I could do the basic things with numbers. That's


  On the whole I think I am a__18__person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else of my age,and I can think better. That's probably a real big


  between the free school and regular school—the amount of


  1. A. desks B. lights

  C. students D. buildings

  答案:A 从下文看出,作者感到难以置信的是,作为学校竟然“没有成排的课桌”。

  2. A. homeB. bed

  C. class

  D. work

  答案:C 学生应该是“去上课”,即go to class。

  3. A. anybodyB. nobody

  C. teachers D. parents

  答案:B 从下句“没有熄灯时间”判断,“没有人”让学生按时作息。

  4. A. sadB. last

  C. good D. strange

  答案:D 该段说明了实际情况,与第一段的描述可能带来的结果恰恰相反,所以用strange表示“奇怪的;不可思议的”。

  5. A. and

  B. but

  C. so

  D. yet

  答案:A 空前后都是说明学生遵守纪律的情况,意思是顺延的,所以用and。 but和yet表示意义的转折,so表示结果。

  6. A. attended

  B. took

  C. missed D. studied

  答案:C 该句说明了个别情况,所以用missed表示“旷课;逃课”。

  7. A. from then onB. at first

  C. once more

  D. just then

  答案:B 从下句“不会持续大久”判断是“当初”的情况。

  8. A. workersB. pupils

  C. children D. grown­ups

  答案:D 从后面的要求看出,老师把我们当成“成人”看待。

  9. A. hear from B. feel like

  C. think about D. know of

  答案:D hear from意为“收到某人的来信”;feel like意为“想要”;think about意为“考虑;认为”;know of意为“了解;知道”。根据文意应选D项,表示“我还没了解到有一个不努力的学生”,即“所有学生都很努力”。

  10. A. nightB. regular

  C. small D. real

  答案:B 从下文特别是全文最后一句可知,与free school相对的是regular school,regular意为“规则的;固定的;一般的;普通的”。

  11. A. allB. short

  C. no

  D. indoor

  答案:C 该句表示春秋季节不上课,而是种植花园。

  12. A. planted

  B. studied

  C. drew

  D. toured

  答案:A plant表示“种植”,后面说明有“菜园”和“花园”。

  13. A. StillB. Then

  C. Yet

  D. Next

  答案:B still意为“仍然”;then意为“然后”;yet意为“然而”;next意为“下一步”。根据句意应选then,表示“然后在冬季进行研究”。

  14. A. as wellB. after a while

  C. of course

  D. as a result

  答案:C as well意为“也”;after a while意为“过一会儿”;of course意为“当然”;as a result“意为“结果”。根据文意应选C项,表示学生们建的“当然”是小储藏室。

  15. A. funnyB. great

  C. convenient

  D. thoughtful

  答案:B 从后面的介绍看出他们过得很愉快,所以选great。

  16. A. mathsB. care

  C. botany

  D. notice

  答案:A 根据上下文的“他们”如何做和“我”忍受不了判断,“我”没有学数学。

  17. A. dull B. interesting

  C. enough D. dangerous

  答案:C 作者认为能用数字做一些基本的问题,那就“足够”了,所以没有学习数学。

  18. A. carefulB. better

  C. busier D. lovely

  答案:B 从下文看出,作者进入free school学习后,一切都比以前要好了,所以选better。

  19. A. problem

  B. chance

  C. difference

  D. change

  答案:C difference between...and...表示“……和……的不同”。

  20. A. readingB. gardening

  C. teaching

  D. thinking

  答案:D 结合上句看出,该句主语That指的是think better,所以答案为thinking。



  If you love books, and you have an extra room in your house, why not turn it into a reading room where you can read comfortably?


  At the same time you can also enjoy comfort and relaxation there.

  Since reading rooms are mostly for relaxation, start by choosing a good paint color.


  Then, surround yourself with things that make you comfortable, such as a comfortable chair or two. You may also want to put all of your bookshelves into the room so you can easily find the book you want to read.


  Because you want a quiet space where you do not have to worry about distractions, it is best if you keep your computer and television elsewhere.__4__

  Similarly, you want to keep televisions out of your reading room. The goal is to create a space in which you can relay. You also may not want to include more than a few seats, since this is just for yourself, not your family's recreation room.__5__



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