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  2024英语高考高频词汇精选-N 1. narrow adj. 狭窄的,狭小的[反wide; broad] v. [I/T](使)变窄;缩小 【练习】

  完成句子/单项选择 ①我们如何才能缩小青少年和父母之间的代沟? What can we do ___________________________ between teenagers and their parents?

  ②最后,只剩下3人可供选择,看谁更适合干这项工作。 In the end the choice was _____________________ three people who might be suitable for the job.

  ③真是死里逃生,我们很幸运。 That's __________________________; we were lucky.

  ④Parents and children should communicate more to ________ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.(2024·天津)

  A. open

  B. narrow

  C. widen

  D. leave 【解析】 ①to narrow the generation gap (down) ②narrowed down to  ③a narrow escape ④B narrow the gap缩小差距。句意:父母和孩子应该多沟通来减少他们之间的分歧以便于他们能更好地相互理解。 2. no matter 无论,不管 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①无论她怎样对我,我都不在意。 I don't care about __________________ she does to me. ②无论这手机有多贵,我都要买,因为我急需一个。 _____________________ expensive the cellphone is, I'll buy it because I need one badly. =___________________ expensive the cellphone is, I'll buy it because I need one badly. ③不管谁犯了法,都会受到惩罚的。 ___________________ breaks the law will be punished. =______________ breaks the law, he will be punished. =____________________________ breaks the law, he will be punished. ④Sarah hopes to become a friend of ________ shares her interests.

  A. anyone

  B. whomever

  C. whoever

  D. no matter who 【解析】 ①whatever  ②No matter how; However ③Whoever; Whoever; No matter who

  ④C 句意:莎拉希望成为与她有相同兴趣的人的朋友。whoever在句中有两个作用,一是引导宾语从句,作介词of的宾语从句,二是在从句中作主语,谓语是shares。anyone不能引导从句;whomever用作宾语;no matter who只能引导让步状语从句。 3. neither adj. (两者)都不 pron. 两者都不(作主语时,谓语用单数) adv. 也不[同 nor] conj. 也不 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①如果你不去,我也不去。 If you don't go, __________________________.

  = If you don't go, I won't go, ____________________. ②——我的收音机不响。 — My radio doesn't work.

  ——我的收音机也不响。 —____________________________. ③你和他都不该受责备。 Neither you nor he ______________________ to blame.

  ④— John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday?

  — ________. I'll be off to London then.(2024·重庆)

  A. Either

  B. Neither

  C. Both

  D. None ⑤The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor ________ it a thought.(2024·重庆) A. does he even give B. he even gives C. will he even give D. he will even given 【解析】 ①①neither will I; either ②Neither does mine ③is ④B 问者:“约翰,我们什么时候再次见面?是周四还是周五?”。从回答者的话里可以看出,那时他已经离开去伦敦了,所以不管是周四还是周五,都不可能见面。 ⑤C 句意:校长不会同意转科的,他甚至也根本不会考虑这个问题。“nor/neither+不完全倒装” 用在否定句后,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一人或物。 4. not only…but (also) 不仅……而且…… 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①我不仅听见了车的声音,而且还看见了那辆车撞坏了。 I ________ heard the car, ________ I saw it crash.

  =Not only ________ the car, but also ________ it crash. ②不仅学生而且老师都反对那个计划。 Not only the students but also the teacher ________ against the plan. ③Not only ________, but also ________. A. the lost car was found; the thief was caught B. the lost car was found; was the thief caught

  C. was the lost car found; the thief was caught D. was the lost car found; was the thief caught 【解析】 ①not only; but also; did I hear; I saw  ②is/was ③C not only…but also…连接两个句子,且not only位于句首,not only所在的句子要部分倒装,but also后的句子不倒装。句意:不仅找到了丢失的汽车,而且抓到了窃贼。

  2024英语高考高频词汇精选-N 1. narrow adj. 狭窄的,狭小的[反wide; broad] v. [I/T](使)变窄;缩小 【练习】

  完成句子/单项选择 ①我们如何才能缩小青少年和父母之间的代沟? What can we do ___________________________ between teenagers and their parents?

  ②最后,只剩下3人可供选择,看谁更适合干这项工作。 In the end the choice was _____________________ three people who might be suitable for the job.

  ③真是死里逃生,我们很幸运。 That's __________________________; we were lucky.

  ④Parents and children should communicate more to ________ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.(2024·天津)

  A. open

  B. narrow

  C. widen

  D. leave 【解析】 ①to narrow the generation gap (down) ②narrowed down to  ③a narrow escape ④B narrow the gap缩小差距。句意:父母和孩子应该多沟通来减少他们之间的分歧以便于他们能更好地相互理解。 2. no matter 无论,不管 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①无论她怎样对我,我都不在意。 I don't care about __________________ she does to me. ②无论这手机有多贵,我都要买,因为我急需一个。 _____________________ expensive the cellphone is, I'll buy it because I need one badly. =___________________ expensive the cellphone is, I'll buy it because I need one badly. ③不管谁犯了法,都会受到惩罚的。 ___________________ breaks the law will be punished. =______________ breaks the law, he will be punished. =____________________________ breaks the law, he will be punished. ④Sarah hopes to become a friend of ________ shares her interests.

  A. anyone

  B. whomever

  C. whoever

  D. no matter who 【解析】 ①whatever  ②No matter how; However ③Whoever; Whoever; No matter who

  ④C 句意:莎拉希望成为与她有相同兴趣的人的朋友。whoever在句中有两个作用,一是引导宾语从句,作介词of的宾语从句,二是在从句中作主语,谓语是shares。anyone不能引导从句;whomever用作宾语;no matter who只能引导让步状语从句。 3. neither adj. (两者)都不 pron. 两者都不(作主语时,谓语用单数) adv. 也不[同 nor] conj. 也不 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①如果你不去,我也不去。 If you don't go, __________________________.

  = If you don't go, I won't go, ____________________. ②——我的收音机不响。 — My radio doesn't work.

  ——我的收音机也不响。 —____________________________. ③你和他都不该受责备。 Neither you nor he ______________________ to blame.

  ④— John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday?

  — ________. I'll be off to London then.(2024·重庆)

  A. Either

  B. Neither

  C. Both

  D. None ⑤The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor ________ it a thought.(2024·重庆) A. does he even give B. he even gives C. will he even give D. he will even given 【解析】 ①①neither will I; either ②Neither does mine ③is ④B 问者:“约翰,我们什么时候再次见面?是周四还是周五?”。从回答者的话里可以看出,那时他已经离开去伦敦了,所以不管是周四还是周五,都不可能见面。 ⑤C 句意:校长不会同意转科的,他甚至也根本不会考虑这个问题。“nor/neither+不完全倒装” 用在否定句后,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一人或物。 4. not only…but (also) 不仅……而且…… 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①我不仅听见了车的声音,而且还看见了那辆车撞坏了。 I ________ heard the car, ________ I saw it crash.

  =Not only ________ the car, but also ________ it crash. ②不仅学生而且老师都反对那个计划。 Not only the students but also the teacher ________ against the plan. ③Not only ________, but also ________. A. the lost car was found; the thief was caught B. the lost car was found; was the thief caught

  C. was the lost car found; the thief was caught D. was the lost car found; was the thief caught 【解析】 ①not only; but also; did I hear; I saw  ②is/was ③C not only…but also…连接两个句子,且not only位于句首,not only所在的句子要部分倒装,but also后的句子不倒装。句意:不仅找到了丢失的汽车,而且抓到了窃贼。



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