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  Unit 1 Friendship


  1.If you take my __________,you’ll make a lot of money in the trade.





  解析:选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你听从我的建议,在这次交易中你将赚一大笔钱。 tip“建议,忠告”,是可数名词,而advice是不可数名词,没有复数形式。

  2.The doctor told Jack’s mother that it would not take him long to __________ from his illness.





  解析:选D。考查动词词义辨析。recover意为“痊愈,恢复”,常和from连用。句意为:医生告诉Jack的妈妈不用多久他就会痊愈的。suffer from遭受(痛苦、疾病、损失等);separate from分离,分开;escape from从……中逃脱。

  3.The reporter has written__________articles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to the problem.

  A.a series of

  B.a great deal of

  C.a plenty of

  D.a large amount of

  解析:选A。a series of“一系列”,后加可数名词;a great deal of=a large amount of“许多,大量”,后加不可数名词;C项中的a多余。

  4.—You look unhappy.Why?

  —I’m always __________ when I don’t get any mail.






  5.Dr.Smith was always__________the poor and the sick,often providing them with free medical care.

  A.tended byB.absorbed in

  C.reminded of

  D.concerned about

  解析:选D。be concerned about意为“关心;挂念”,根据所提供的情境often providing them with free medical care可判断出他非常关心穷人和病人。be tended by“被……照顾”;be absorbed in“专心于”;reminded of“想起”。

  6.—So you didn’t say hello to her last night?

  —Well,I stopped and smiled when I saw her,but she __________ me and walked on.






  7.(2010年高考课标全国卷)The workers__________the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”.






  8.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympic,which __________ will promote its economic development.

  A.in nature

  B.in return

  C.in turn

  D.in fact

  解析:选C。考查介词短语辨析。in turn表示“后来,转而”;in nature无此搭配;in return作为……的报答;in fact实际上,根据句意可知C项正确。

  9.(2010年安庆模拟)Attention,please,everybody!Please stay__________while I take a photograph of you.






  10.She devoted herself__________to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.







  1.I happened to meet one of my friends while __________________(在街上散步时).(walk)


  答案:(I was)walking along the street

  2.________________(为了平静下来),she turned on the radio to listen to the light music.(calm)

  解析:考查不定式做目的状语,由短语calm down可知答案。

  答案:In order to calm down

  3.My father asked me ________________(我是否相处得好)with my classmates in the new school.(get)

  解析:考查宾语从句及动词时态。由语境可知“相处”应是指目前进行着的动作,故用现在进行时,由短语get along with可知答案。

  答案:if I am getting along well

  4.All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to ________________(及时收到)for Christmas.(receive)


  答案:be received in time

  5.This is the first time we ________________(看电影)in the cinema together as a family.(see)

  解析:考查固定结构。This is the first time后接动词的完成时态。

  答案:have seen a film

  6.She and her family hid away for nearly twenty five months ________________(才被发现).(discover)


  答案:before (they were)discovered

  7.It was after he got what he had wanted ______________(他才意识到)it was not so important.(realize)


  答案:that he realized

  8.My sister is very upset today.You ________________(不该告诉她)the bad news yesterday.(tell)

  解析:shouldn’t have done意为“本来不该做……而实际做了”。

  答案:shouldn’t have told her

  9.Mother wanted to be a good provider,a role she ________________(一直肩负的)since her marriage to father.(shoulder)


  答案:has been shouldering

  10.Today,we will begin ________________(我们昨天结束的地方)so that no point will be left out.(stop)


  答案:where we stopped yesterday



  Words:451 难度系数:☆☆ 建议用时:7′

  (2011年银川高三模拟)From the beginning of human history,wild animals provided food,clothing and sometimes medicine for man.We may not depend as much on wild animals now.But we hear about them every day.Americans use the names of animals in many ways.Automobile manufacturers and gasoline companies especially like to use big cats to sell their products.They like lions,tigers and wildcats.When Americans say wildcat,they usually mean a_lynx,an_ocelot_or_a_bobcat.All these cats attack quickly and fiercely.So wildcats represent something fast and fierce.

  An early American use of the word wildcat was quite different.It was used to describe members of Congress who declared war on Britain in 1812.A magazine of that year said the wildcat congressmen went home.It said they were unable to face the responsibility of having involved their country in an unnecessary war.

  Wildcat also has been used as a name for money in the 1800s.At that time,some states permitted banks to make their own money.One bank in the state of Michigan offered paper money with a picture of a wildcat on it.Some banks,however,did not have enough gold to support all the paper money they offered.So the money had little or no value.It was called a wildcat bill or a wildcat banknote.The banks who offered this money were called wildcat banks.A newspaper of the time said those were the days of wildcat money.It said a man might be rich in the morning and poor by night.

  Wildcat then was also used for an oil well or gold mine that had almost no oil or gold in it.Dishonest developers would buy such property.Then they would sell it and leave town with the money.The buyers were left with worthless holes in the ground.Today,wildcat oil wells are in areas that are not known to have oil.

  【解题导语】 人类和动物向来有密切关系。本文讲述了与wildcat有关的典故。

  1.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Wildcats and their stories.

  B.Wildcats and their characters.

  C.Varieties of animal species.

  D.Relationship between animals and humans.


  2.From the passage we can know that__________.

  A.wildcats represent the state of Michigan

  B.the use of wildcats was not always the same

  C.wildcats are the best friend of human beings

  D.honest developers never buy wildcat oil wells


  3.The underlined words “a lynx,an ocelot or a bobcat” in Paragraph 1 may refer to“__________”.

  A.gasoline companies

  B.automobile manufacturers

  C.names of wildcats

  D.brands of automobile

  解析:选C。猜测词义题。从第一段第四句Americans use the names of animals in many ways.和All these cats...可知画线部分是野猫中的三个名字。

  4.Which of the following would people like to have or trust according to the passage?

  A.Wildcat congressmen.

  B.Wildcat oil wells.

  C.Wildcat banks.

  D.Wildcat cars.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。从第一段第五句中的to sell their products可知D项是人们可以信任的。

  5.It can be inferred that during the days of wildcat money__________.

  A.people couldn’t buy anything with the money

  B.people didn’t know how to save money

  C.the rich invested too much on oil wells

  D.people complained and suffered a lot

  解析:选D。推理判断题。从第三段最后一句It said a man might be rich in the morning and poor by night.可知答案。


  Words:394 难度系数:☆☆ 建议用时:7′

  (2010年黄冈中学月考)Most American kids love Halloween treats,but a bucket of Halloween candy can be a dentist’s nightmare.Some parents try to get rid of half of the candy after their children go to bed,but dentists say parents also need to separate the good kinds of treats from the bad ones.

  It is not exactly what a child eats that truly matters,but how much time it stays in his mouth.According to pediatric dentist Dr.Kaneta Lott,the most damaging stuff is something that is sticky or very hard and thus stays in the mouth for a long time.This is because we all have bacteria in our mouths. When we eat,the bacteria take our food as their food and produce an acid that destroys the surface of the teeth,causing cavities to form.The longer the food stays in the mouth,the more likely cavities will develop.Therefore,potato chips are worse than candy because they get stuck between teeth.For the same reason,raisins and crackers are not the best choice.Hard candies take a long time to consume and are also a bad choice for Halloween treats.

  If children really love candy,dentists recommend that they eat chocolate instead. Unlike hard candies,chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth.Besides,chocolate contains tannins,which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth.But no matter what a child eats,brushing after each meal is still the best way to fight cavities.

  6. What is the main purpose of this passage?

  A. To discuss how cavities can be treated.

  B.To point out the problems with Halloween celebrations.

  C.To tell parents what sweets are less damaging to their children’s teeth.

  D.To teach parents the meaning of Halloween candy for their children.


  7. Why are hard candies especially bad for teeth?

  A.They may break the children’s teeth.

  B.They contain too much sugar.

  C.They help bacteria to produce tannins.

  D.They stay in the mouth for a long time.


  8. According to the passage,which of the following is a better choice for Halloween treats?



  D.Potato chips.


  9. According to the passage,which of the following is true of tannins?

  A.They are produced when the bacteria digest the food.

  B.They help to get rid of some bacteria in the mouth.

  C.They help chocolate to dissolve more quickly.

  D.They destroy the surface of the teeth.

  解析:选B。正误判断题。从最后一段中的“Besides,chocolate contains tannins,which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth”可知答案。

  Unit 1 Friendship


  1.If you take my __________,you’ll make a lot of money in the trade.





  解析:选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你听从我的建议,在这次交易中你将赚一大笔钱。 tip“建议,忠告”,是可数名词,而advice是不可数名词,没有复数形式。

  2.The doctor told Jack’s mother that it would not take him long to __________ from his illness.





  解析:选D。考查动词词义辨析。recover意为“痊愈,恢复”,常和from连用。句意为:医生告诉Jack的妈妈不用多久他就会痊愈的。suffer from遭受(痛苦、疾病、损失等);separate from分离,分开;escape from从……中逃脱。

  3.The reporter has written__________articles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to the problem.

  A.a series of

  B.a great deal of

  C.a plenty of

  D.a large amount of

  解析:选A。a series of“一系列”,后加可数名词;a great deal of=a large amount of“许多,大量”,后加不可数名词;C项中的a多余。

  4.—You look unhappy.Why?

  —I’m always __________ when I don’t get any mail.






  5.Dr.Smith was always__________the poor and the sick,often providing them with free medical care.

  A.tended byB.absorbed in

  C.reminded of

  D.concerned about

  解析:选D。be concerned about意为“关心;挂念”,根据所提供的情境often providing them with free medical care可判断出他非常关心穷人和病人。be tended by“被……照顾”;be absorbed in“专心于”;reminded of“想起”。

  6.—So you didn’t say hello to her last night?

  —Well,I stopped and smiled when I saw her,but she __________ me and walked on.






  7.(2010年高考课标全国卷)The workers__________the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”.






  8.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympic,which __________ will promote its economic development.

  A.in nature

  B.in return

  C.in turn

  D.in fact

  解析:选C。考查介词短语辨析。in turn表示“后来,转而”;in nature无此搭配;in return作为……的报答;in fact实际上,根据句意可知C项正确。

  9.(2010年安庆模拟)Attention,please,everybody!Please stay__________while I take a photograph of you.






  10.She devoted herself__________to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.







  1.I happened to meet one of my friends while __________________(在街上散步时).(walk)


  答案:(I was)walking along the street

  2.________________(为了平静下来),she turned on the radio to listen to the light music.(calm)

  解析:考查不定式做目的状语,由短语calm down可知答案。

  答案:In order to calm down

  3.My father asked me ________________(我是否相处得好)with my classmates in the new school.(get)

  解析:考查宾语从句及动词时态。由语境可知“相处”应是指目前进行着的动作,故用现在进行时,由短语get along with可知答案。

  答案:if I am getting along well

  4.All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to ________________(及时收到)for Christmas.(receive)


  答案:be received in time

  5.This is the first time we ________________(看电影)in the cinema together as a family.(see)

  解析:考查固定结构。This is the first time后接动词的完成时态。

  答案:have seen a film

  6.She and her family hid away for nearly twenty five months ________________(才被发现).(discover)


  答案:before (they were)discovered

  7.It was after he got what he had wanted ______________(他才意识到)it was not so important.(realize)


  答案:that he realized

  8.My sister is very upset today.You ________________(不该告诉她)the bad news yesterday.(tell)

  解析:shouldn’t have done意为“本来不该做……而实际做了”。

  答案:shouldn’t have told her

  9.Mother wanted to be a good provider,a role she ________________(一直肩负的)since her marriage to father.(shoulder)


  答案:has been shouldering

  10.Today,we will begin ________________(我们昨天结束的地方)so that no point will be left out.(stop)


  答案:where we stopped yesterday



  Words:451 难度系数:☆☆ 建议用时:7′

  (2011年银川高三模拟)From the beginning of human history,wild animals provided food,clothing and sometimes medicine for man.We may not depend as much on wild animals now.But we hear about them every day.Americans use the names of animals in many ways.Automobile manufacturers and gasoline companies especially like to use big cats to sell their products.They like lions,tigers and wildcats.When Americans say wildcat,they usually mean a_lynx,an_ocelot_or_a_bobcat.All these cats attack quickly and fiercely.So wildcats represent something fast and fierce.

  An early American use of the word wildcat was quite different.It was used to describe members of Congress who declared war on Britain in 1812.A magazine of that year said the wildcat congressmen went home.It said they were unable to face the responsibility of having involved their country in an unnecessary war.

  Wildcat also has been used as a name for money in the 1800s.At that time,some states permitted banks to make their own money.One bank in the state of Michigan offered paper money with a picture of a wildcat on it.Some banks,however,did not have enough gold to support all the paper money they offered.So the money had little or no value.It was called a wildcat bill or a wildcat banknote.The banks who offered this money were called wildcat banks.A newspaper of the time said those were the days of wildcat money.It said a man might be rich in the morning and poor by night.

  Wildcat then was also used for an oil well or gold mine that had almost no oil or gold in it.Dishonest developers would buy such property.Then they would sell it and leave town with the money.The buyers were left with worthless holes in the ground.Today,wildcat oil wells are in areas that are not known to have oil.

  【解题导语】 人类和动物向来有密切关系。本文讲述了与wildcat有关的典故。

  1.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Wildcats and their stories.

  B.Wildcats and their characters.

  C.Varieties of animal species.

  D.Relationship between animals and humans.


  2.From the passage we can know that__________.

  A.wildcats represent the state of Michigan

  B.the use of wildcats was not always the same

  C.wildcats are the best friend of human beings

  D.honest developers never buy wildcat oil wells


  3.The underlined words “a lynx,an ocelot or a bobcat” in Paragraph 1 may refer to“__________”.

  A.gasoline companies

  B.automobile manufacturers

  C.names of wildcats

  D.brands of automobile

  解析:选C。猜测词义题。从第一段第四句Americans use the names of animals in many ways.和All these cats...可知画线部分是野猫中的三个名字。

  4.Which of the following would people like to have or trust according to the passage?

  A.Wildcat congressmen.

  B.Wildcat oil wells.

  C.Wildcat banks.

  D.Wildcat cars.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。从第一段第五句中的to sell their products可知D项是人们可以信任的。

  5.It can be inferred that during the days of wildcat money__________.

  A.people couldn’t buy anything with the money

  B.people didn’t know how to save money

  C.the rich invested too much on oil wells

  D.people complained and suffered a lot

  解析:选D。推理判断题。从第三段最后一句It said a man might be rich in the morning and poor by night.可知答案。


  Words:394 难度系数:☆☆ 建议用时:7′

  (2010年黄冈中学月考)Most American kids love Halloween treats,but a bucket of Halloween candy can be a dentist’s nightmare.Some parents try to get rid of half of the candy after their children go to bed,but dentists say parents also need to separate the good kinds of treats from the bad ones.

  It is not exactly what a child eats that truly matters,but how much time it stays in his mouth.According to pediatric dentist Dr.Kaneta Lott,the most damaging stuff is something that is sticky or very hard and thus stays in the mouth for a long time.This is because we all have bacteria in our mouths. When we eat,the bacteria take our food as their food and produce an acid that destroys the surface of the teeth,causing cavities to form.The longer the food stays in the mouth,the more likely cavities will develop.Therefore,potato chips are worse than candy because they get stuck between teeth.For the same reason,raisins and crackers are not the best choice.Hard candies take a long time to consume and are also a bad choice for Halloween treats.

  If children really love candy,dentists recommend that they eat chocolate instead. Unlike hard candies,chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth.Besides,chocolate contains tannins,which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth.But no matter what a child eats,brushing after each meal is still the best way to fight cavities.

  6. What is the main purpose of this passage?

  A. To discuss how cavities can be treated.

  B.To point out the problems with Halloween celebrations.

  C.To tell parents what sweets are less damaging to their children’s teeth.

  D.To teach parents the meaning of Halloween candy for their children.


  7. Why are hard candies especially bad for teeth?

  A.They may break the children’s teeth.

  B.They contain too much sugar.

  C.They help bacteria to produce tannins.

  D.They stay in the mouth for a long time.


  8. According to the passage,which of the following is a better choice for Halloween treats?



  D.Potato chips.


  9. According to the passage,which of the following is true of tannins?

  A.They are produced when the bacteria digest the food.

  B.They help to get rid of some bacteria in the mouth.

  C.They help chocolate to dissolve more quickly.

  D.They destroy the surface of the teeth.

  解析:选B。正误判断题。从最后一段中的“Besides,chocolate contains tannins,which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth”可知答案。



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