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2024高考英语一轮课件优化复习(山东专用)人教版必修二《Unit2 The Olympic Games 》奥林匹克运动会



  跟踪训练 1.—I like to surf the Internet but I don’t like to watch TV. —________. A.So do I

  B.Nor do I C.As do I

  D.So it is with me 解析:选D。So it is/was with...“……也这样”,主要用来表示“一个人的多种情况与另一个人的多种情况是一致的”。 2.—It’s burning hot today,isn’t it? —Yes.________yesterday. A.So was it

  B.So it was C.So it is

  D.So is it 解析:选A。由so+助动词(be/do/will/have)/情态动词+主语表示“……也是一样”。So was it yesterday.表示“昨天的天气与今天一样,都非常热”。 3.—I reminded you not to forget the appointment. —________. A.So you did

  B.So I do not C.So did you

  D.So do I 解析:选A。本题考查固定句式用法。So+主语+助动词/连系动词/情态动词,表示对别人的说法予以认可。 4.—David has made great progress recently. —________,and________. A.So he has;so you have B.So he has;so have you C.So has he;so have you D.So has he;so you have 解析:选B。此题前一空考查的是对上文的肯定;第二个空考查的是同样的情况也适用于另一主语。 5.As his best friend,I can make accurate guesses about________he will do or think. A.what

  B.which C.whom

  D.that 解析:选A。句意为:作为他最好的朋友,我能够准确地猜出他要做什么或者是想什么。本句中用what he will do or think作介词about的宾语。 6.—What are we visiting next Monday? —A modern city that has appeared in________was a village ten years ago. A.that

  B.which C.what

  D.where 解析:选C。考查宾语从句。填入的连词应引导宾语从句并在从句中作主语,所以排除A、D项。另外,which意思不符,故排除。 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 巧思妙解 用take part in,join,join in,join (sb.) in,attend填空 (1)________________ social practice is becoming popular among students. Taking part in (2)To __________ the Party,he took an active part in a variety of activities. (3)You may ________ us ________ playing badminton every morning. join join in (4)It is a pity that I can’t ________ the meeting to be held tomorrow. attend 2as well 也;又;还(常放在句子末尾,作为副词短语使用) (教材P10)For each Olympics,a special village is built for them to live in,a main reception building,several stadiums for competitions,and a gymnasium as well. 每届奥运会都要建一个特殊的村庄(奥运村)让参赛的人住,一个主接待楼、几个比赛用的体育场及一个体育馆。 (1)as well as意为“既……又;也,又”,可连接两个并列成分,强调其前面的内容,因此连接并列主语时,谓语应与前边的主语保持人称和数的一致。 归纳拓展 (2)as well as也可以是well的同级比较结构,表示“和……一样好”。 (3)may/might as well do sth.=had better do sth. 最好做某事;做……倒也无妨 ①My little brother can speak English and French as_well. 我弟弟会说英语,也会说法语。 ②Many students as well as Tom were present at the meeting.汤姆和许多学生都出席了会议。 ③She cooks as well as her mother does. 她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好。 ④Since you have started the job,you might_as_well finish it.既然你已经开始了这项工作,不妨把它做完吧。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.Do you know what the letters UN ________________(代表)? stand for 2.We are very happy to have the chance to ____________________(参加) the competition on behalf of our school. take part in 3.The chief engineer was ______________(负责)

  directing the building of the subway. 4.Our football team decided to ________________(接纳他为) one of the members. in charge of admit him as 5.Often life is much

  slower outside the big cities,as is true in other countries ____________(也). as well 6.As people grow old,they will become weak mentally ______________(也) physically. as well as Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Mr. Smith doesn’t want to ________ the debate over which artist’s work should be chosen for the prize because most of the artists are his friends. A.take away B.take off C.take apart

  D.take part in 解析:选D。从because most of the artists are his friends可知在此用take part in表示“史密斯先生不想参加辩论”。 2.My cousin broke his leg in the traffic accident and his arm was hurt ________. A.in charge

  B.by the way C.as well

  D.one after another 解析:选C。从前面的broke his leg...可知在此用as well表示“也,还”,表示胳膊和腿都受伤了。 3.—You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill. —Not exactly.It was his courage________his skill that really struck me most. A.rather

  B.as well as C.but also

  D.not as 解析:选B。考查副词的辨析。as well as表示“也、又”,强调前者。此句中It was...that...为强调结构,强调了“his courage as well as his skill”。 1(教材P10)No other countries could join in,nor_could slaves or women! 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加! 句型精析 【点津】 句型“nor/neither+系动词/助动词/情态动词+另一个主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“也不”,相当于either用于否定句。 ①My sister can’t swim,nor/neither can her husband. 我姐姐不会游泳,她丈夫也不会。 ②I don’t know,nor_do_I_care. 我不知道,也不关心。

  (1)“so+助动词/be/情态动词+主语”,是一种倒装句型,意为“也是如此”,表示上句所谈到的情况也适用于另一主语,so用来代替上句的内容。 归纳拓展 (2)如果表示前面两件或两件以上的事也适合于另一人或物时,则需要用So it is/was with...或It is/was the same with...。 (3)如果下文表示的是对上文的赞成或肯定,则仅需要把so放于句首,其后用正常语序。 ③If you go to school early tomorrow,so_shall_I. 如果明天你早点去学校,我也早去。 ④Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States.So it was with Jane./It was the same with Jane. 玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。 ⑤—He came to school late yesterday. ——他昨天上学迟到了。 —So he did.——他确实迟到了。 2(教材P9)I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece”

  and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 我生活在你们称之为“古希腊”的地方,我过去也经常写有关很久以前奥运会的情况。 【点津】 what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语,“Ancient Greece”作宾补。 ①After a long journey,they came to what_was_called “Gebi Desert”. 长途跋涉之后,他们来到了被称之为“戈壁滩”的地方。 ②(2010·高考山东卷)Before the sales start,I make a list of what my kids will need for the coming season. 在购物之前,我先列一张孩子们在下个季节所需要的东西的清单。 ①Tom admitted that it was wrong for him to drive after drinking.Tom承认自己酒后驾车是不对的。 ②(朗文P27)Only members will be admitted to the club for tonight’s performance. 只有会员才允许进入俱乐部观看今晚的表演。 ③He was_admitted_as a member of the table tennis team. 他作为乒乓球队员被接受。 3replace vt. 取代;替换;代替;把……放回原处 (教材P10)So even the olive wreath has been replaced! 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了! 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P1688)It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace_them_with_snacks. 不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。 ②John is ill and I want to know who is going to replace him.约翰病了,我想知道谁要替代他。 ③You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave.你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。 ④It would be difficult to find a man to take_the_place_of the present manager. 找一个人来代替现在的经理是不容易的。 4charge vt.& vi. 收费;控诉;充电 n. 费用;主管 (教材P12)duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong. 当一些事情出错而陷入麻烦,有责任去负责。 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P320)Do you think museums should charge for admission?你认为博物馆应该收入场费吗? ②The school side should be_charged_with the overload of the school bus.学校方应该对校车超载问题负责。 ③(牛津P319)He took_charge_of

  the farm after his father’s death.父亲去世后他掌管了农场。 5bargain vi. 讨价还价;讲条件  n. 便宜货 (教材P14)Her father said that she must marry,so Atlanta made a bargain with him. 她父亲说她必须结婚。于是,亚特兰大跟他讲条件。 归纳拓展 ①I bargained with the taxi driver about the price. 我与出租车司机讲价。 ②He and his partner had made_a_bargain

  to help each other.他和他的合伙人达成协议,要相互帮助。 ③In my opinion,the car was a bargain

  at that price. 依我来看,那辆车的价格真便宜。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.A new manager will come to ________________(管理) this company,which was ________________________(由王先生管理). take charge of in the charge of Mr. Wang 2.As far as I’m concerned, ____________________________(老师永远不会被替代) by computers in class. teachers will never be replaced 3.He was a talented musician,so that before long he _____________________(被接纳为) a professional entertainer in the band. 4.The manager agreed to deliver the purchases to my house __________________(免费). was admitted as free of charge 5.Tom _________________________ __________________(与其他五个运动员比赛)

  the first prize in a race.

  competed with/against five other athletes for Ⅱ.单项填空 1.I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real________. A.exchangeB.bargain C.trade

  D.business 解析:选B。句意为:我只花了10美元就买了一套裙子,真合算。exchange“互换”;bargain“便宜货,廉价货”;trade“贸易”;business“生意”。结合前面给出的信息“只花了10美元”,言外之意花钱不多,所以本题选择B项。 2.If you leave the club,you will not be________back in. A.received

  B.admitted C.turned

  D.Moved 解析:选B。句意为:如果你离开俱乐部,你将不会被允许返回。admit准许进(加)入。 3.________ the traditional business letter,the email plays a more and more important role in the commercial affairs. A.Largely replaced B.Having largely replaced C.Largely to replace D.Having largely been replaced 解析:选B。the email是动作replace的执行者,故排除A和D;to do表示将来的情况,与事实不符,故答案为B。 4.The shop which sells polluted milk has been __________ 20,000 yuan for breaking food safety rules. A.given

  B.charged C.fined

  D.punished 解析:选C。charge意为“收费”;fine表示“罚款”;punish表示“惩罚”,常用于punish sb. for sth.结构,其后不跟双宾语。 短语精释 1take part in 参加;参与 (教材P9)Who could not take part in

  the ancient Olympic Games? 谁不能参加古代奥运会呢? ①(牛津P1449)How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?有多少国家参加了上届奥运会? ②When he was young,he

  took_an_active_part_in political activities.他年轻时,积极参加各种政治活动。 ③When I watched the game,he encouraged me to take part in.当我在看比赛的时候他鼓励我参加。 辨析join/join (sb.) in/take part in/attend join

  “参加”,指加入党派、社会团体、军队等并成为其中一员。join the army/the Party/the League参军/入党/入团 join(sb.)in 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in 通用。 take part in 指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用。 attend 是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼;听报告、讲座等。一般指成为观众或听众。 Unit 2 The Olympic Games

  ——奥林匹克运动会 基础盘点自测自评 核心单词 1. Several companies are ____________(竞争)

  against/with each other to win the order. 2.I bought this house for only $10,000.I’ve got a good

  ____________(便宜货). competing bargain 3.The decision which will relate to the profit of the company this year, ____________(值得) further consideration. 4.Now these

  ____________(古代的) wonders have attracted travelers from all over the world. deserves ancient 5.We are making great progress in oral English,but Jane seems a

  ____________(没有希望的) case:she could only speak a few words after a one-month language training course. 6.I’m short of money,and can’t afford a new car to

  ____________(取代) my old one. hopeless replace 7.He ____________(要价) me $1.50 for repairing the watch,which was too much. 8.However busy I am,I try to keep a ____________(有规律的) schedule every day. charged regular 9.You have grown up and you need to take____________for your actions.In my opinion,it is you rather than he should be____________for the accident.(responsible) responsibility responsible 10.Whoever wants to go hiking must be____________strong.To keep fit,we should often take part in____________exercise.(physical) physically physical 高频短语

  1.________________参加;参与 2.________________

  代表;象征;表示 3.________________

  也;又;还 4.________________

  主管;看管 5.________________

  做交易 take part in stand for as well in charge make a bargain 6.________________

  拾起;接收;搭车;加速 7.________________

  计算出;设计出;解决;结果;锻炼 8.________________

  陆续地;一个接一个地 9.________________

  除了 pick up work out one after another apart from 典型句式 1.neither,nor在句首引导倒装句 No other countries could join in,___________________________________(奴隶和妇女也不能参加)! nor could slaves or women 2.not only...but(also)... 不仅……而且…… Women are __________________(不但允许),______________________________(而且在……中发挥重要作用) gymnastics,athletics,team sports and... not only allowed but play a very important role in 3.it作形式主语 ______________________________(这是一种巨大的责任) but also a great honour to be chosen. It’s a great responsibility 4.as...as... 像……一样…… There’s __________________ among countries to host the Olympics ________________________(跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈). as much competition as to win Olympic medals 5.what引导作介词宾语的从句 I lived in _________________________________(你们所说的“古希腊”) and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. what you call “Ancient Greece” 一般将来时的被动语态 1.—Good morning,Doctor White’s office. —Hello,this is John Woods.Could you please tell Doctor White I ________?My car won’t start. 单元语法 A.was delayed B.will be delayed C.am delaying

  D.would delay 解析:选B。考查时态和语态。由语意可知汽车发动不了,我将会被耽搁,所以要用一般将来时的被动语态。 2.—When can I know the result? —Be patient!It________until 6 o’clock. A.has not been announced B.should be announced C.will be announced D.will not be announced 解析:选D。由Be patient!可以看出,结果还没有宣布,应该用将来时,所以排除A。此句中用了not...until结构,答句句意为“耐心点,结果六点钟才会宣布。”故选D。 3.I’m afraid you’ll have to stay here for another day.All flights________because of fog. A.had been cancelled

  B.will be cancelled C.have been cancelled

  D.have cancelled 解析:选C。第一句(多待一天)是第二句(航班取消)造成的影响;航班应该是被取消,故用现在完成时的被动语态。 4.—Can you tell me by whom the speech________next Friday? —Mr.Green,our geography teacher. A.is given

  B.will be given C.will give

  D.be given 解析:选B。考查时态和语态。根据next Friday可知应该用将来时,又因宾语从句的主语是the speech,所以应用被动语态。 5.The water will be further polluted unless some measures________. A.will be taken

  B.are taken C.were taken

  D.had been taken 解析:选B。主句部分使用了将来时,unless引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。take measures(to do sth.)“采取措施(做某事)”,由句意知,此处为被动,故选B项。 考点串讲讲练互动 单词精研 1compete vi. 比赛;竞争 (教材P9)How many countries competed

  in the ancient Olympic Games? 有多少国家参加古代奥运会? 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P400)We can’t compete_with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。 ②(牛津P400)Young children will usually compete for their mother’s attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。 ③Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.没有人能够完全远离这个竞争的社会。 ④(牛津P334)We are in_competition_with

  four other companies for the contract. 我们在与其他四家公司竞争这项合同。 2admit vt.& vi. 容许;承认;接纳;容纳 (教材P10)Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有达到他们各自项目规定水平的运动员才被允许参加比赛。 归纳拓展

  跟踪训练 1.—I like to surf the Internet but I don’t like to watch TV. —________. A.So do I

  B.Nor do I C.As do I

  D.So it is with me 解析:选D。So it is/was with...“……也这样”,主要用来表示“一个人的多种情况与另一个人的多种情况是一致的”。 2.—It’s burning hot today,isn’t it? —Yes.________yesterday. A.So was it

  B.So it was C.So it is

  D.So is it 解析:选A。由so+助动词(be/do/will/have)/情态动词+主语表示“……也是一样”。So was it yesterday.表示“昨天的天气与今天一样,都非常热”。 3.—I reminded you not to forget the appointment. —________. A.So you did

  B.So I do not C.So did you

  D.So do I 解析:选A。本题考查固定句式用法。So+主语+助动词/连系动词/情态动词,表示对别人的说法予以认可。 4.—David has made great progress recently. —________,and________. A.So he has;so you have B.So he has;so have you C.So has he;so have you D.So has he;so you have 解析:选B。此题前一空考查的是对上文的肯定;第二个空考查的是同样的情况也适用于另一主语。 5.As his best friend,I can make accurate guesses about________he will do or think. A.what

  B.which C.whom

  D.that 解析:选A。句意为:作为他最好的朋友,我能够准确地猜出他要做什么或者是想什么。本句中用what he will do or think作介词about的宾语。 6.—What are we visiting next Monday? —A modern city that has appeared in________was a village ten years ago. A.that

  B.which C.what

  D.where 解析:选C。考查宾语从句。填入的连词应引导宾语从句并在从句中作主语,所以排除A、D项。另外,which意思不符,故排除。 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 巧思妙解 用take part in,join,join in,join (sb.) in,attend填空 (1)________________ social practice is becoming popular among students. Taking part in (2)To __________ the Party,he took an active part in a variety of activities. (3)You may ________ us ________ playing badminton every morning. join join in (4)It is a pity that I can’t ________ the meeting to be held tomorrow. attend 2as well 也;又;还(常放在句子末尾,作为副词短语使用) (教材P10)For each Olympics,a special village is built for them to live in,a main reception building,several stadiums for competitions,and a gymnasium as well. 每届奥运会都要建一个特殊的村庄(奥运村)让参赛的人住,一个主接待楼、几个比赛用的体育场及一个体育馆。 (1)as well as意为“既……又;也,又”,可连接两个并列成分,强调其前面的内容,因此连接并列主语时,谓语应与前边的主语保持人称和数的一致。 归纳拓展 (2)as well as也可以是well的同级比较结构,表示“和……一样好”。 (3)may/might as well do sth.=had better do sth. 最好做某事;做……倒也无妨 ①My little brother can speak English and French as_well. 我弟弟会说英语,也会说法语。 ②Many students as well as Tom were present at the meeting.汤姆和许多学生都出席了会议。 ③She cooks as well as her mother does. 她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好。 ④Since you have started the job,you might_as_well finish it.既然你已经开始了这项工作,不妨把它做完吧。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.Do you know what the letters UN ________________(代表)? stand for 2.We are very happy to have the chance to ____________________(参加) the competition on behalf of our school. take part in 3.The chief engineer was ______________(负责)

  directing the building of the subway. 4.Our football team decided to ________________(接纳他为) one of the members. in charge of admit him as 5.Often life is much

  slower outside the big cities,as is true in other countries ____________(也). as well 6.As people grow old,they will become weak mentally ______________(也) physically. as well as Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Mr. Smith doesn’t want to ________ the debate over which artist’s work should be chosen for the prize because most of the artists are his friends. A.take away B.take off C.take apart

  D.take part in 解析:选D。从because most of the artists are his friends可知在此用take part in表示“史密斯先生不想参加辩论”。 2.My cousin broke his leg in the traffic accident and his arm was hurt ________. A.in charge

  B.by the way C.as well

  D.one after another 解析:选C。从前面的broke his leg...可知在此用as well表示“也,还”,表示胳膊和腿都受伤了。 3.—You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill. —Not exactly.It was his courage________his skill that really struck me most. A.rather

  B.as well as C.but also

  D.not as 解析:选B。考查副词的辨析。as well as表示“也、又”,强调前者。此句中It was...that...为强调结构,强调了“his courage as well as his skill”。 1(教材P10)No other countries could join in,nor_could slaves or women! 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加! 句型精析 【点津】 句型“nor/neither+系动词/助动词/情态动词+另一个主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“也不”,相当于either用于否定句。 ①My sister can’t swim,nor/neither can her husband. 我姐姐不会游泳,她丈夫也不会。 ②I don’t know,nor_do_I_care. 我不知道,也不关心。

  (1)“so+助动词/be/情态动词+主语”,是一种倒装句型,意为“也是如此”,表示上句所谈到的情况也适用于另一主语,so用来代替上句的内容。 归纳拓展 (2)如果表示前面两件或两件以上的事也适合于另一人或物时,则需要用So it is/was with...或It is/was the same with...。 (3)如果下文表示的是对上文的赞成或肯定,则仅需要把so放于句首,其后用正常语序。 ③If you go to school early tomorrow,so_shall_I. 如果明天你早点去学校,我也早去。 ④Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States.So it was with Jane./It was the same with Jane. 玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。 ⑤—He came to school late yesterday. ——他昨天上学迟到了。 —So he did.——他确实迟到了。 2(教材P9)I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece”

  and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 我生活在你们称之为“古希腊”的地方,我过去也经常写有关很久以前奥运会的情况。 【点津】 what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语,“Ancient Greece”作宾补。 ①After a long journey,they came to what_was_called “Gebi Desert”. 长途跋涉之后,他们来到了被称之为“戈壁滩”的地方。 ②(2010·高考山东卷)Before the sales start,I make a list of what my kids will need for the coming season. 在购物之前,我先列一张孩子们在下个季节所需要的东西的清单。 ①Tom admitted that it was wrong for him to drive after drinking.Tom承认自己酒后驾车是不对的。 ②(朗文P27)Only members will be admitted to the club for tonight’s performance. 只有会员才允许进入俱乐部观看今晚的表演。 ③He was_admitted_as a member of the table tennis team. 他作为乒乓球队员被接受。 3replace vt. 取代;替换;代替;把……放回原处 (教材P10)So even the olive wreath has been replaced! 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了! 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P1688)It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace_them_with_snacks. 不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。 ②John is ill and I want to know who is going to replace him.约翰病了,我想知道谁要替代他。 ③You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave.你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。 ④It would be difficult to find a man to take_the_place_of the present manager. 找一个人来代替现在的经理是不容易的。 4charge vt.& vi. 收费;控诉;充电 n. 费用;主管 (教材P12)duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong. 当一些事情出错而陷入麻烦,有责任去负责。 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P320)Do you think museums should charge for admission?你认为博物馆应该收入场费吗? ②The school side should be_charged_with the overload of the school bus.学校方应该对校车超载问题负责。 ③(牛津P319)He took_charge_of

  the farm after his father’s death.父亲去世后他掌管了农场。 5bargain vi. 讨价还价;讲条件  n. 便宜货 (教材P14)Her father said that she must marry,so Atlanta made a bargain with him. 她父亲说她必须结婚。于是,亚特兰大跟他讲条件。 归纳拓展 ①I bargained with the taxi driver about the price. 我与出租车司机讲价。 ②He and his partner had made_a_bargain

  to help each other.他和他的合伙人达成协议,要相互帮助。 ③In my opinion,the car was a bargain

  at that price. 依我来看,那辆车的价格真便宜。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.A new manager will come to ________________(管理) this company,which was ________________________(由王先生管理). take charge of in the charge of Mr. Wang 2.As far as I’m concerned, ____________________________(老师永远不会被替代) by computers in class. teachers will never be replaced 3.He was a talented musician,so that before long he _____________________(被接纳为) a professional entertainer in the band. 4.The manager agreed to deliver the purchases to my house __________________(免费). was admitted as free of charge 5.Tom _________________________ __________________(与其他五个运动员比赛)

  the first prize in a race.

  competed with/against five other athletes for Ⅱ.单项填空 1.I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real________. A.exchangeB.bargain C.trade

  D.business 解析:选B。句意为:我只花了10美元就买了一套裙子,真合算。exchange“互换”;bargain“便宜货,廉价货”;trade“贸易”;business“生意”。结合前面给出的信息“只花了10美元”,言外之意花钱不多,所以本题选择B项。 2.If you leave the club,you will not be________back in. A.received

  B.admitted C.turned

  D.Moved 解析:选B。句意为:如果你离开俱乐部,你将不会被允许返回。admit准许进(加)入。 3.________ the traditional business letter,the email plays a more and more important role in the commercial affairs. A.Largely replaced B.Having largely replaced C.Largely to replace D.Having largely been replaced 解析:选B。the email是动作replace的执行者,故排除A和D;to do表示将来的情况,与事实不符,故答案为B。 4.The shop which sells polluted milk has been __________ 20,000 yuan for breaking food safety rules. A.given

  B.charged C.fined

  D.punished 解析:选C。charge意为“收费”;fine表示“罚款”;punish表示“惩罚”,常用于punish sb. for sth.结构,其后不跟双宾语。 短语精释 1take part in 参加;参与 (教材P9)Who could not take part in

  the ancient Olympic Games? 谁不能参加古代奥运会呢? ①(牛津P1449)How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?有多少国家参加了上届奥运会? ②When he was young,he

  took_an_active_part_in political activities.他年轻时,积极参加各种政治活动。 ③When I watched the game,he encouraged me to take part in.当我在看比赛的时候他鼓励我参加。 辨析join/join (sb.) in/take part in/attend join

  “参加”,指加入党派、社会团体、军队等并成为其中一员。join the army/the Party/the League参军/入党/入团 join(sb.)in 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in 通用。 take part in 指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用。 attend 是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼;听报告、讲座等。一般指成为观众或听众。 Unit 2 The Olympic Games

  ——奥林匹克运动会 基础盘点自测自评 核心单词 1. Several companies are ____________(竞争)

  against/with each other to win the order. 2.I bought this house for only $10,000.I’ve got a good

  ____________(便宜货). competing bargain 3.The decision which will relate to the profit of the company this year, ____________(值得) further consideration. 4.Now these

  ____________(古代的) wonders have attracted travelers from all over the world. deserves ancient 5.We are making great progress in oral English,but Jane seems a

  ____________(没有希望的) case:she could only speak a few words after a one-month language training course. 6.I’m short of money,and can’t afford a new car to

  ____________(取代) my old one. hopeless replace 7.He ____________(要价) me $1.50 for repairing the watch,which was too much. 8.However busy I am,I try to keep a ____________(有规律的) schedule every day. charged regular 9.You have grown up and you need to take____________for your actions.In my opinion,it is you rather than he should be____________for the accident.(responsible) responsibility responsible 10.Whoever wants to go hiking must be____________strong.To keep fit,we should often take part in____________exercise.(physical) physically physical 高频短语

  1.________________参加;参与 2.________________

  代表;象征;表示 3.________________

  也;又;还 4.________________

  主管;看管 5.________________

  做交易 take part in stand for as well in charge make a bargain 6.________________

  拾起;接收;搭车;加速 7.________________

  计算出;设计出;解决;结果;锻炼 8.________________

  陆续地;一个接一个地 9.________________

  除了 pick up work out one after another apart from 典型句式 1.neither,nor在句首引导倒装句 No other countries could join in,___________________________________(奴隶和妇女也不能参加)! nor could slaves or women 2.not only...but(also)... 不仅……而且…… Women are __________________(不但允许),______________________________(而且在……中发挥重要作用) gymnastics,athletics,team sports and... not only allowed but play a very important role in 3.it作形式主语 ______________________________(这是一种巨大的责任) but also a great honour to be chosen. It’s a great responsibility 4.as...as... 像……一样…… There’s __________________ among countries to host the Olympics ________________________(跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈). as much competition as to win Olympic medals 5.what引导作介词宾语的从句 I lived in _________________________________(你们所说的“古希腊”) and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. what you call “Ancient Greece” 一般将来时的被动语态 1.—Good morning,Doctor White’s office. —Hello,this is John Woods.Could you please tell Doctor White I ________?My car won’t start. 单元语法 A.was delayed B.will be delayed C.am delaying

  D.would delay 解析:选B。考查时态和语态。由语意可知汽车发动不了,我将会被耽搁,所以要用一般将来时的被动语态。 2.—When can I know the result? —Be patient!It________until 6 o’clock. A.has not been announced B.should be announced C.will be announced D.will not be announced 解析:选D。由Be patient!可以看出,结果还没有宣布,应该用将来时,所以排除A。此句中用了not...until结构,答句句意为“耐心点,结果六点钟才会宣布。”故选D。 3.I’m afraid you’ll have to stay here for another day.All flights________because of fog. A.had been cancelled

  B.will be cancelled C.have been cancelled

  D.have cancelled 解析:选C。第一句(多待一天)是第二句(航班取消)造成的影响;航班应该是被取消,故用现在完成时的被动语态。 4.—Can you tell me by whom the speech________next Friday? —Mr.Green,our geography teacher. A.is given

  B.will be given C.will give

  D.be given 解析:选B。考查时态和语态。根据next Friday可知应该用将来时,又因宾语从句的主语是the speech,所以应用被动语态。 5.The water will be further polluted unless some measures________. A.will be taken

  B.are taken C.were taken

  D.had been taken 解析:选B。主句部分使用了将来时,unless引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。take measures(to do sth.)“采取措施(做某事)”,由句意知,此处为被动,故选B项。 考点串讲讲练互动 单词精研 1compete vi. 比赛;竞争 (教材P9)How many countries competed

  in the ancient Olympic Games? 有多少国家参加古代奥运会? 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P400)We can’t compete_with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。 ②(牛津P400)Young children will usually compete for their mother’s attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。 ③Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.没有人能够完全远离这个竞争的社会。 ④(牛津P334)We are in_competition_with

  four other companies for the contract. 我们在与其他四家公司竞争这项合同。 2admit vt.& vi. 容许;承认;接纳;容纳 (教材P10)Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有达到他们各自项目规定水平的运动员才被允许参加比赛。 归纳拓展



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