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福建省长泰一中2024届高三英语一轮复习:人教版选修六《Unit4 Global warming》课件



  What interested me most was the beautiful scenery.

  给予我们鼓励的是他为我们树立的榜样。(强调主语) What encouraged us was the example he set for us.

  What +从句+ is / was … 使我最感兴趣的是那美丽的风景。 (强调主语) 巩固练习: 1.It was ___

  he said ____disappointed me. A. what ; that

  B. that; that C. what; what

  D. that; what 2. Is it in the factory _____ this type of cars are produced? A. which

  B. where

  C. that

  D. /

  3. Is it the factory______ this type of cars are produced ? A. which

  B. where

  C. that

  D. / 4. _____ on Monday night that all this happened? A. Is it

  B. It is

  C. Was it

  D. It was 5. It was _____ the old worker came that we _____ the experiment. A. until; didn’t begin

  B. not until; began C. until began

  D. not until; didn’t begin


  It is I ____ singing in the garden. A. who are

  B. who is

  C. that am

  D. that is 7. ---Why didn’t you answer when I spoke to you in the street this morning?

  ---I ___ but you didn’t hear me. A. did answer

  B. didn’t want to answer

  C. couldn’t answer

  D. was too busy 8. It is in the west of China _____ there is no doubt _____it is going to rain tomorrow. A. where; whether

  B. that; that C. that; whether

  D. where; that

  9. It was 1969___ the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon. A. that

  B. when

  C. on which

  D. which 10. It was the training _____ he had as a young man ____made him such a famous writer. A. when; that

  B. that; when

  C. that; who

  D. that; that  1. It was about 600 years ago ______ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. (NMET 1997)



  B. until

  C. before

  D. when

   2. It was only when I reread his poems recently _____ I began to appreciate their beauty. (NMET 1998)

  A. until

  B. that

  C. then

  D. so A B 高考链接 3. It is these poisonous products ______ can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles. (NMET 2003上海) who B. that C. how D. what

  4. Why! I have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say?

  (NMET 2004上海) A. What is it that

  B. What it is that C. How is it that

  D. How it is that

  B A 5. It was ______ back home after the experiment. (NMET 2004湖北) A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go 6. It was with great joy ______ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. (NMET 2004福建) A. because B. which C. since D. that C D It is a rapid increase compared to most natural changes.

  compare A to B

  compare A with B :把A比作B,一般要有相似之处,显示某人或某物与他人或他物相同。 :把A和B进行比较 eg: 我们常把儿童比作花朵。

  eg: 如果你把这本字典和那本比较一下,你就会发现许多不同之处。

  We often compare children to flowers. If you compare this dictionary with that one, you’ll find many differences. Language points for Reading I 2.How has this come about and does it matter? come about : 发生,造成

  相当于happen eg:你能告诉我事情是怎么发生的吗?

  eg:随着电的使用,种种大变化发生了。 Can you tell me how the accident came about? With the use of electricity, great changes have come about. come out

  come up 出现;(消息)传开;(观点)公开 发生、举行;(在空中)出现 3. phenomenon

  n. 现象;

  奇迹,罕见的人才或事物 eg: 雨雪是天气现象。 Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather.


  Unmarried mothers should not be regarded simply_____________________. eg:贝多芬是音乐家中的天才。

  Beethoven was________________ among musicians. pl. phenomena

  as a social phenomenon. a phenomenon Harry’s rapid success made him an extraordinary person in the business would. = Harry was made ______ _______ because of his rapid success in the business world. a

  phenomenon 4. result in


  (= cause / lead to ) 主语:

  in 的宾语: eg:

  努力终归成功。 Hard work results in success.

  result from


  |from 的宾语:

  起因 结果 由…引起,产生 结果 起因 His sickness was caused by eating too much. = His sickness resulted ______eating too much.

  (in / from) from causebring about lead to 1.cause 表示的因果关系比较直接 Eg.Smoking can cause lung cancer. My car has caused me a lot of trouble. 2.bring about 表示的因果关系不那么直接 eg.The war brought about a reduction in the birth rate. 3.lead to相当于cause eg. The strike could lead to a loss of jobs. 5. state


  n. 状况,情况;国家;




  +wh-从句; 可用于被动结构,也可用过去分词作定语。




  +wh-从句; 他已公开声明他会支持那项政策。 He has publicly ______


  _____ for the policy. stated his support 2.我听见那位官员说不接纳儿童。 I heard the official state that they would not accept children. 3. 合同清楚地叙述了那项工作应在何时完成。 The contract stated when the work should be finished. eg: 她今天心情不好。

  eg: 国家首脑

  n.状况,情况;国家 She is in a terrible state today. the head of state 6. range

  v.排列, 使成行;偏袒,站在…的方面。

  n. :范围(尤指从…到…各种种类,可供选择的范围等,可加不定冠词) ;排列

  beyond the range of…

  out of one’s range 超越……的范围 某人达不到的 eg: 这家商店商品品种多。 The shop keeps____________________.

  eg: 年龄范围自6岁到12 岁。 _____________is from six to twelve years old. a wide range of goods The age range v.排列, 使成行;偏袒,站在……的方面。

  主要搭配为:+名词/代词;+介词+名词/代词; 常可用于: 1. 被动结构


  range oneself;

  3. range from… to … / between… and … 从……到……不等。 eg: 老师令其学生沿着小径排队。 The teacher _________________along the path. eg: 温度在15度到35度之间。 The temperature__________________________.

  eg: 我们应当列身于法律与秩序的一边。 We should _____

  _____________ on the side of law and order. arrange

  ourselves ranged his students ranges from 15 to 35 degrees 7. build up

  逐步建立,增加,增进 build up one’s fortune build up one’s strength eg: 累积财富

  养精蓄锐 8. keep on

  eg: 他们虽然很累了,还是继续工作。


  +doing sth. 坚持 They keep on working although they are tired. keep up 9.Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one being carbon dioxide. 其中: the most important one being carbon dioxide

  是一个独立主格结构,由名词+分词构成,在句中做补充说明或伴随的状况。 Eg. ________________(时间允许的话),I will show you around the city. _________________(今天是星期天),I don’t have to go to work. ___________________________(没有人要说的话),the meeting was closed. =If time permits =Because today is Sunday =As nobody had any more to say Time permitting Today being Sunday Nobody having any more to say 1. make a difference

  有关系;有影响的(后与 to 连用) eg:那对我没有影响。

  eg: 锻炼对你的健康产生很大的影响。 That makes no difference to me. Exercise can make a great difference to your health. Language points for Reading II 2. put up with

  忍受,容忍 eg: 他发现很难忍受那种疼痛。 He found it difficult to put up with the pain. 3. so long as = as long as (只要,如果)

  You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.

  = You can go out ___


  ____ you wear an overcoat.



  as eg: 只要你开心,你做什么都没关系。 As long as you are happy, it doesn’t matter what you do. 29《一轮课本复习课件 选修六Unit 4 Global warming》

  Windmills, renewable. What? Renewable? Warming up – II ( 5 m ) What? What kind? Renewable? A coal power station , non-renewable. What? What kind? Renewable? An oil refinery(精炼厂), non-renewable. What? What kind? Renewable? A nuclear power plant, non-renewable. What? What kind? Renewable? A hydro-electric dam, renewable. Guess it! Uranium Ore (铀矿石) The element uranium does not occur in pure form in nature but is found in minerals such as carnotite(钒钾铀矿), pictured here. What source of energy? Geysers(间歇泉) Geothermal (地热的) Energy Plant 一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写下下列单词。 1 ___________ [^rB:f ]n. 图表; 坐标图。 2

  _________________[fi5nCminEn]n. 现象。 3____________[fjuEl]n. 燃料

  4 ___________[5deitE] n. 资料; 数据 5 ___________[5klaimit] n. 气候

  6 ___________[steit]vt. 陈述;说明 7 ___________[reindV]n. 种类;范围

  8 _______________[5waIdspred]adj. 分布广的,普遍的。 9____________[di:5kri:s] vi.vt. 减少;使变小


  phenomenon fuel


  climate state range widespread decrease 10 __________ [5stedi]adj. 稳固的;持续的。 11___________[i^5zistEns]n.生存;存在

  12___________[5autE]adj. 外部的;外面的。 13___________ [pE5lu:FEn]n. 污染;弄脏

  14___________ [I5lektrIk(E)l]adj. 电的;与电有关的 15___________ [5mEutE] n. 发动机

  16___________[kAn]n. 容器;罐头 17 _____________ [5maikrEuweiv]n. 微波炉;微波

  18 ___________

  [5nju:kliE]adj. 原子核的;核胡 19________________[dIsE5^ri:mEnt]n.分歧;不一致

  20___________ [5taitl]n. 标题;题目


  steady existence outer pollution electrical motor can

  microwave nuclear disagreement 二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,以及中文提示,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。 1 Coal is one of the cheapest types of _________. 2 You must drink a large _______________ of water. 3 She enjoyed w________________ fame afer her new film came out. 4You have to take the _________________ (后果)of the accident. 5.The frontier __________(延伸)from the northern hills to the southern coast. ranges

  fuel quantity widespread consequences 6.An eclipse of the moon is one of the rare __________________(现象) 7 Not everyone can afford journeys to __________ space.

  8.The little girl drank four _______ (罐) of beer, which made us surprised. 9 Students numbers will have____________(减少) to 3000 by the end of this term. 10 Although we are burning coal in huge ____________ every year, we won’t run out of it for centuries. quantities phenomena outer cans decreased 三、词语派生 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 Prices are rising ______________(steady) 2. He is old enough to be _______________of his parents so he wants _______________ from them.( dependence) 3. The president made a ____________ (state)of his aims. 4. Do you believe in the __________ (exist)of ghosts? 5. The _________(pollute) river should be dealt with by the government. steadily






  6. How did you deal with the ___________________ (disagree) between colleagues(同事) 7. The use of energy is Tim’s country is low __________(compare

  to ) the use of energy in the USA. 8. Mother asked little Tom to _________(renewable) the water in the goldfish bowl. 9. This machine has an __________( electricity) fault. 10. The significant earthquake broken out last night caused a ________________ (catastrophe) failure.


  compared to




  四、词组互译 1 ____________________ 逐步建立;增加

  2____________________ 依赖;依靠

  3____________________ 发生;造成

  4 ____________________ 等等

  5 __________________大量的

  6__________________ 有关系;有影响

  7 ___________________ 只要

  8 __________________ 在A和B 之间变化

  range from A to B

  build up depend on come about and so on quantities of make a difference as long as 9___________________继续 10 __________________ 把……比作; 11 __________________ 导致

  12 ____________________ 大体上;基本上 13 __________________按平均数计算 14 _____________________忍受;容忍 15_____________________ 一瞥

  glance at

  keep on compare … to … result in on the whole on average put up with 五 词组运用 词组填空 从上面的短语中选择恰当的短语填空。 1. We’re _________________ him finishing her job by Friday. 2. He _____________knowledge ______ wings to fly. 3. Tell me how the accident _____________ 4. ________________ books were on the desk. 5. The accident _____________ ten deaths. resulted in

  depending on compared

  to came about Quantities of 6. You need to ____________ your strength. 7. Don’t ____________ asking so many questions. 8. He ______________ the envelope and recognized his uncle’s handwriting. 9. You can go to play ______________ you stay in the back yard. 10. We can’t _____________ his endless complaint. put up with build up keep on glanced at as long as 完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 11. 付款多少取决与你居住的地方。

  The amount you pay _______________ where you live. 12. 与40年前相比, 卫生保健水平得到了极大提高。 ____________________________________, standards in health care have improved greatly. 13. 这种情况本不应该发生。 This situation

  ________________________________. 14. 警方发现了大量违禁药品。 Police found _____________________ of illegal drugs. 15. 谈判结果削减了导弹数量。 The talks ___________ reducing the number of missiles. resulted in

  depends on

  Compared with 40 years ago should never have come about a large quantities of 句子翻译 16. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。 _______________________________________________ 17. 他们的年龄在25岁到50岁之间。 _______________________________________________ 18. 我不明白她怎么能容忍他没完没了的抱怨。 _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 19. 这场雨影响了比赛。 _______________________________________________ 20. 总得来说,我赞成这个建议。 ______________________________________________ On the whole, I’m in favor of the proposal. We fail one student per year on average. Their ages range from 25 to 50. I don’t know how she puts up with his



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