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  3. If you like music, there’s a good chance you’ll like older ones. My favorite movies are the ones from Gene Kelly’s days, like On the Town,Anchors Aweigh,etc. Other ones I love:West Side Story, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,White Christmas,An American in Paris. F

  题目关键信息If you like music…,喜欢音乐电影,匹配F选项音乐电影Singin-in the Rain,选项关键信息musicals of all time。 4. I like the following scenes:Titanic—When Jack made Rose think she is flying and at the end. The Notebook — When Noah and Allie were in the boat feeding the ducks/gooses and when they kissed in the rain. C

  题目关键信息,主要从该学生喜欢的电影场景判断可知——他喜欢浪漫电影,匹配C选项电影Vertigo,选项关键信息The work is a mesmerizing romantic suspense / thriller…。 5. For anybody to dismiss Aliens as boring,they must have no interest in science, technology, philosophy, history or the art of film-making. Finally I understand why most Hollywood productions are so shallow and vacuous — they understand their audience. A

  题目关键词interest in science, technology,该学生喜欢科幻 / 科技电影,匹配A选项科幻电影2001: A Space Odyssey,选项关键词science fiction classic。 *


  A. show great passion for music B. have no talent for music C. take up music as a challenge

  D. intend to improve musical skills 1. In Paragraph 1, “musically challenged” pupils refer to those who ____.


  推理判断题。根据Robby的情况,结合原文第二段中出现的He just did not have any inborn ability,musically challenged pupils原意指“挑战音乐的学生”,在原文即指“没有音乐天赋的学生”。 2. The underlined word “endeavor” in Paragraph 2 probably means _____. A. attempt

  B. decision

  C. student

  D. task A

  词义猜测题。根据in other words (换言之),得知下一句对画线单词所在句子作进一步解释, 通过“Much as he tried (无论他多么努力地尝试) ,he lacked …”推知Robby尝试学习音乐是徒劳的。endeavor与try对应,指“尝试”。 A. Mildred Hondorf felt sympathetic when Robby quit his class. B. Robby’s mother dreamed of hearing music played by his son. C. Robby was not neatly dressed when he was on the stage. D. Current pupils of Mildred Hondorf were invited to a recital. 3. Which of the following statement is NOT true? A


  可得知,当学生Robby辍学时,Mildred Hondorf并没有同情这位学生,因为她觉得这位学生音乐演奏差,是她教学失败的一个案例。 A. moved

  B. surprised

  C. guilty

  D. attracted 4.

  Hearing Robby’s performance in the recital, Mildred Hondorf did NOT feel ____. C

  细节理解题。在第三段可以找到答案。选项A与in tears对应,选项B与I was not prepared for…该句对应,选项D与Never had I heard…该句对应, 选项C在原文找不到依据。 A. persevere and they are certain to succeed

  B. insist on doing what he thinks is right C. be grateful and encourage others

  D. have confidence in themselves and others 5. Robby’s story gives us a lesson that people should ____. D

  细节理解题。最后一段最后一句指出:因为他教我懂得坚贞不渝和爱的含义,教我要相信自己的同时,也要给别人一次机会,即使是在毫无缘由的情况下。选项A错在 certain,选项B中doing what he thinks is right在原文没有提及,选项C中be grateful在文中没有提及。 have inborn ability有天生的能力

  in his wrinkled clothes在他皱巴巴的衣服 [助读强化]


  A. People’d rather imitate others’ plan than bring new ideas.

  B. Small changes in the perfect factors is bound to succeed. C. Planners properly find competitors’ demerits by alteration. D. Indeed, innumerable people stick to accustomed practice. 1. According to the passage, which is NOT true? B

  细节理解题。根据文章的第四段第三句Comparatively small changes done… affect the performance of competition可知,小的改变在适宜的时候可能会产生显著效果,故B选项表述错误。 A. can be produced by any method

  B. shouldn’t be reinvented C. is identical to the other ones

  D. is never transformed in any case 2. The underlined sentence in Para.2 means a wheel _____. D

  推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句This idea does not fit in when planning strategically.可知This idea指的就是题干这句话:人们认为,改变后的车轮还是与原来一样,即什么情况下车轮都是一样,故选D。 A. small changes in strategies brings great effects B. small changes produce advantages anytime

  C. strategic variation makes remarkable results D. creative plans gain acceptance from the public

  3. According to Para.4, we can learn that ____. C

  细节理解题。根据文章第四段的第二句Alteration in the strategic plan context is making comparatively small changes that have significant effects.可知,在战略性计划中的变化是指做出有着重要影响的相对小的变化,故C正确。 A. they’ll have a significant advantage in competitiveness B. they’ll know their competitors’ capability more clearly C. they’ll have a good start in business or organizations D. they’ll be known among the public if expected 4. Small changes will bring the following advantages EXCEPT ____. C


  A. Meeting the identified consumers’ needs is encouraged.

  B. The road less travelled is in the opposite direction. C. A variety of game plans can probably succeed. D. Some industries regard profit as chief successful factors. 5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A

  推理判断题。根据最后一段catering to certain… traveled可知,A正确。


  1. The passage probably comes from ____.

  A. a newspaper

  B. a book

  C. a magazine

  D. a textbook A

  推理判断题。根据第一段中的…a report from the US…,以及首段大意,可以推知这是一篇资讯报道,应当出自报纸。故选A正确。

  A. Liver disease and heart disease.

  B. Violence and motor vehicle crashes. C. Breast cancer and alcohol poisoning.

  D. Illegal drinking and high blood pressure. 2. Which of the following does NOT account for the deaths of excessive drinkers? D

  细节理解题。根据文中第二段These deaths were due to health effects from…such as violence, alcohol poisoning, and motor vehicle crashes可得知,选项D没有提及。 A. working-age adults living surroundings B. the government’s poor control on alcohol sales C. lost productivity among the working-age adults D. working-age adults’

  addiction to alcohol 3. From the Para. 4, we can know that the main reason for excessive drinking is ____. C

  细节理解题。根据第四段中的Most of these costs were due to lost productivity, including…,可知答案选C正确。 A. Increasing alcohol taxes.

  B. Avoiding further privatization of alcohol retail

  sales. C. Regulating alcohol outlet density. D. Forbidding the overproduction of alcohol. 4. Which of the following is NOT recommended as a policy to reduce excessive drinking?


  细节理解题。根据最后一段中的including increasing alcohol taxes, regulating alcohol outlet density (销售网点密度), and avoiding further privatization of alcohol retail sales (零售)可知D项没有提及。 A. the popularity of excessive drinking B. the unfavorable consequences of excessive

  drinking C. the accurate statistics about excessive drinking D. the reason for working-age adults’ deaths 5. The passage intends to tell us _____ . B

  主旨大意题。从首段大意,以及后面几段的详细介绍,可知这篇文章主要介绍的是过度饮酒造成的种种不良后果。故选B正确。 involve

  vt. 涉及 approximately

  adv. 大约 crash

  n. & v. 碰撞;撞车 regulate

  vt. 规范;调整 account for 占result in 导致 earnings

  n. 收入 shorten by 缩短了 on average 平均 be defined as 被定义为;被称为 [助读强化]


  A. The north-south divide. B. The north are hearty while the south cunning. C. Northerners and southerners. D. The north eats noodles while the south eats rice. 1. What does the underlined part in Para. 1 refer to? D

  词义猜测题。根据逻辑关系和上下文意,并把四个选项分别代入此处,that difference应指代本句前部分所提的the north eats noodles, while the south eats rice,因此D为最佳选项。 2. Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 2?

  A. In China, the northerners mainly live on noodles traditionally. B. Analytic thought is more typical of the northern culture. C. Holistic thought is connected with rice-eating culture. D. Divorce rates has nothing to do with individualistic nature. D

  细节理解题。选项D中“离婚率与个性品质没有关系”与第二段中的信息northerners are more individualistic, show more “analytic thought” and divorce more frequently相背,因此D为最佳选项。 A. By explaining.

  B. By making comparison. C. By reasoning.

  D. By giving examples. 3. How does the author show the reasons for the difference in north-south personalities? B

  推理判断题。根据文章首段People from the north are seen as strong and hearty, while southerners are often described as cunning (狡猾的), cultured traders.的对比以及下文多处的对比可知,在整篇文章中,作者主要通过“对比”的方式讲述南方人和北方人的个性差异,因此B为最佳选项。

  A. growing wheat is easier than growing rice

  in a way B. the southerners are more easy-going and

  cooperative C. it is a better choice for us to be a southerner

  in China D. the north are more selfish and have higher

  divorce rates 4. We can infer from the passage that ____. A

  推理判断题。根据文章第四段首句Growing wheat, by contrast, the north’s main grain, is much simpler.可知答案选A正确。 A. Cultures and Personalities B. Analytic Thought and Holistic Thought C. Wheat and Rice: How China’s Farming

  Culture Shapes Personalities D. A Study by a Group of Psychologists 5. What is the best title of the passage?


  主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述wheat和rice饮食背后的农耕文化对南北人们个性的影响,因此C为最佳选项。采用“反向思维”来做此类题是上上之选,“反向思维”意思就是,利用这四个标题,你会分别写出什么样的文章?显然,选项C是我们最有可能写出原文的标题。故选C正确。 divide

  n. 分水岭 by contrast 相比起来 cultivate

  vt. 培育;种植 picture

  vt. 想象 tend

  vi. & vt. 照料 distinguish

  vt. 区别 factor

  n. 因素


  adj. 精致的


  n. 相互依赖 individualistic

  adj. 个人主义的 [助读强化] 信息匹配

  1. I just was thinking the other day about all my favorite movies and I realized that Steven Spielberg made a bunch of them. I never really ever considered myself a fan, but I guess maybe I am! D

  题目关键词Steven Spielberg,该学生喜欢大卫·斯皮尔伯格的电影,匹配D选项 ——该导演所拍的电影Raiders of the Lost Ark。 2. I love great comedies because they make you laugh and feel good to be alive! My favorites include:Charlie Chaplin films, like The Circus — what a genius! Laurel & hardy films—too many great ones to mention! E

  题目关键信息I love great comedies,喜欢喜剧电影,匹配E选项喜剧电影Some Like It Hot,选项关键词comedy。


  3. If you like music, there’s a good chance you’ll like older ones. My favorite movies are the ones from Gene Kelly’s days, like On the Town,Anchors Aweigh,etc. Other ones I love:West Side Story, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,White Christmas,An American in Paris. F

  题目关键信息If you like music…,喜欢音乐电影,匹配F选项音乐电影Singin-in the Rain,选项关键信息musicals of all time。 4. I like the following scenes:Titanic—When Jack made Rose think she is flying and at the end. The Notebook — When Noah and Allie were in the boat feeding the ducks/gooses and when they kissed in the rain. C

  题目关键信息,主要从该学生喜欢的电影场景判断可知——他喜欢浪漫电影,匹配C选项电影Vertigo,选项关键信息The work is a mesmerizing romantic suspense / thriller…。 5. For anybody to dismiss Aliens as boring,they must have no interest in science, technology, philosophy, history or the art of film-making. Finally I understand why most Hollywood productions are so shallow and vacuous — they understand their audience. A

  题目关键词interest in science, technology,该学生喜欢科幻 / 科技电影,匹配A选项科幻电影2001: A Space Odyssey,选项关键词science fiction classic。 *


  A. show great passion for music B. have no talent for music C. take up music as a challenge

  D. intend to improve musical skills 1. In Paragraph 1, “musically challenged” pupils refer to those who ____.


  推理判断题。根据Robby的情况,结合原文第二段中出现的He just did not have any inborn ability,musically challenged pupils原意指“挑战音乐的学生”,在原文即指“没有音乐天赋的学生”。 2. The underlined word “endeavor” in Paragraph 2 probably means _____. A. attempt

  B. decision

  C. student

  D. task A

  词义猜测题。根据in other words (换言之),得知下一句对画线单词所在句子作进一步解释, 通过“Much as he tried (无论他多么努力地尝试) ,he lacked …”推知Robby尝试学习音乐是徒劳的。endeavor与try对应,指“尝试”。 A. Mildred Hondorf felt sympathetic when Robby quit his class. B. Robby’s mother dreamed of hearing music played by his son. C. Robby was not neatly dressed when he was on the stage. D. Current pupils of Mildred Hondorf were invited to a recital. 3. Which of the following statement is NOT true? A


  可得知,当学生Robby辍学时,Mildred Hondorf并没有同情这位学生,因为她觉得这位学生音乐演奏差,是她教学失败的一个案例。 A. moved

  B. surprised

  C. guilty

  D. attracted 4.

  Hearing Robby’s performance in the recital, Mildred Hondorf did NOT feel ____. C

  细节理解题。在第三段可以找到答案。选项A与in tears对应,选项B与I was not prepared for…该句对应,选项D与Never had I heard…该句对应, 选项C在原文找不到依据。 A. persevere and they are certain to succeed

  B. insist on doing what he thinks is right C. be grateful and encourage others

  D. have confidence in themselves and others 5. Robby’s story gives us a lesson that people should ____. D

  细节理解题。最后一段最后一句指出:因为他教我懂得坚贞不渝和爱的含义,教我要相信自己的同时,也要给别人一次机会,即使是在毫无缘由的情况下。选项A错在 certain,选项B中doing what he thinks is right在原文没有提及,选项C中be grateful在文中没有提及。 have inborn ability有天生的能力

  in his wrinkled clothes在他皱巴巴的衣服 [助读强化]


  A. People’d rather imitate others’ plan than bring new ideas.

  B. Small changes in the perfect factors is bound to succeed. C. Planners properly find competitors’ demerits by alteration. D. Indeed, innumerable people stick to accustomed practice. 1. According to the passage, which is NOT true? B

  细节理解题。根据文章的第四段第三句Comparatively small changes done… affect the performance of competition可知,小的改变在适宜的时候可能会产生显著效果,故B选项表述错误。 A. can be produced by any method

  B. shouldn’t be reinvented C. is identical to the other ones

  D. is never transformed in any case 2. The underlined sentence in Para.2 means a wheel _____. D

  推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句This idea does not fit in when planning strategically.可知This idea指的就是题干这句话:人们认为,改变后的车轮还是与原来一样,即什么情况下车轮都是一样,故选D。 A. small changes in strategies brings great effects B. small changes produce advantages anytime

  C. strategic variation makes remarkable results D. creative plans gain acceptance from the public

  3. According to Para.4, we can learn that ____. C

  细节理解题。根据文章第四段的第二句Alteration in the strategic plan context is making comparatively small changes that have significant effects.可知,在战略性计划中的变化是指做出有着重要影响的相对小的变化,故C正确。 A. they’ll have a significant advantage in competitiveness B. they’ll know their competitors’ capability more clearly C. they’ll have a good start in business or organizations D. they’ll be known among the public if expected 4. Small changes will bring the following advantages EXCEPT ____. C


  A. Meeting the identified consumers’ needs is encouraged.

  B. The road less travelled is in the opposite direction. C. A variety of game plans can probably succeed. D. Some industries regard profit as chief successful factors. 5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A

  推理判断题。根据最后一段catering to certain… traveled可知,A正确。


  1. The passage probably comes from ____.

  A. a newspaper

  B. a book

  C. a magazine

  D. a textbook A

  推理判断题。根据第一段中的…a report from the US…,以及首段大意,可以推知这是一篇资讯报道,应当出自报纸。故选A正确。

  A. Liver disease and heart disease.

  B. Violence and motor vehicle crashes. C. Breast cancer and alcohol poisoning.

  D. Illegal drinking and high blood pressure. 2. Which of the following does NOT account for the deaths of excessive drinkers? D

  细节理解题。根据文中第二段These deaths were due to health effects from…such as violence, alcohol poisoning, and motor vehicle crashes可得知,选项D没有提及。 A. working-age adults living surroundings B. the government’s poor control on alcohol sales C. lost productivity among the working-age adults D. working-age adults’

  addiction to alcohol 3. From the Para. 4, we can know that the main reason for excessive drinking is ____. C

  细节理解题。根据第四段中的Most of these costs were due to lost productivity, including…,可知答案选C正确。 A. Increasing alcohol taxes.

  B. Avoiding further privatization of alcohol retail

  sales. C. Regulating alcohol outlet density. D. Forbidding the overproduction of alcohol. 4. Which of the following is NOT recommended as a policy to reduce excessive drinking?


  细节理解题。根据最后一段中的including increasing alcohol taxes, regulating alcohol outlet density (销售网点密度), and avoiding further privatization of alcohol retail sales (零售)可知D项没有提及。 A. the popularity of excessive drinking B. the unfavorable consequences of excessive

  drinking C. the accurate statistics about excessive drinking D. the reason for working-age adults’ deaths 5. The passage intends to tell us _____ . B

  主旨大意题。从首段大意,以及后面几段的详细介绍,可知这篇文章主要介绍的是过度饮酒造成的种种不良后果。故选B正确。 involve

  vt. 涉及 approximately

  adv. 大约 crash

  n. & v. 碰撞;撞车 regulate

  vt. 规范;调整 account for 占result in 导致 earnings

  n. 收入 shorten by 缩短了 on average 平均 be defined as 被定义为;被称为 [助读强化]


  A. The north-south divide. B. The north are hearty while the south cunning. C. Northerners and southerners. D. The north eats noodles while the south eats rice. 1. What does the underlined part in Para. 1 refer to? D

  词义猜测题。根据逻辑关系和上下文意,并把四个选项分别代入此处,that difference应指代本句前部分所提的the north eats noodles, while the south eats rice,因此D为最佳选项。 2. Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 2?

  A. In China, the northerners mainly live on noodles traditionally. B. Analytic thought is more typical of the northern culture. C. Holistic thought is connected with rice-eating culture. D. Divorce rates has nothing to do with individualistic nature. D

  细节理解题。选项D中“离婚率与个性品质没有关系”与第二段中的信息northerners are more individualistic, show more “analytic thought” and divorce more frequently相背,因此D为最佳选项。 A. By explaining.

  B. By making comparison. C. By reasoning.

  D. By giving examples. 3. How does the author show the reasons for the difference in north-south personalities? B

  推理判断题。根据文章首段People from the north are seen as strong and hearty, while southerners are often described as cunning (狡猾的), cultured traders.的对比以及下文多处的对比可知,在整篇文章中,作者主要通过“对比”的方式讲述南方人和北方人的个性差异,因此B为最佳选项。

  A. growing wheat is easier than growing rice

  in a way B. the southerners are more easy-going and

  cooperative C. it is a better choice for us to be a southerner

  in China D. the north are more selfish and have higher

  divorce rates 4. We can infer from the passage that ____. A

  推理判断题。根据文章第四段首句Growing wheat, by contrast, the north’s main grain, is much simpler.可知答案选A正确。 A. Cultures and Personalities B. Analytic Thought and Holistic Thought C. Wheat and Rice: How China’s Farming

  Culture Shapes Personalities D. A Study by a Group of Psychologists 5. What is the best title of the passage?


  主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述wheat和rice饮食背后的农耕文化对南北人们个性的影响,因此C为最佳选项。采用“反向思维”来做此类题是上上之选,“反向思维”意思就是,利用这四个标题,你会分别写出什么样的文章?显然,选项C是我们最有可能写出原文的标题。故选C正确。 divide

  n. 分水岭 by contrast 相比起来 cultivate

  vt. 培育;种植 picture

  vt. 想象 tend

  vi. & vt. 照料 distinguish

  vt. 区别 factor

  n. 因素


  adj. 精致的


  n. 相互依赖 individualistic

  adj. 个人主义的 [助读强化] 信息匹配

  1. I just was thinking the other day about all my favorite movies and I realized that Steven Spielberg made a bunch of them. I never really ever considered myself a fan, but I guess maybe I am! D

  题目关键词Steven Spielberg,该学生喜欢大卫·斯皮尔伯格的电影,匹配D选项 ——该导演所拍的电影Raiders of the Lost Ark。 2. I love great comedies because they make you laugh and feel good to be alive! My favorites include:Charlie Chaplin films, like The Circus — what a genius! Laurel & hardy films—too many great ones to mention! E

  题目关键信息I love great comedies,喜欢喜剧电影,匹配E选项喜剧电影Some Like It Hot,选项关键词comedy。




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