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高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版选修8 Module3《Foreign Food》(附解析)



  Module 3 Foreign Food

  能 力 闯 关 


  1.Those delicious foods are especially ________(令人垂涎的)when someone is hungry.

  2.There is a growing t________ towards smaller families.

  3.The teacher asked us to make a ________(评论)on the film.

  4.The people of the village held parties to celebrate another a________ harvest.

  5.There were some ________(人造的)flowers on the table.

  6.He was found stealing,and as a c________,he lost his job.

  7.Any kind of energy can be t________ into electricity.

  8.The shop ordered a great deal of goods to meet the ________(要求)of consumers.

  答案:1.appetising 2.trend 3.remark 4.abundant 5.artificial 6.consequence 7.transformed



  1.In the Persian Gulf area,oil is found in ________ and its production has been able to keep up with world demand.





  解析:in abundance意为“大量,丰富”。句意为:波斯湾地区石油储量丰富,其产油量能满足世界的需求。A项abundant是形容词,不能作介词的宾语;C项elegance意为“优雅”;D项efficiency意为“效率”;C、D两项一般都不与in连用。


  2.The last time they went to Scotland was in May,________ the weather was beautiful.







  3.The old man said the accident ________ careless driving,so the driver ________ the money for the repairs.

  A.owing to;owed him to

  B.was owing to;owed him

  C.caused by;owed to him

  D.was caused by;owing him

  解析:本题考查owe的用法。be owing to因为,由于;owe sb. sth.欠某人某物。


  4.This decision could have serious consequences ________ the future of the industry.





  解析:句意:这项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果。have consequences for对……有后果。


  5.—Do you know Lily has gone to London?

  —Oh.________ I haven’t seen her these days.

  A.No doubt

  B.No wonder


  D.Of course



  6.It is required that he________homework tomorrow morning.

  A.should hand in

  B.would hand in

  C.hands in

  D.is to hand in

  解析:句意:“按要求他明天早晨应交上家庭作业。”考查It’s required that...主语从句,从句要用虚拟语气(受require的影响),故答案是A。


  7.It’s so nice to hear from her.________,we last met more than thirty years ago.

  A.What’s more

  B.That is to say

  C.In other words

  D.Believe it or not

  解析:what’s more再有,还有;that is to say也就是说;in other words换句话说;believe it or not信不信由你。


  8.The judges remarked ________ the high standard entries for the competitions.





  解析:句意为:裁判评价了比赛参加者的高水平。remark on/upon就……作出评价。



  1.因为下雨,比赛被取消了。(owe to)


  2.他是个古怪的人物,我很难了解他。(make out)


  3.谁放火烧那房子的?(set fire to)






  答案:1.Owing to the rain,the match was cancelled.

  2.He’s an odd character.I can’t quite make him out.

  3.Who set fire to the house?

  4.The editor remarked that the article was well written.

  5.You have to take the consequences of the accident.


  If you are invited to a formal dinner party in Paris,remember that the French have their own way of doing things,and that even your finest manners may not be “correct” by the French custom.For example,if you think showing up promptly at the time given on the invitation,armed with gifts of wine and roses,praising your hostess on her cooking,laughing heartily at the host’s jokes and then doing something to help the hostess will make you the perfect guest,you are wrong.

  Here Madame Nora Chabal,the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris,explained how it works.

  The first duty of the guest is to respond to the invitation within 48 hours.And,the guest may not ask to bring a guest because the hostess has chosen her own.

  Flowers sent in advance are the preferred gift.They may also be sent afterwards with a thank­you note.It is considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand,thereby forcing the hostess to deal with finding a vase when she is so busy.The type of flowers sent has a code of its own,too.One must never send chrysanthemums because they are considered too humble(卑微的)a flower for the occasion.Carnations are considered bad luck,and calla lilies are too reminiscent(缅怀往事的)of funerals.A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic purpose.Don’t send those unless you mean it,and never to a married hostess.And though the French love wine,you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party.You may offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.

  If an invitation is for eight o’clock,the thoughtful guest arrives at 8∶15.Guests who arrive exactly on time or early are thoughtless ones who are not giving the hostess those last few minutes she needs to deal with details and crisis.The “correct” guest arrives between 15 to 20 minutes after the hour because dinner will be served exactly 30 minutes past the time on the invitation.

  1.If you are invited to a formal dinner party in Paris,you’d better ________.

  A.reply to it within two days and send flowers in advance

  B.arrive exactly on time at the dinner party

  C.bring a bottle of good wine to the dinner party

  D.telephone to ask if you could bring a good friend to the party



  2.Which of the following is TRUE about sending flowers?

  A.If someone is dead,send carnations.

  B.If someone is ill in hospital,send calla lilies.

  C.If you are invited to a dinner party,send red roses to the hostess.

  D.If you are in love with someone,send red roses.

  解析:辨别正误题。依据为第四段中的“A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic purpose.”一句。同时可以由此判定C项不正确。carnation象征噩运,不宜送人,故A项错误。calla lilies会让人联想起葬礼,很不吉利,故不能送病人,所以B项亦错。


  3.If you are too busy to send flowers in advance,you should ________.

  A.bring a bouquet of flowers when you go to the party

  B.send a bouquet of flowers afterwards with a thank­you note

  C.bring a bottle of wine instead of a bouquet of flowers

  D.telephone to tell the hostess the truth

  解析:细节理解题。见第四段第二句“They may also be sent afterwards with a thank­you note.”


  4.The text is mainly about ________.

  A.how to hold a dinner party

  B.how to send flowers

  C.how to behave well at a French dinner party

  D.how different countries have different manners



  Module 3 Foreign Food

  能 力 闯 关 


  1.Those delicious foods are especially ________(令人垂涎的)when someone is hungry.

  2.There is a growing t________ towards smaller families.

  3.The teacher asked us to make a ________(评论)on the film.

  4.The people of the village held parties to celebrate another a________ harvest.

  5.There were some ________(人造的)flowers on the table.

  6.He was found stealing,and as a c________,he lost his job.

  7.Any kind of energy can be t________ into electricity.

  8.The shop ordered a great deal of goods to meet the ________(要求)of consumers.

  答案:1.appetising 2.trend 3.remark 4.abundant 5.artificial 6.consequence 7.transformed



  1.In the Persian Gulf area,oil is found in ________ and its production has been able to keep up with world demand.





  解析:in abundance意为“大量,丰富”。句意为:波斯湾地区石油储量丰富,其产油量能满足世界的需求。A项abundant是形容词,不能作介词的宾语;C项elegance意为“优雅”;D项efficiency意为“效率”;C、D两项一般都不与in连用。


  2.The last time they went to Scotland was in May,________ the weather was beautiful.







  3.The old man said the accident ________ careless driving,so the driver ________ the money for the repairs.

  A.owing to;owed him to

  B.was owing to;owed him

  C.caused by;owed to him

  D.was caused by;owing him

  解析:本题考查owe的用法。be owing to因为,由于;owe sb. sth.欠某人某物。


  4.This decision could have serious consequences ________ the future of the industry.





  解析:句意:这项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果。have consequences for对……有后果。


  5.—Do you know Lily has gone to London?

  —Oh.________ I haven’t seen her these days.

  A.No doubt

  B.No wonder


  D.Of course



  6.It is required that he________homework tomorrow morning.

  A.should hand in

  B.would hand in

  C.hands in

  D.is to hand in

  解析:句意:“按要求他明天早晨应交上家庭作业。”考查It’s required that...主语从句,从句要用虚拟语气(受require的影响),故答案是A。


  7.It’s so nice to hear from her.________,we last met more than thirty years ago.

  A.What’s more

  B.That is to say

  C.In other words

  D.Believe it or not

  解析:what’s more再有,还有;that is to say也就是说;in other words换句话说;believe it or not信不信由你。


  8.The judges remarked ________ the high standard entries for the competitions.





  解析:句意为:裁判评价了比赛参加者的高水平。remark on/upon就……作出评价。



  1.因为下雨,比赛被取消了。(owe to)


  2.他是个古怪的人物,我很难了解他。(make out)


  3.谁放火烧那房子的?(set fire to)






  答案:1.Owing to the rain,the match was cancelled.

  2.He’s an odd character.I can’t quite make him out.

  3.Who set fire to the house?

  4.The editor remarked that the article was well written.

  5.You have to take the consequences of the accident.


  If you are invited to a formal dinner party in Paris,remember that the French have their own way of doing things,and that even your finest manners may not be “correct” by the French custom.For example,if you think showing up promptly at the time given on the invitation,armed with gifts of wine and roses,praising your hostess on her cooking,laughing heartily at the host’s jokes and then doing something to help the hostess will make you the perfect guest,you are wrong.

  Here Madame Nora Chabal,the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris,explained how it works.

  The first duty of the guest is to respond to the invitation within 48 hours.And,the guest may not ask to bring a guest because the hostess has chosen her own.

  Flowers sent in advance are the preferred gift.They may also be sent afterwards with a thank­you note.It is considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand,thereby forcing the hostess to deal with finding a vase when she is so busy.The type of flowers sent has a code of its own,too.One must never send chrysanthemums because they are considered too humble(卑微的)a flower for the occasion.Carnations are considered bad luck,and calla lilies are too reminiscent(缅怀往事的)of funerals.A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic purpose.Don’t send those unless you mean it,and never to a married hostess.And though the French love wine,you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party.You may offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.

  If an invitation is for eight o’clock,the thoughtful guest arrives at 8∶15.Guests who arrive exactly on time or early are thoughtless ones who are not giving the hostess those last few minutes she needs to deal with details and crisis.The “correct” guest arrives between 15 to 20 minutes after the hour because dinner will be served exactly 30 minutes past the time on the invitation.

  1.If you are invited to a formal dinner party in Paris,you’d better ________.

  A.reply to it within two days and send flowers in advance

  B.arrive exactly on time at the dinner party

  C.bring a bottle of good wine to the dinner party

  D.telephone to ask if you could bring a good friend to the party



  2.Which of the following is TRUE about sending flowers?

  A.If someone is dead,send carnations.

  B.If someone is ill in hospital,send calla lilies.

  C.If you are invited to a dinner party,send red roses to the hostess.

  D.If you are in love with someone,send red roses.

  解析:辨别正误题。依据为第四段中的“A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic purpose.”一句。同时可以由此判定C项不正确。carnation象征噩运,不宜送人,故A项错误。calla lilies会让人联想起葬礼,很不吉利,故不能送病人,所以B项亦错。


  3.If you are too busy to send flowers in advance,you should ________.

  A.bring a bouquet of flowers when you go to the party

  B.send a bouquet of flowers afterwards with a thank­you note

  C.bring a bottle of wine instead of a bouquet of flowers

  D.telephone to tell the hostess the truth

  解析:细节理解题。见第四段第二句“They may also be sent afterwards with a thank­you note.”


  4.The text is mainly about ________.

  A.how to hold a dinner party

  B.how to send flowers

  C.how to behave well at a French dinner party

  D.how different countries have different manners





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