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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit3《Looking good,feeling good》基础知识复习4



  M1 Unit 3 基础知识复习4



  1. be good at … 在…方面(学得、做得)好;善于…

  2. be good to sb. 对某人好

  3. be good for…=do good to … 对… 有益/有用

  4. It’s no good doing sth. 做某事是没有益处的

  5. do exercise =take exercise 做运动 锻炼

  6. look/sound/smell/feel/taste + adj. 看起来/听起来/闻起来/感觉起来/尝起来…

  7. make sb. do 的被动语态 sb. be made to do

  READING: (P42~45)

  8. be dying/eager/longing to do sth. 非常渴望做某事;be dying for sth. 非常渴望某事

  9. hear from sb. 收到某人的来信;

  10. hear about/of … 听说… ;听到有关…的事

  11. used to


  12. be ashamed of (oneself for) doing sth. 因做了某事而觉得羞愧

  13. be ashamed to do sth. (因觉得羞愧)而不愿意做某事/不好意思做某事;因做了某事而感到羞耻

  14. to one’s shame 令人感到羞愧

  It’s a shame to do sth. 做某事是可耻的

  15. sth be popular with/among sb


  16. lose weight 减肥;put on weight 增加体重;发福 发胖

  17. need to do sth. 需要做某事

  18. need/require/want doing =need to be done (某物)需要被… (主动表达被动含义)

  19. needn’t have done 本没有必要做某事(实际上做了)

  20. There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)没必要做某事

  21. work at …从事于(研究、学习等);work on … 从事于(写作,创作等)

  22. work out 制定;解出 算出;运动 锻炼

  23. recover from … (神志、心态、健康等)从…回复到正常状态 recover oneself 恢复常态24. recover one’s strength/health 恢复体力/健康

  25. be embarrassed about


  26. A be a match for B=A match B


  27. match A with B 使A同B相称相配

  28. … be (well) worth doing

  …(很)值得做 (主动表达被动含义)

  29. … be worthy of + being done/to be done


  30. get in touch with … 同… 取得联系;keep in touch with … 同…保持联系

  31. go on diets /be on a diet 节食

  32. come across=run across/into (偶然)碰到 遇见you look great as you are 你目前的样子看起来很棒

  WORD POWER: (P46~47)

  33. join the party/army/WTO 入党/参军/加入世贸组织

  34. join sb (in sth/doing sth) 加入某人(一起做某事); join A to B 将A同B连接起来

  35. get out of … 从…里出来;推辞掉…;逃避…;放弃…now that


  get hurt


  36. build up 增强(体质等);建设起来(强调从无到有从弱到强)

  37. on one’s own 独自地 独立地;sth of one’s own=one’s own sth 某人自己的东西


  38. consider doing sth =think about doing sth 考虑做某事

  39. consider… (as) … =think of … as …=look on … as … 将…看作…;把…当成…

  40. consider…(to be) … 认为…是…;consider sb to do sth 认为某人做某事

  41. have an (good/bad) effect on … 对…有(好的/坏的)影响/作用/效果

  42. take risks/a risk 冒险;do sth at the risk of …冒着…的危险做某事

  43. risk doing sth 冒险做某事

  44. A marry B


  marry A to B 将A嫁给B

  45. get married 结婚(动作);be married 结婚了(状态)

  46. A get married to B

  A嫁给了B(动作);A be married to B


  47. put on 穿上 上演 增加; put out 扑灭(火等)

  48. put up with 忍受; put up 张贴 搭建(简易建筑)

  49. seem to be …似乎是…;seem to do …似乎做… ;seem as if … 看上去似乎…

  50. It seems (to sb) that … (在某人看来)似乎…

  51. pass by 路过

  close by 附近的

  TASK: (P52~57)

  51. what’s more =besides =moreover 还有 而且(作状语)

  52. make the most of sth (to do) =make the best use of sth (to do) 尽可能利用某物(去做某事)

  53. laugh at … / make fun of … 嘲笑 取笑 …

  54. call sb names 骂某人;call one’s name 喊某人的名字;call sb/sth … 称某人或某物为…

  PROJECT: (P58~59)

  55. try to do sth 努力去做某事(结果未必成功);

  56. try doing sth 尝试做某事(目的是寻求改变,强调换一种方法做某事,无需付出努力)

  57. take in 吸收/吸取 领会/听懂 欺骗

  58. take up 从事(某种活动或工作) 占据(时间、空间、注意力等)

  59. give up (doing sth ) 放弃(做某事);give up on … 对…绝望

  60. give in (to …) (向…)屈服/让步/投降;give out 分发/散发 筋疲力尽 用完

  61. concentrate on … 全神贯注于…;concentrate …on … 把…集中在…上

  62. a large amount of … =a great deal of …大量的 许多的 (只修饰不可数名词)

  63. in large /small amounts 大量地/少量地(坐状语)

  64. cause sth/sb to do sth 使某人做某事/导致某物…;cause … to sb 给某人带来(痛苦、麻烦)

  65. cause of … …的起因;reason for … …的原因/理由;excuse for … …的借口

  66. in no time 立刻/马上(和将来时连用)

  67. right now/away;at once;immediately 立刻 马上

  68. base A on/upon B 将A建立在B的基础;A be based on/upon B


  69. compare A with B 将A同B相比;compare A to B 将A比喻成B(或将A同B相比)

  70. compared with/to … 与…相比

  71. 过着繁忙的生活 live busy lives

  72. 变的健康的唯一办法

  the only way to become fit

  73. 从长远看

  in the long term

  74. 不吃饭

  skip meals

  75. 增加你的集中注意力的能力

  increase your ability to concentrate

  76. 遵循上述的意见

  follow the suggestions above

  77. 立刻,马上

  in no time


  work out; go on a diet; fall out; take the risk; take in; cheer up;

  come across; put off; put on weight; think of; give up; donate to

  1. I like taking a walk in the woods and ____________ fresh air.

  2. When she heard that her mother was safe she immediately ______________.

  3. After taking this kind of medicine for some time, your friend’s hair might ______________.

  4. ___________ what had happened, he couldn’t fall asleep for a long time.

  5. I don't want to _____________ of meeting George, since he is so angry about what I said.

  6. If you want to keep fit, you should ____________ in a gym often.

  7. It’s a bad habit to __________ the work you are supposed to do right away.

  8. I ______________ an old friend while shopping in the supermarket yesterday.

  9. Though she isn’t overweight, she insists on _______________.

  10. The paintings _______________ the school by David were being displayed in the library.

  M1 Unit 3 基础知识复习4



  1. be good at … 在…方面(学得、做得)好;善于…

  2. be good to sb. 对某人好

  3. be good for…=do good to … 对… 有益/有用

  4. It’s no good doing sth. 做某事是没有益处的

  5. do exercise =take exercise 做运动 锻炼

  6. look/sound/smell/feel/taste + adj. 看起来/听起来/闻起来/感觉起来/尝起来…

  7. make sb. do 的被动语态 sb. be made to do

  READING: (P42~45)

  8. be dying/eager/longing to do sth. 非常渴望做某事;be dying for sth. 非常渴望某事

  9. hear from sb. 收到某人的来信;

  10. hear about/of … 听说… ;听到有关…的事

  11. used to


  12. be ashamed of (oneself for) doing sth. 因做了某事而觉得羞愧

  13. be ashamed to do sth. (因觉得羞愧)而不愿意做某事/不好意思做某事;因做了某事而感到羞耻

  14. to one’s shame 令人感到羞愧

  It’s a shame to do sth. 做某事是可耻的

  15. sth be popular with/among sb


  16. lose weight 减肥;put on weight 增加体重;发福 发胖

  17. need to do sth. 需要做某事

  18. need/require/want doing =need to be done (某物)需要被… (主动表达被动含义)

  19. needn’t have done 本没有必要做某事(实际上做了)

  20. There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)没必要做某事

  21. work at …从事于(研究、学习等);work on … 从事于(写作,创作等)

  22. work out 制定;解出 算出;运动 锻炼

  23. recover from … (神志、心态、健康等)从…回复到正常状态 recover oneself 恢复常态24. recover one’s strength/health 恢复体力/健康

  25. be embarrassed about


  26. A be a match for B=A match B


  27. match A with B 使A同B相称相配

  28. … be (well) worth doing

  …(很)值得做 (主动表达被动含义)

  29. … be worthy of + being done/to be done


  30. get in touch with … 同… 取得联系;keep in touch with … 同…保持联系

  31. go on diets /be on a diet 节食

  32. come across=run across/into (偶然)碰到 遇见you look great as you are 你目前的样子看起来很棒

  WORD POWER: (P46~47)

  33. join the party/army/WTO 入党/参军/加入世贸组织

  34. join sb (in sth/doing sth) 加入某人(一起做某事); join A to B 将A同B连接起来

  35. get out of … 从…里出来;推辞掉…;逃避…;放弃…now that


  get hurt


  36. build up 增强(体质等);建设起来(强调从无到有从弱到强)

  37. on one’s own 独自地 独立地;sth of one’s own=one’s own sth 某人自己的东西


  38. consider doing sth =think about doing sth 考虑做某事

  39. consider… (as) … =think of … as …=look on … as … 将…看作…;把…当成…

  40. consider…(to be) … 认为…是…;consider sb to do sth 认为某人做某事

  41. have an (good/bad) effect on … 对…有(好的/坏的)影响/作用/效果

  42. take risks/a risk 冒险;do sth at the risk of …冒着…的危险做某事

  43. risk doing sth 冒险做某事

  44. A marry B


  marry A to B 将A嫁给B

  45. get married 结婚(动作);be married 结婚了(状态)

  46. A get married to B

  A嫁给了B(动作);A be married to B


  47. put on 穿上 上演 增加; put out 扑灭(火等)

  48. put up with 忍受; put up 张贴 搭建(简易建筑)

  49. seem to be …似乎是…;seem to do …似乎做… ;seem as if … 看上去似乎…

  50. It seems (to sb) that … (在某人看来)似乎…

  51. pass by 路过

  close by 附近的

  TASK: (P52~57)

  51. what’s more =besides =moreover 还有 而且(作状语)

  52. make the most of sth (to do) =make the best use of sth (to do) 尽可能利用某物(去做某事)

  53. laugh at … / make fun of … 嘲笑 取笑 …

  54. call sb names 骂某人;call one’s name 喊某人的名字;call sb/sth … 称某人或某物为…

  PROJECT: (P58~59)

  55. try to do sth 努力去做某事(结果未必成功);

  56. try doing sth 尝试做某事(目的是寻求改变,强调换一种方法做某事,无需付出努力)

  57. take in 吸收/吸取 领会/听懂 欺骗

  58. take up 从事(某种活动或工作) 占据(时间、空间、注意力等)

  59. give up (doing sth ) 放弃(做某事);give up on … 对…绝望

  60. give in (to …) (向…)屈服/让步/投降;give out 分发/散发 筋疲力尽 用完

  61. concentrate on … 全神贯注于…;concentrate …on … 把…集中在…上

  62. a large amount of … =a great deal of …大量的 许多的 (只修饰不可数名词)

  63. in large /small amounts 大量地/少量地(坐状语)

  64. cause sth/sb to do sth 使某人做某事/导致某物…;cause … to sb 给某人带来(痛苦、麻烦)

  65. cause of … …的起因;reason for … …的原因/理由;excuse for … …的借口

  66. in no time 立刻/马上(和将来时连用)

  67. right now/away;at once;immediately 立刻 马上

  68. base A on/upon B 将A建立在B的基础;A be based on/upon B


  69. compare A with B 将A同B相比;compare A to B 将A比喻成B(或将A同B相比)

  70. compared with/to … 与…相比

  71. 过着繁忙的生活 live busy lives

  72. 变的健康的唯一办法

  the only way to become fit

  73. 从长远看

  in the long term

  74. 不吃饭

  skip meals

  75. 增加你的集中注意力的能力

  increase your ability to concentrate

  76. 遵循上述的意见

  follow the suggestions above

  77. 立刻,马上

  in no time


  work out; go on a diet; fall out; take the risk; take in; cheer up;

  come across; put off; put on weight; think of; give up; donate to

  1. I like taking a walk in the woods and ____________ fresh air.

  2. When she heard that her mother was safe she immediately ______________.

  3. After taking this kind of medicine for some time, your friend’s hair might ______________.

  4. ___________ what had happened, he couldn’t fall asleep for a long time.

  5. I don't want to _____________ of meeting George, since he is so angry about what I said.

  6. If you want to keep fit, you should ____________ in a gym often.

  7. It’s a bad habit to __________ the work you are supposed to do right away.

  8. I ______________ an old friend while shopping in the supermarket yesterday.

  9. Though she isn’t overweight, she insists on _______________.

  10. The paintings _______________ the school by David were being displayed in the library.



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