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2024届高考英语一轮复习课件: Unit 5(新人教版必修5)



  (3)我刚想出门电话就响了。 _____________________________________________  (4)我正要做饭,却发现没有米了。 _____________________________________________

  答案:(1)I was wandering through the streets when l caught sight of the guy who robbed me of my wallet the day before yesterday. (2)I had just sat down when the lights went out. (3)I was just about to go outside when the telephone rang. (4)I was on the point to cook when I found there was no rice. 6.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.(P38) 这表明简单的急救知识的确能发挥重要的作用。 ◆词语归纳 a knowledge of知道,了解,具有……知识 have no knowledge of对…… 一无所知 within(one,s) knowledge在……所能了解的范围内 come to sb.,s knowledge 被某人知道,为某人所熟悉 to sb.,s certain knowledge 据某人所知  to the best of my knowledge 就我所知 ◆即学即练 A.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1) ____________(我听说)that you have been spreading gossip(流言)about me. (2) ____________(据我所知) he is honest and reliable. (3)She married _______________ .(父母都不知道) (4)He has _______________ .(扎实的英语功底) 答案:

  (1)It has come to my knowledge (2)To the best of my knowledge  (3)without the knowledge of her parents (4)a good knowledge of English

  ◆归纳总结 make a difference对……有影响/起作用 make a great/big difference 对……有很大影响,关系重大 make little/no difference对……没影响,没所谓 make all the difference关系重大,大不相同 ◆即学即练 B.选用上述词语完成句子。 (1)A few kind words at the right time _____________. (2)What the teacher said at that time _____________ to his life and it was the time that he decided not to be a teacher in the future. (3)The rain _____________ and the players did their best to win the game. 答案:

  (1)make all the difference (2)made a great differenece (3)made little/no difference 写作步步高 如何介绍周边环境 写作指导:介绍周边环境的作文可介绍学校、医院、商场、企业、居住小区或某一特定建筑物等,属于说明文的范畴。在写作时,需认真审题,弄清需介绍对象的位置、结构、特点、用途、与其它同类事物相比有何优势,等等。要熟记表示方位的词语,如in the middle of, between, in front of, behind, beside, near等,常用一般现在时态进行写作。此外,要注意将众多信息整合为五个信息组,每个信息组用一个句子表达出来,各句之间注意衔接。 ◆活学活用 基础写作: 请你写一份售楼广告,介绍广州“世纪花园”。 写作内容: 广州世纪花园即将竣工开盘,公司要你写一份售楼广告,内容如下: 1.位于城郊,距离通往机场的高速公路仅一公里,交通方便。 2.高低层建筑齐全,不同居室供不同选择。 3.充足的绿地及停车场,环境优美。 4.学校、医院、餐馆和现代的购物中心比较齐全。 5.热线电话:020-88888885 写作要求: 1.必须用5个句子表达所有信息。 2.把五个句子组成一篇连贯的短文。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案: The Century Garden On Sale 

  The Century Garden lies in the suburb of Guangzhou, and




  away from the expressway to the airport and the transportation is very convenient. We have both








  for different







  fields and parking






  excellent. There







  and a modern


  center as well. The Century Garden is on






  information, please call our hotline: 020-88888885 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语 必修 5 Unit 5

  First aid

  考点要求 Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.救援,援助,帮助 n.&v.

  _____________ 2.坚定的,(动作)稳定有力的adj.

  _____________ 3.暂时的,临时的adj.

  _____________ 4.典礼,仪式,礼节n.

  _____________ 5.至关重要的,生死攸关的adj.

  _____________ 6.器官n.

  _____________ 7.屏障,障碍物n.

  _____________ 8.复杂的adj.

  _____________ 9.症状;征兆n.

  _____________ 10.轻微的,温和的,温柔的adj.

  _____________ 11.难于忍受的,不能容忍的adj.

  _____________ 12.流血vi.&vt.

  _____________ aid firmly temporary ceremony vital organ barrier complex symptom mild unbearable bleed Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.损伤,伤害(n.)_____________;损伤,伤害(v.) _____________;受伤的(adj.)_____________ 2.治疗;处理,对待(n.) ___________ ;处理,对待(v.) _____________ 3.电的;电动的(adj.)_____________;电(n.) _____________ 4.给;赠送;呈现(vt.)_____________;赠送;呈现 (n.) _____________ 5.压力;压,按,压迫(n.)_____________;压,按,压迫(v.)_____________ press injury injure injured treatment treat electric electricity present presentation pressure 6.勇敢(n.)__________;勇敢的(adj.)________ 7.血(n.)____________;流血(v.)_____________ 8.毒药(n.)________;有毒的(adj._____________ bravery brave blood bleed poison poisonous ◆活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.They were awarded medals for their ________(brave) in the war. 2.The passengers escaped from the accident with only minor___________ .(injure) 3.He ____________ himself to a long holiday before he received a special _________ for his nose.(treat) 4.I was only __________ interested in the story I read in the newspaper.(mild) 5.The storm caused great

  _____________to the crops.(damage) 6.

  _________this button to start the engine,(so) the ____________ of the water turns this wheel.(press) 7.The government ________ its report next week.(present)

  答案:1.bravery2.injuries3.treated;treatment 4.mildly5.damage6.Press;pressure7.is presenting Ⅲ.翻译下列必背短语 1.对某人实施急救

  ______________________ 2.保护

  ______________ 3.在适当的位置;适合

  ______________ 4.找到,得到

  _________________ 5.赠予某人某物

  _________________ 6.榨出,挤出

  ______________ 7.着火

  ______________ 8.坚持

  ______________ 9.生病

  ______________ 10.使……受到危害/损害

  __________________ 11.触电;电休克

  ______________ give/offer/do first aid to sb. protect from in place put one,s hand(s)on present sb.with sth. squeeze out catch fire stick to fall ill cause/do damage to electric shock  ◆活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1.I was caught in a heavy rain yesterday and I ________ a lot of water from my shirt.(press together using strength) 2.Flowers________ to a room.(make sth. look different) 3.We,re

  ____________ you to finish the job.(trust) 4.He raised his arm to _________the blow.(keep safe) 5.As he couldn,t _____________ a pencil, he had to use a stick instead. (find) 答案:1.squeezed out 2.make much difference 3.depending on

  4.protect from 5.put his hand on











   ◆活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1.It _____________ for almost a week and it,s reported that some places have been flooded. 2.He _____________ on a piece of toast when I entered his house and I told him to drink some water to make him better Ⅳ.单元重点动词 3.“Judging from the red face of the mayor, he _________,”

  said the police. 4.Unfortunately,when they arrived to help, they saw a knife deep into Tom,s chest—he _____________ to death. 5.In the total darkness, I stumbled and _____________ my ankle. 答案:1.has been pouring

  2.was choked 3.must have been poisoned

  4.was stabbed 5.sprained Ⅴ.重点句型

  There is no doubt that John,s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms.Slade,s life.(P38) 正是他快捷的动作和他在中学所学的急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命。 There is no doubt that...毫无疑问…… There is some doubt whether...是否……还有疑问 如: There is some doubt whether we can raise enough money for the project. 我们能否为这项工程筹集到足够的资金尚有疑问。 ◆活学活用 模仿造句。 1.他是否准时到还有疑问。 ______________________________________  2.毫无疑问,我们是能解决这个问题的。 ______________________________________  3.他的话是否是真,还是有些疑问。 ______________________________________  答案:1.There is some doubt whether he will come on time. 2.There is no doubt that we can solve this problem. 3.There is some doubt whether his words are true.

  Ⅵ.语篇领悟 根据课文First Aid For Burns完成下列短文

  First aid is the kind of help


  to someone


  falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can


  (find).Of course, the illness or injury is not serious. Now let,s talk aboutFIRST AID for burns. You have three layers of skin that protect yourself


  diseases, poisons and the harmful rays


  the sun. Your skin also gives you your


  of touch. First aid is a very important step in the


  (treat).People can get burned by many things,


  hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, etc. There 答案:1.given 2.who 3.be found 4.against/from 5.from

  6.sense 7.treatment 8.such as/like 9.which

  10.way are three types of burns. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns, depending on


  layers are burned. Different degree burn can be treated in a different


  .Let,s keep these things in mind.

  Ⅶ.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文

  Brian的经历说明了掌握一些急救知识的确能够发挥重要的作用。Brian正在房里学习,突然厨房里传来了一声尖叫。他冲出去一看,发现他妈妈在煮饭的时候给烫伤了。她的手腕起水泡了,表面有水。Brian想起了在学校里学到的东西。首先,他把妈妈身上靠近创面的衣服取掉。接着,他把干净的布放入冷水中,拧出水后再放在烧伤面上,这样反反复复直到她不太痛时为止。最后,他找到一块干而且清洁的绷带盖住烧伤面,用胶布把绷带固定,然后跟妈妈去找医生。医生说,如果没有Brian做的紧急处理的话,妈妈的手会烫伤得更厉害。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Brian,s experience shows a knowledge of first aid does make a difference. Brian was studying in his room when he heard screaming from the kitchen. He rushed out and found his mother got burned while cooking. Her wrist blistered and became watery. Brian remembered what he learned at school. First, he took off clothes that his mother was wearing near the burns. Then, he put clean cloth in the cold water, squeezed water out and placed it on the burned area over and over again until the pain was not so bad. At last, he put his hands on a dry, clean bandage, held the bandage in place to the burned area and went to the doctor with his mother. The doctor said the burns would have done more damage to his mother,s hand without the first aid Brian gave to her. 自主学习 1.First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.(P33) 急救就是某人突然病倒或受伤而医生不能马上找到时给予病人的那种临时的帮助。 阅读下列句子,注意aid的搭配及意思。 At Christmas, many organizations aid the poor. (vt.帮助;援助) Teachers give their lessons with the aid of computers. (n.帮助;援助) He raised money in aid of the sick. (n.帮助) ◆词语归纳 give/offer aid 援助 come to sb.,s aid 帮助某人 a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护 with the aid of 借助于,在……的帮助下  in aid of sb.帮助某人 aid sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 ◆即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)_____________(在……帮助下)the town government, our village built a new school. (2)They _____________ the poor country _____________(援助)money then. (3)The company donated one million yuan _____________

  (救助)the victims in the earthquake. 答案:(1)With the aid of


  (3)to aid 2.You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun,s harmful rays.(P33) 皮肤有三层,它们是防病、防毒、抵御太阳有害光线侵害的一道屏障。 阅读下列句子,注意barrier 的搭配及意思。 Poor health and lack of money may both be barriers to educational progress.( n .障碍,防碍因素) 健康不佳和没有钱都可以成为教育进步的障碍。 Fans broke through the barriers and rushed onto the pitch. ( n .栅栏;屏障)球迷冲破护栏闯进球场。 ◆词语归纳 trade barrier [常用复]贸易堡垒  the language barrier语言上的隔阂 set up a barrier between 在……中间设置障碍 break down barriers 消除隔阂 ◆即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)The dam is the last _____________(屏障)against a flood. (2)The country is always imposing _____________(贸易壁垒)on certain goods. (3)We,re trying to _____________(消除隔阂)between young people from both communities. 答案:(1)barrier

  (2)trade barrier (3)break down barriers

  3.Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree, depending on which layers of the skin are burned.(P34) 根据皮肤烧伤的层次有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。 ◆词语归纳 depend on/upon依靠,依赖,相信,取决于 depend on/upon+wh从句

  视……而定,取决于 depend on/upon+n.依靠,依赖,相信 depend on/upon+sb.+to do 指望某人做…… depend on/upon+it+that...指望…… That (all) depends. /It all depends.(口语)视情况而定 (单独使用或置于句首)。 ◆即学即练 翻译下列句子。 (1)你不能永远依赖你的父母。 _________________________________________  (2)我能帮你,但那要看情况而定。 _________________________________________  (3)这要取决于你是否到这儿。 _________________________________________ 答案: (1)You can,t depend on your parents forever. (2)I may help you. But that/it depends. (3)It depends on/upon whether you come here or not.

  4.John was presented with this reward at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.(P38) 在颁奖大会上,约翰被授予奖赏,大会表彰了抢救别人生命的十个人的勇敢行为。 阅读下列句子,注意present的搭配及意思。 When Mr.Brown left the firm, the director presented a gold watch to him/him with a gold watch. (vt.颁发,授予) When are the committees presenting their report? (vt.提出,呈递) ◆词语归纳 present n.礼物,目前 adj.在场,出席,当前的 v.颁发,授予,赠给 present sth.to sb.

  授予/赠给某人某物 present sb.with sth.

  授予/赠给某人某物 at present

  目前;现在 for the present

  暂时;暂且 be present at


  ◆即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)John_____________(授予)his award at a ceremony which recognized his bravery of saving the life of 3 classmates in the earthquake. (2)On Teachers,Day, our class will_____________(赠花)to our teachers. (3)The general manager will_____________ a report ____________ (呈递给)the Board of Directors(董事会)of the company. 答案:(1)was presented with

  (2)present some flowers (3)present,to

  5.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. when作并列连词相当于and then意为”正当……时突然”,常用于以下句型: be doing...when...正在做……突然 be about to do...when...即将做……突然 be on the point to do...when...正要去做……突然 ◆即学即练 将下列句子译成英语。 (1)我当时正在街上闲逛,突然看到前天抢我钱包的家伙。 _____________________________________________  (2)我刚坐下灯就灭了。 _____________________________________________ 高考总复习·人教版·英语

  (3)我刚想出门电话就响了。 _____________________________________________  (4)我正要做饭,却发现没有米了。 _____________________________________________

  答案:(1)I was wandering through the streets when l caught sight of the guy who robbed me of my wallet the day before yesterday. (2)I had just sat down when the lights went out. (3)I was just about to go outside when the telephone rang. (4)I was on the point to cook when I found there was no rice. 6.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.(P38) 这表明简单的急救知识的确能发挥重要的作用。 ◆词语归纳 a knowledge of知道,了解,具有……知识 have no knowledge of对…… 一无所知 within(one,s) knowledge在……所能了解的范围内 come to sb.,s knowledge 被某人知道,为某人所熟悉 to sb.,s certain knowledge 据某人所知  to the best of my knowledge 就我所知 ◆即学即练 A.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1) ____________(我听说)that you have been spreading gossip(流言)about me. (2) ____________(据我所知) he is honest and reliable. (3)She married _______________ .(父母都不知道) (4)He has _______________ .(扎实的英语功底) 答案:

  (1)It has come to my knowledge (2)To the best of my knowledge  (3)without the knowledge of her parents (4)a good knowledge of English

  ◆归纳总结 make a difference对……有影响/起作用 make a great/big difference 对……有很大影响,关系重大 make little/no difference对……没影响,没所谓 make all the difference关系重大,大不相同 ◆即学即练 B.选用上述词语完成句子。 (1)A few kind words at the right time _____________. (2)What the teacher said at that time _____________ to his life and it was the time that he decided not to be a teacher in the future. (3)The rain _____________ and the players did their best to win the game. 答案:

  (1)make all the difference (2)made a great differenece (3)made little/no difference 写作步步高 如何介绍周边环境 写作指导:介绍周边环境的作文可介绍学校、医院、商场、企业、居住小区或某一特定建筑物等,属于说明文的范畴。在写作时,需认真审题,弄清需介绍对象的位置、结构、特点、用途、与其它同类事物相比有何优势,等等。要熟记表示方位的词语,如in the middle of, between, in front of, behind, beside, near等,常用一般现在时态进行写作。此外,要注意将众多信息整合为五个信息组,每个信息组用一个句子表达出来,各句之间注意衔接。 ◆活学活用 基础写作: 请你写一份售楼广告,介绍广州“世纪花园”。 写作内容: 广州世纪花园即将竣工开盘,公司要你写一份售楼广告,内容如下: 1.位于城郊,距离通往机场的高速公路仅一公里,交通方便。 2.高低层建筑齐全,不同居室供不同选择。 3.充足的绿地及停车场,环境优美。 4.学校、医院、餐馆和现代的购物中心比较齐全。 5.热线电话:020-88888885 写作要求: 1.必须用5个句子表达所有信息。 2.把五个句子组成一篇连贯的短文。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案: The Century Garden On Sale 

  The Century Garden lies in the suburb of Guangzhou, and




  away from the expressway to the airport and the transportation is very convenient. We have both








  for different







  fields and parking






  excellent. There







  and a modern


  center as well. The Century Garden is on






  information, please call our hotline: 020-88888885 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语 必修 5 Unit 5

  First aid

  考点要求 Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.救援,援助,帮助 n.&v.

  _____________ 2.坚定的,(动作)稳定有力的adj.

  _____________ 3.暂时的,临时的adj.

  _____________ 4.典礼,仪式,礼节n.

  _____________ 5.至关重要的,生死攸关的adj.

  _____________ 6.器官n.

  _____________ 7.屏障,障碍物n.

  _____________ 8.复杂的adj.

  _____________ 9.症状;征兆n.

  _____________ 10.轻微的,温和的,温柔的adj.

  _____________ 11.难于忍受的,不能容忍的adj.

  _____________ 12.流血vi.&vt.

  _____________ aid firmly temporary ceremony vital organ barrier complex symptom mild unbearable bleed Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.损伤,伤害(n.)_____________;损伤,伤害(v.) _____________;受伤的(adj.)_____________ 2.治疗;处理,对待(n.) ___________ ;处理,对待(v.) _____________ 3.电的;电动的(adj.)_____________;电(n.) _____________ 4.给;赠送;呈现(vt.)_____________;赠送;呈现 (n.) _____________ 5.压力;压,按,压迫(n.)_____________;压,按,压迫(v.)_____________ press injury injure injured treatment treat electric electricity present presentation pressure 6.勇敢(n.)__________;勇敢的(adj.)________ 7.血(n.)____________;流血(v.)_____________ 8.毒药(n.)________;有毒的(adj._____________ bravery brave blood bleed poison poisonous ◆活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.They were awarded medals for their ________(brave) in the war. 2.The passengers escaped from the accident with only minor___________ .(injure) 3.He ____________ himself to a long holiday before he received a special _________ for his nose.(treat) 4.I was only __________ interested in the story I read in the newspaper.(mild) 5.The storm caused great

  _____________to the crops.(damage) 6.

  _________this button to start the engine,(so) the ____________ of the water turns this wheel.(press) 7.The government ________ its report next week.(present)

  答案:1.bravery2.injuries3.treated;treatment 4.mildly5.damage6.Press;pressure7.is presenting Ⅲ.翻译下列必背短语 1.对某人实施急救

  ______________________ 2.保护

  ______________ 3.在适当的位置;适合

  ______________ 4.找到,得到

  _________________ 5.赠予某人某物

  _________________ 6.榨出,挤出

  ______________ 7.着火

  ______________ 8.坚持

  ______________ 9.生病

  ______________ 10.使……受到危害/损害

  __________________ 11.触电;电休克

  ______________ give/offer/do first aid to sb. protect from in place put one,s hand(s)on present sb.with sth. squeeze out catch fire stick to fall ill cause/do damage to electric shock  ◆活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1.I was caught in a heavy rain yesterday and I ________ a lot of water from my shirt.(press together using strength) 2.Flowers________ to a room.(make sth. look different) 3.We,re

  ____________ you to finish the job.(trust) 4.He raised his arm to _________the blow.(keep safe) 5.As he couldn,t _____________ a pencil, he had to use a stick instead. (find) 答案:1.squeezed out 2.make much difference 3.depending on

  4.protect from 5.put his hand on











   ◆活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1.It _____________ for almost a week and it,s reported that some places have been flooded. 2.He _____________ on a piece of toast when I entered his house and I told him to drink some water to make him better Ⅳ.单元重点动词 3.“Judging from the red face of the mayor, he _________,”

  said the police. 4.Unfortunately,when they arrived to help, they saw a knife deep into Tom,s chest—he _____________ to death. 5.In the total darkness, I stumbled and _____________ my ankle. 答案:1.has been pouring

  2.was choked 3.must have been poisoned

  4.was stabbed 5.sprained Ⅴ.重点句型

  There is no doubt that John,s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms.Slade,s life.(P38) 正是他快捷的动作和他在中学所学的急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命。 There is no doubt that...毫无疑问…… There is some doubt whether...是否……还有疑问 如: There is some doubt whether we can raise enough money for the project. 我们能否为这项工程筹集到足够的资金尚有疑问。 ◆活学活用 模仿造句。 1.他是否准时到还有疑问。 ______________________________________  2.毫无疑问,我们是能解决这个问题的。 ______________________________________  3.他的话是否是真,还是有些疑问。 ______________________________________  答案:1.There is some doubt whether he will come on time. 2.There is no doubt that we can solve this problem. 3.There is some doubt whether his words are true.

  Ⅵ.语篇领悟 根据课文First Aid For Burns完成下列短文

  First aid is the kind of help


  to someone


  falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can


  (find).Of course, the illness or injury is not serious. Now let,s talk aboutFIRST AID for burns. You have three layers of skin that protect yourself


  diseases, poisons and the harmful rays


  the sun. Your skin also gives you your


  of touch. First aid is a very important step in the


  (treat).People can get burned by many things,


  hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, etc. There 答案:1.given 2.who 3.be found 4.against/from 5.from

  6.sense 7.treatment 8.such as/like 9.which

  10.way are three types of burns. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns, depending on


  layers are burned. Different degree burn can be treated in a different


  .Let,s keep these things in mind.

  Ⅶ.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文

  Brian的经历说明了掌握一些急救知识的确能够发挥重要的作用。Brian正在房里学习,突然厨房里传来了一声尖叫。他冲出去一看,发现他妈妈在煮饭的时候给烫伤了。她的手腕起水泡了,表面有水。Brian想起了在学校里学到的东西。首先,他把妈妈身上靠近创面的衣服取掉。接着,他把干净的布放入冷水中,拧出水后再放在烧伤面上,这样反反复复直到她不太痛时为止。最后,他找到一块干而且清洁的绷带盖住烧伤面,用胶布把绷带固定,然后跟妈妈去找医生。医生说,如果没有Brian做的紧急处理的话,妈妈的手会烫伤得更厉害。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Brian,s experience shows a knowledge of first aid does make a difference. Brian was studying in his room when he heard screaming from the kitchen. He rushed out and found his mother got burned while cooking. Her wrist blistered and became watery. Brian remembered what he learned at school. First, he took off clothes that his mother was wearing near the burns. Then, he put clean cloth in the cold water, squeezed water out and placed it on the burned area over and over again until the pain was not so bad. At last, he put his hands on a dry, clean bandage, held the bandage in place to the burned area and went to the doctor with his mother. The doctor said the burns would have done more damage to his mother,s hand without the first aid Brian gave to her. 自主学习 1.First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.(P33) 急救就是某人突然病倒或受伤而医生不能马上找到时给予病人的那种临时的帮助。 阅读下列句子,注意aid的搭配及意思。 At Christmas, many organizations aid the poor. (vt.帮助;援助) Teachers give their lessons with the aid of computers. (n.帮助;援助) He raised money in aid of the sick. (n.帮助) ◆词语归纳 give/offer aid 援助 come to sb.,s aid 帮助某人 a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护 with the aid of 借助于,在……的帮助下  in aid of sb.帮助某人 aid sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 ◆即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)_____________(在……帮助下)the town government, our village built a new school. (2)They _____________ the poor country _____________(援助)money then. (3)The company donated one million yuan _____________

  (救助)the victims in the earthquake. 答案:(1)With the aid of


  (3)to aid 2.You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun,s harmful rays.(P33) 皮肤有三层,它们是防病、防毒、抵御太阳有害光线侵害的一道屏障。 阅读下列句子,注意barrier 的搭配及意思。 Poor health and lack of money may both be barriers to educational progress.( n .障碍,防碍因素) 健康不佳和没有钱都可以成为教育进步的障碍。 Fans broke through the barriers and rushed onto the pitch. ( n .栅栏;屏障)球迷冲破护栏闯进球场。 ◆词语归纳 trade barrier [常用复]贸易堡垒  the language barrier语言上的隔阂 set up a barrier between 在……中间设置障碍 break down barriers 消除隔阂 ◆即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)The dam is the last _____________(屏障)against a flood. (2)The country is always imposing _____________(贸易壁垒)on certain goods. (3)We,re trying to _____________(消除隔阂)between young people from both communities. 答案:(1)barrier

  (2)trade barrier (3)break down barriers

  3.Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree, depending on which layers of the skin are burned.(P34) 根据皮肤烧伤的层次有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。 ◆词语归纳 depend on/upon依靠,依赖,相信,取决于 depend on/upon+wh从句

  视……而定,取决于 depend on/upon+n.依靠,依赖,相信 depend on/upon+sb.+to do 指望某人做…… depend on/upon+it+that...指望…… That (all) depends. /It all depends.(口语)视情况而定 (单独使用或置于句首)。 ◆即学即练 翻译下列句子。 (1)你不能永远依赖你的父母。 _________________________________________  (2)我能帮你,但那要看情况而定。 _________________________________________  (3)这要取决于你是否到这儿。 _________________________________________ 答案: (1)You can,t depend on your parents forever. (2)I may help you. But that/it depends. (3)It depends on/upon whether you come here or not.

  4.John was presented with this reward at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.(P38) 在颁奖大会上,约翰被授予奖赏,大会表彰了抢救别人生命的十个人的勇敢行为。 阅读下列句子,注意present的搭配及意思。 When Mr.Brown left the firm, the director presented a gold watch to him/him with a gold watch. (vt.颁发,授予) When are the committees presenting their report? (vt.提出,呈递) ◆词语归纳 present n.礼物,目前 adj.在场,出席,当前的 v.颁发,授予,赠给 present sth.to sb.

  授予/赠给某人某物 present sb.with sth.

  授予/赠给某人某物 at present

  目前;现在 for the present

  暂时;暂且 be present at


  ◆即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)John_____________(授予)his award at a ceremony which recognized his bravery of saving the life of 3 classmates in the earthquake. (2)On Teachers,Day, our class will_____________(赠花)to our teachers. (3)The general manager will_____________ a report ____________ (呈递给)the Board of Directors(董事会)of the company. 答案:(1)was presented with

  (2)present some flowers (3)present,to

  5.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. when作并列连词相当于and then意为”正当……时突然”,常用于以下句型: be doing...when...正在做……突然 be about to do...when...即将做……突然 be on the point to do...when...正要去做……突然 ◆即学即练 将下列句子译成英语。 (1)我当时正在街上闲逛,突然看到前天抢我钱包的家伙。 _____________________________________________  (2)我刚坐下灯就灭了。 _____________________________________________ 高考总复习·人教版·英语



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